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2011-11-24 16:03:53 +00:00
import Data.List
type YInt = Int
collatz :: YInt -> YInt
collatz n
| n < 0 = 1
| even n = n `quot` 2
| otherwise = 3 * n + 1
-- The l `seq` is necessary to not be lazy (non-strict)
-- And not to fill the stack
lencollatz' :: YInt -> YInt -> YInt
lencollatz' l 1 = l
lencollatz' l n = l `seq` lencollatz' (l + 1) (collatz n)
lencollatz = lencollatz' 0
-- The j `seq` is necessary to not be lazy (non-strict)
-- And not to fill the stack
maximalIndex :: (YInt, YInt) -> YInt -> [YInt] -> (YInt, YInt)
maximalIndex (m, i) j [] = (m, i)
maximalIndex (m, i) j (x : xs) = j `seq` maximalIndex res (j + 1) xs
where res = if x > m then (x, j) else (m, i)
showCollatz :: YInt -> String
showCollatz 1 = "1"
showCollatz n = show n ++ "" ++ showCollatz ( collatz n )
pure (Just x) = x
main = do
putStrLn $ "max len: " ++ show m
putStrLn $ "max value: " ++ show i
-- print mrec
-- print irec
-- putStrLn $ showCollatz $ toInteger i
array = map lencollatz [1 .. 1000000]
m = maximum array
i = 1 + pure (elemIndex m array)
(mrec, irec) = maximalIndex (0, 0) 1 array