name: espial synopsis: Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server. version: "0.0.9" description: ! ' Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server. - Yesod + PureScript + sqlite3 - multi-user (w/ privacy scopes) - tags, stars, editing, deleting ' category: Web author: Jon Schoning maintainer: copyright: Copyright (c) 2018 Jon Schoning license: AGPL-3 license-file: LICENSE homepage: git: git:// bug-reports: extra-source-files: - - - config/favicon.ico - config/keter.yml - config/robots.txt - config/routes - config/settings.yml - config/test-settings.yml - templates/** - static/css/** - static/images/** - static/js/** - purs/Makefile - purs/packages.dhall - purs/spago.dhall - purs/src/** - purs/src/**/Component/** - purs/test/** default-extensions: - BangPatterns - BlockArguments - CPP - ConstraintKinds - DataKinds - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveGeneric - DerivingStrategies - EmptyDataDecls - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - InstanceSigs - KindSignatures - LambdaCase - MultiParamTypeClasses - MultiWayIf - NoImplicitPrelude - OverloadedStrings - PolyKinds - PolymorphicComponents - PartialTypeSignatures - QuasiQuotes - Rank2Types - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - TemplateHaskell - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - TypeSynonymInstances - UndecidableInstances - ViewPatterns dependencies: # Due to a bug in GHC 8.0.1, we block its usage # See: - base >= && <4.9 || >= && <5 - yesod >=1.6 && <1.7 - yesod-core >=1.6 && <1.7 - yesod-auth >=1.6 && <1.7 - yesod-static >=1.6 && <1.7 - yesod-form >=1.6 && <1.7 - yesod-newsfeed >= 1.6 && < 1.8 - classy-prelude >=1.4 && <1.6 - classy-prelude-conduit >=1.4 && <1.6 - classy-prelude-yesod >=1.4 && <1.6 - bytestring >=0.9 && <0.11 - text >=0.11 && <2.0 - persistent >=2.8 && <2.12 - blaze-html >= 0.9 && < 1.0 - persistent-template >=2.5 && <2.10 - template-haskell - shakespeare >=2.0 && <2.1 - hjsmin >=0.1 && <0.3 - wai-extra >=3.0 && <3.2 - yaml >=0.8 && <0.12 - http-client-tls >=0.3 && <0.4 - http-conduit >=2.3 && <2.4 - directory >=1.1 && <1.4 - warp >=3.0 && <3.4 - data-default - conduit >=1.0 && <2.0 - monad-logger >=0.3 && <0.4 - fast-logger >=2.2 && <4 - wai-logger >=2.2 && <2.4 - file-embed - safe - unordered-containers - containers - vector - time - case-insensitive - wai - foreign-store - aeson >=1.4 - attoparsec - bcrypt >= 0.0.8 - entropy - esqueleto - hscolour - http-api-data >= 0.3.4 - http-client - http-types - iso8601-time >=0.1.3 - microlens - mtl - persistent-sqlite >=2.6.2 - pretty-show - transformers >= 0.2.2 - parser-combinators - html-entities - connection # The library contains all of our application code. The executable # defined below is just a thin wrapper. library: source-dirs: src when: - condition: (flag(dev)) || (flag(library-only)) then: ghc-options: - -Wall - -fwarn-tabs - -O0 cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT else: ghc-options: - -Wall - -fwarn-tabs - -O2 # Runnable executable for our application executables: espial: main: main.hs source-dirs: app ghc-options: - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - espial when: - condition: flag(library-only) buildable: false migration: when: - condition: flag(library-only) buildable: false main: Main.hs source-dirs: - app/migration ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - espial - optparse-generic >= 1.2.3 # Test suite tests: test: main: Spec.hs source-dirs: test ghc-options: -Wall dependencies: - espial - hspec >=2.0.0 - yesod-test # Define flags used by "yesod devel" to make compilation faster flags: library-only: description: Build for use with "yesod devel" manual: false default: false dev: description: Turn on development settings, like auto-reload templates. manual: false default: false