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Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2011-11-29 16:07:34 +01:00
parent f21e0a8145
commit f80723b7d8

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@ -15,55 +15,53 @@
-- This is the only set of 4-digit numbers with this property.
-- Find the sum of the only ordered set of six cyclic 4-digit numbers for which each polygonal type: triangle, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, and octagonal, is represented by a different number in the set.
import Data.List (sort,(\\) )
triangles, squares, pentagonals, hexagonals, heptagonals, octagonals :: [Int]
triangles = map (\ n -> (n * (n+1)) `div` 2) [0..]
squares = map (\ n -> n^2) [0..]
pentagonals = map (\ n -> n*(3*n - 1)`div`2) [0..]
hexagonals = map (\ n -> n*(2*n - 1)) [0..]
heptagonals = map (\ n -> n*(5*n - 3)`div`2) [0..]
octagonals = map (\ n -> n*(3*n - 2)) [0..]
triangles = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> (n * (n+1)) `div` 2) [0..]
squares = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> n^2) [0..]
pentagonals = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> n*(3*n - 1)`div`2) [0..]
hexagonals = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> n*(2*n - 1)) [0..]
heptagonals = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> n*(5*n - 3)`div`2) [0..]
octagonals = fourNumbers $ map (\ n -> n*(3*n - 2)) [0..]
fourNumbers :: [Int] -> [Int]
fourNumbers = takeWhile (<10000) . dropWhile (<1000)
polynumbers=[triangles,squares,pentagonals, hexagonals, heptagonals, octagonals]
interestingNumbers=map (filter (\x -> x<10000 && x>999)) polynumbers
inum = concatMap (filter (\x -> x<10000 && x>999)) polynumbers
inum = sort $ concat polynumbers
-- compatibles 1234 [3212,3412,1123] => [3412]
-- last two digit of x are equal to first to digit of element of the list
compatibles x = filter (\y -> (x `rem` 100) == (y `div` 100))
isCompatible :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isCompatible x y = (x `rem` 100) == (y `div` 100)
compatibles :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
compatibles x = filter (isCompatible x)
sub :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
-- sub x = compatibles x $ dropWhile (<= x) $ inum
sub x i = compatibles x $ interestingNumbers !! i
solution2 = do
x <- inum
let m = compatibles x $ dropWhile (<= x) $ inum
y <- m
let n = compatibles y $ dropWhile (<= y) $ inum
z <- n
let o = compatibles z $ dropWhile (<= z) $ inum
t <- o
let p = compatibles t $ dropWhile (<= t) $ inum
u <- p
let q = compatibles u $ dropWhile (<= u) $ inum
v <- q
let r = compatibles v [x]
w <- r
return [w,y,z,t,u,v]
solution = do
x <- interestingNumbers !! 0
let m = compatibles x $ dropWhile (<= x) $ interestingNumbers !! 1
y <- m
let n = compatibles y $ dropWhile (<= y) $ interestingNumbers !! 2
z <- n
let o = compatibles z $ dropWhile (<= z) $ interestingNumbers !! 3
t <- o
let p = compatibles t $ dropWhile (<= t) $ interestingNumbers !! 4
u <- p
let q = compatibles u $ dropWhile (<= u) $ interestingNumbers !! 5
v <- q
let r = compatibles v [x]
w <- r
return [w,y,z,t,u,v]
i <- [0..5]
x <- interestingNumbers !! i
j <- [0..5] \\ [i]
y <- sub x j
k <- [0..5] \\ [i,j]
z <- sub y k
l <- [0..5] \\ [i,j,k]
t <- sub z l
m <- [0..5] \\ [i,j,k,l]
u <- sub t m
n <- [0..5] \\ [i,j,k,l,m]
v <- sub u n
if isCompatible v x
return [x,y,z,t,u,v]
return []
main = do
print $ head solution2
print $ sort $ map sum $ filter (/=[]) solution2