2020-03-30 12:06:21 -05:00

94 lines
2.9 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Main where
import Types
import Model
import ModelCustom
import qualified Database.Persist as P
import qualified Database.Persist.Sqlite as P
import ClassyPrelude
import Lens.Micro
import Options.Generic
data MigrationOpts
= CreateDB { conn :: Text }
| CreateUser { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, userPassword :: Text
, privateDefault :: Maybe Bool
, archiveDefault :: Maybe Bool
, privacyLock :: Maybe Bool }
| DeleteUser { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text }
| ImportBookmarks { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, bookmarkFile :: FilePath }
| ExportBookmarks { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, bookmarkFile :: FilePath }
| ImportNotes { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, noteDirectory :: FilePath }
| PrintMigrateDB { conn :: Text }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ParseRecord MigrationOpts
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getRecord "Migrations"
case args of
PrintMigrateDB {..} ->
P.runSqlite conn dumpMigration
CreateDB {..} -> do
let connInfo = P.mkSqliteConnectionInfo conn
& set P.fkEnabled False
P.runSqliteInfo connInfo runMigrations
CreateUser{..} ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
hash' <- liftIO (hashPassword userPassword)
void $ P.upsertBy
(UniqueUserName userName)
(User userName hash' Nothing False False False)
[ UserPasswordHash P.=. hash'
, UserApiToken P.=. Nothing
, UserPrivateDefault P.=. fromMaybe False privateDefault
, UserArchiveDefault P.=. fromMaybe False archiveDefault
, UserPrivacyLock P.=. fromMaybe False privacyLock
pure () :: DB ()
DeleteUser {..} ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName userName)
case muser of
Nothing -> liftIO (print (userName ++ "not found"))
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> do
P.deleteCascade uid
pure () :: DB ()
ImportBookmarks {..} ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName userName)
case muser of
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> insertFileBookmarks uid bookmarkFile
Nothing -> liftIO (print (userName ++ "not found"))
ExportBookmarks {..} ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName userName)
case muser of
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> exportFileBookmarks uid bookmarkFile
Nothing -> liftIO (print (userName ++ "not found"))
ImportNotes {..} ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName userName)
case muser of
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> insertDirFileNotes uid noteDirectory
Nothing -> liftIO (print (userName ++ "not found"))