This commit is contained in:
Jon Schoning 2021-08-02 14:46:15 -05:00
parent e083a977a8
commit c7e5d5c3ad
9 changed files with 133 additions and 136 deletions

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ getAddViewR = do
userId <- requireAuthId
murl <- lookupGetParam "url"
mformdb <- runDB (pure . fmap _toBookmarkForm =<< fetchBookmarkByUrl userId murl)
mformdb <- runDB (fmap _toBookmarkForm <$> fetchBookmarkByUrl userId murl)
formurl <- bookmarkFormUrl
let renderEl = "addForm" :: Text
@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ getAddViewR = do
bookmarkFormUrl :: Handler BookmarkForm
bookmarkFormUrl = do
Entity _ user <- requireAuth
url <- lookupGetParam "url" >>= pure . fromMaybe ""
url <- lookupGetParam "url" <&> fromMaybe ""
title <- lookupGetParam "title"
description <- lookupGetParam "description" >>= pure . fmap Textarea
description <- lookupGetParam "description" <&> fmap Textarea
tags <- lookupGetParam "tags"
private <- lookupGetParam "private" >>= pure . fmap parseChk <&> (<|> Just (userPrivateDefault user))
toread <- lookupGetParam "toread" >>= pure . fmap parseChk
private <- lookupGetParam "private" <&> fmap parseChk <&> (<|> Just (userPrivateDefault user))
toread <- lookupGetParam "toread" <&> fmap parseChk
pure $
{ _url = url

View file

@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ import Network.Wai (requestHeaderHost)
import qualified Network.Connection as NC
shouldArchiveBookmark :: User -> Key Bookmark -> Handler Bool
shouldArchiveBookmark user kbid = do
shouldArchiveBookmark user kbid =
runDB (get kbid) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure False
Just bm -> do
pure $
(isNothing $ bookmarkArchiveHref bm) &&
(bookmarkShared bm)
isNothing (bookmarkArchiveHref bm) &&
bookmarkShared bm
&& not (_isArchiveBlacklisted bm)
&& userArchiveDefault user
getArchiveManager :: Handler Manager
getArchiveManager = do
appSettings <- pure . appSettings =<< getYesod
appSettings <- appSettings <$> getYesod
let mSocks =
NC.SockSettingsSimple <$>
fmap unpack (appArchiveSocksProxyHost appSettings) <*>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ archiveBookmarkUrl kbid url =
`catch` (\(e::SomeException) -> ($(logError) $ ( e) >> throwIO e)
_isArchiveBlacklisted :: Bookmark -> Bool
_isArchiveBlacklisted (Bookmark {..}) =
_isArchiveBlacklisted Bookmark {..} =
[ "hulu"
, "livestream"
, "netflix"
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ _isArchiveBlacklisted (Bookmark {..}) =
_parseRefreshHeaderUrl :: ByteString -> Maybe Text
_parseRefreshHeaderUrl h = do
let u = BS8.drop 1 $ BS8.dropWhile (/= '=') h
if (not (null u))
if not (null u)
then Just $ decodeUtf8 u
else Nothing
@ -95,10 +95,9 @@ _fetchArchiveSubmitInfo = do
_parseSubstring :: AP8.Parser ByteString -> AP8.Parser Char -> BS.ByteString -> Either String String
_parseSubstring start inner res = do
(flip AP8.parseOnly) res (skipAnyTill start >> AP8.many1 inner)
_parseSubstring start inner = AP8.parseOnly (skipAnyTill start >> AP8.many1 inner)
skipAnyTill end = go where go = end *> pure () <|> AP8.anyChar *> go
skipAnyTill end = go where go = end $> () <|> AP8.anyChar *> go
fetchPageTitle :: String -> Handler (Either String Text)
@ -113,13 +112,13 @@ fetchPageTitle url =
pure (Left (show e)))
parseTitle bs =
(flip AP.parseOnly) bs do
flip AP.parseOnly bs do
_ <- skipAnyTill (AP.string "<title")
_ <- skipAnyTill (AP.string ">")
let lt = toEnum (ord '<')
AP.takeTill (== lt)
decodeHtmlBs = toStrict . toLazyText . htmlEncodedText . decodeUtf8
skipAnyTill end = go where go = end *> pure () <|> AP.anyWord8 *> go
skipAnyTill end = go where go = end $> () <|> AP.anyWord8 *> go
_buildArchiveSubmitRequest :: (String, String) -> String -> Handler NH.Request
_buildArchiveSubmitRequest (action, submitId) href = do
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ _buildArchiveSubmitRequest (action, submitId) href = do
, NH.requestBody =
NH.RequestBodyLBS $
(([("submitid", submitId), ("url", href)]) :: [(String, String)])
([("submitid", submitId), ("url", href)] :: [(String, String)])
, NH.redirectCount = 0
@ -145,6 +144,6 @@ buildRequest url = do
_archiveUserAgent :: Handler ByteString
_archiveUserAgent = do
mHost <- pure . requestHeaderHost . reqWaiRequest =<< getRequest
pure $ ("espial-" <>) (maybe "" (BS8.takeWhile (/= ':')) mHost)
mHost <- requestHeaderHost . reqWaiRequest <$> getRequest
pure $ "espial-" <> maybe "" (BS8.takeWhile (/= ':')) mHost

View file

@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ lookupPagingParams =
getUrlParam :: (Read a) => Text -> Handler (Maybe a)
getUrlParam name = do
p <- fmap parseMaybe (lookupGetParam name)
pure p
fmap parseMaybe (lookupGetParam name)
parseMaybe x = readMaybe . unpack =<< x

View file

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ module Handler.Docs where
import Import
getDocsSearchR :: Handler Html
getDocsSearchR = popupLayout $
getDocsSearchR = popupLayout
$(widgetFile "docs-search")

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Handler.Notes where
import Import
@ -16,8 +17,8 @@ getNotesR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
mquery <- lookupGetParam queryp
let limit = maybe 20 fromIntegral limit'
page = maybe 1 fromIntegral page'
mqueryp = fmap (\q -> (queryp, q)) mquery
isowner = maybe False (== uname) mauthuname
mqueryp = fmap (queryp,) mquery
isowner = Just uname == mauthuname
(bcount, notes) <- runDB do
Entity userId user <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
let sharedp = if isowner then SharedAll else SharedPublic
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ getNoteR :: UserNameP -> NtSlug -> Handler Html
getNoteR unamep@(UserNameP uname) slug = do
mauthuname <- maybeAuthUsername
let renderEl = "note" :: Text
isowner = maybe False (== uname) mauthuname
isowner = Just uname == mauthuname
note <-
runDB $
do Entity userId user <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
@ -143,10 +144,10 @@ _toNote userId NoteForm {..} = do
, noteLength = length _text
, noteTitle = fromMaybe "" _title
, noteText = maybe "" unTextarea _text
, noteIsMarkdown = fromMaybe False _isMarkdown
, noteShared = fromMaybe False _shared
, noteCreated = fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _created)
, noteUpdated = fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _updated)
, noteIsMarkdown = Just True == _isMarkdown
, noteShared = Just True == _shared
, noteCreated = maybe time unUTCTimeStr _created
, noteUpdated = maybe time unUTCTimeStr _updated
noteToRssEntry :: UserNameP -> Entity Note -> FeedEntry (Route App)
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ getNotesFeedR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
mquery <- lookupGetParam "query"
let limit = maybe 20 fromIntegral limit'
page = maybe 1 fromIntegral page'
isowner = maybe False (== uname) mauthuname
isowner = Just uname == mauthuname
(_, notes) <- runDB do
Entity userId user <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
when (not isowner && userPrivacyLock user)
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ getNotesFeedR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
let (descr :: Html) = toHtml $ H.text (uname <> " notes")
entries = map (noteToRssEntry unamep) notes
updated <- case maximumMay (map feedEntryUpdated entries) of
Nothing -> liftIO $ getCurrentTime
Nothing -> liftIO getCurrentTime
Just m -> return m
rssFeed $

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Handler.User where
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ import Yesod.RssFeed
import qualified Data.Map as Map
getUserR :: UserNameP -> Handler Html
getUserR uname@(UserNameP name) = do
getUserR uname@(UserNameP name) =
_getUser uname SharedAll FilterAll (TagsP [])
getUserSharedR :: UserNameP -> SharedP -> Handler Html
@ -21,8 +22,7 @@ getUserFilterR uname filterp =
_getUser uname SharedAll filterp (TagsP [])
getUserTagsR :: UserNameP -> TagsP -> Handler Html
getUserTagsR uname pathtags =
_getUser uname SharedAll FilterAll pathtags
getUserTagsR uname = _getUser uname SharedAll FilterAll
_getUser :: UserNameP -> SharedP -> FilterP -> TagsP -> Handler Html
_getUser unamep@(UserNameP uname) sharedp' filterp' (TagsP pathtags) = do
@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ _getUser unamep@(UserNameP uname) sharedp' filterp' (TagsP pathtags) = do
(limit', page') <- lookupPagingParams
let limit = maybe 120 fromIntegral limit'
page = maybe 1 fromIntegral page'
isowner = maybe False (== uname) mauthuname
isowner = Just uname == mauthuname
sharedp = if isowner then sharedp' else SharedPublic
filterp = case filterp' of
FilterSingle _ -> filterp'
_ -> if isowner then filterp' else FilterAll
isAll = filterp == FilterAll && sharedp == SharedAll && pathtags == []
isAll = filterp == FilterAll && sharedp == SharedAll && null pathtags
queryp = "query" :: Text
mquery <- lookupGetParam queryp
let mqueryp = fmap (\q -> (queryp, q)) mquery
let mqueryp = fmap (queryp,) mquery
(bcount, btmarks) <- runDB $ do
Entity userId user <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
when (not isowner && userPrivacyLock user)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ _updateTagCloudMode mode =
TagCloudModeNone -> notFound
bookmarkToRssEntry :: (Entity Bookmark, Maybe Text) -> FeedEntry Text
bookmarkToRssEntry ((Entity entryId entry), tags) =
bookmarkToRssEntry (Entity entryId entry, tags) =
{ feedEntryLink = bookmarkHref entry
, feedEntryUpdated = bookmarkTime entry
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ getUserFeedR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
let limit = maybe 120 fromIntegral limit'
page = maybe 1 fromIntegral page'
queryp = "query" :: Text
isowner = maybe False (== uname) mauthuname
isowner = Just uname == mauthuname
mquery <- lookupGetParam queryp
(_, btmarks) <- runDB $ do
Entity userId user <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ getUserFeedR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
let (descr :: Html) = toHtml $ H.text ("Bookmarks saved by " <> uname)
entries = map bookmarkToRssEntry btmarks
updated <- case maximumMay (map feedEntryUpdated entries) of
Nothing -> liftIO $ getCurrentTime
Nothing -> liftIO getCurrentTime
Just m -> return m
render <- getUrlRender
rssFeedText $

View file

@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ aFormToMaybeGetSuccess
:: MonadHandler f
=> AForm f a -> f (Maybe a)
aFormToMaybeGetSuccess =
fmap maybeSuccess . fmap fst . runFormGet . const . fmap fst . aFormToForm
fmap (maybeSuccess . fst) . runFormGet . const . fmap fst . aFormToForm
:: MonadHandlerForm f
=> AForm f a -> f (Maybe a)
aFormToMaybePostSuccess =
fmap maybeSuccess . fmap fst . runFormPostNoToken . const . fmap fst . aFormToForm
fmap (maybeSuccess . fst) . runFormPostNoToken . const . fmap fst . aFormToForm
maybeSuccess :: FormResult a -> Maybe a
maybeSuccess (FormSuccess a) = Just a
@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ attrs n f =
cls :: [Text] -> FieldSettings master -> FieldSettings master
cls n = attrs [("class", intercalate " " n)]
cls n = attrs [("class", unwords n)]

View file

@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ migrateIndexes =
, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_note_user_created ON note (user_id, created DESC)"
sqlite_group_concat ::
sqliteGroupConcat ::
PersistField a
=> SqlExpr (Value a)
-> SqlExpr (Value a)
-> SqlExpr (Value Text)
sqlite_group_concat expr sep = unsafeSqlFunction "GROUP_CONCAT" [expr, sep]
sqliteGroupConcat expr sep = unsafeSqlFunction "GROUP_CONCAT" [expr, sep]
authenticatePassword :: Text -> Text -> DB (Maybe (Entity User))
authenticatePassword username password = do
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ authenticatePassword username password = do
else return Nothing
getUserByName :: UserNameP -> DB (Maybe (Entity User))
getUserByName (UserNameP uname) = do
getUserByName (UserNameP uname) =
selectFirst [UserName CP.==. uname] []
-- returns a list of pair of bookmark with tags merged into a string
@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ bookmarksTagsQuery userId sharedp filterp tags mquery limit' page =
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. b ^. BookmarkId)
groupBy (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId)
orderBy [asc (t ^. BookmarkTagSeq)]
pure $ sqlite_group_concat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (val " ")))
pure $ sqliteGroupConcat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (val " ")))
_whereClause b = do
where_ $
foldl (\expr tag ->
expr &&. (exists $ -- each tag becomes an exists constraint
expr &&. exists ( -- each tag becomes an exists constraint
from (table @BookmarkTag) >>= \t ->
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. b ^. BookmarkId &&.
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `like` val tag))))
@ -217,13 +217,12 @@ bookmarksTagsQuery userId sharedp filterp tags mquery limit' page =
wild s = (%) ++. val s ++. (%)
toLikeB field s = b ^. field `like` wild s
p_allFields =
(toLikeB BookmarkHref term) ||.
(toLikeB BookmarkDescription term) ||.
(toLikeB BookmarkExtended term) ||.
(exists $ from (table @BookmarkTag) >>= \t -> where_ $
toLikeB BookmarkHref term ||.
toLikeB BookmarkDescription term ||.
toLikeB BookmarkExtended term ||.
exists (from (table @BookmarkTag) >>= \t -> where_ $
(t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. b ^. BookmarkId) &&.
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `like` (wild term))
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `like` wild term))
p_onefield = p_url <|> p_title <|> p_description <|> p_tags <|> p_after <|> p_before
p_url = "url:" *> fmap (toLikeB BookmarkHref) P.takeText
@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ allUserBookmarks user =
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. b ^. BookmarkId)
groupBy (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId)
orderBy [asc (t ^. BookmarkTagSeq)]
pure $ sqlite_group_concat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (val " "))
pure $ sqliteGroupConcat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (val " "))
parseSearchQuery ::
(Text -> SqlExpr (Value Bool))
@ -294,7 +293,7 @@ getNoteList key mquery sharedp limit' page =
(select $ do
b <- from (table @Note)
_whereClause b
pure $ countRows)
pure countRows)
<*> (select $ do
b <- from (table @Note)
_whereClause b
@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ getNoteList key mquery sharedp limit' page =
pure b)
_whereClause b = do
where_ $ (b ^. NoteUserId ==. val key)
where_ (b ^. NoteUserId ==. val key)
-- search
sequenceA_ (parseSearchQuery (toLikeExpr b) =<< mquery)
case sharedp of
@ -333,7 +332,7 @@ mkBookmarkTags userId bookmarkId tags =
fileBookmarkToBookmark :: UserId -> FileBookmark -> IO Bookmark
fileBookmarkToBookmark user (FileBookmark {..}) = do
fileBookmarkToBookmark user FileBookmark {..} = do
slug <- mkBmSlug
pure $
@ -345,12 +344,12 @@ fileBookmarkToBookmark user (FileBookmark {..}) = do
, bookmarkTime = fileBookmarkTime
, bookmarkShared = fileBookmarkShared
, bookmarkToRead = fileBookmarkToRead
, bookmarkSelected = (fromMaybe False fileBookmarkSelected)
, bookmarkSelected = Just True == fileBookmarkSelected
, bookmarkArchiveHref = fileBookmarkArchiveHref
bookmarkTofileBookmark :: Bookmark -> Text -> FileBookmark
bookmarkTofileBookmark (Bookmark {..}) tags =
bookmarkTofileBookmark Bookmark {..} tags =
{ fileBookmarkHref = bookmarkHref
, fileBookmarkDescription = bookmarkDescription
@ -396,7 +395,7 @@ instance FromJSON FFBookmarkNode where
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark :: UserId -> FFBookmarkNode -> IO [Bookmark]
firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark user (FFBookmarkNode {..}) = do
firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark user FFBookmarkNode {..} =
case firefoxBookmarkTypeCode of
1 -> do
slug <- mkBmSlug
@ -404,10 +403,10 @@ firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark user (FFBookmarkNode {..}) = do
[ Bookmark
{ bookmarkUserId = user
, bookmarkSlug = slug
, bookmarkHref = (fromMaybe "" firefoxBookmarkUri)
, bookmarkHref = fromMaybe "" firefoxBookmarkUri
, bookmarkDescription = firefoxBookmarkTitle
, bookmarkExtended = ""
, bookmarkTime = (TI.posixSecondsToUTCTime (firefoxBookmarkDateAdded / 1000000))
, bookmarkTime = TI.posixSecondsToUTCTime (firefoxBookmarkDateAdded / 1000000)
, bookmarkShared = True
, bookmarkToRead = False
, bookmarkSelected = False
@ -430,12 +429,11 @@ insertFileBookmarks userId bookmarkFile = do
Right fmarks -> do
bmarks <- liftIO $ mapM (fileBookmarkToBookmark userId) fmarks
mbids <- mapM insertUnique bmarks
void $
mapM insertUnique $
mapM_ (void . insertUnique) $
concatMap (uncurry (mkBookmarkTags userId)) $
catMaybes $
(\mbid tags -> ((, tags) <$> mbid))
(\mbid tags -> (, tags) <$> mbid)
(extractTags <$> fmarks)
pure $ Right (length bmarks)
@ -450,20 +448,20 @@ insertFFBookmarks userId bookmarkFile = do
Left e -> pure $ Left e
Right fmarks -> do
bmarks <- liftIO $ firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark userId fmarks
_ <- mapM insertUnique bmarks
mapM_ (void . insertUnique) bmarks
pure $ Right (length bmarks)
readFileBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String [FileBookmark])
readFileBookmarks fpath =
pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict <$> readFile fpath
readFFBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String FFBookmarkNode)
readFFBookmarks fpath =
pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict <$> readFile fpath
exportFileBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB ()
exportFileBookmarks user fpath = do
exportFileBookmarks user fpath =
liftIO . A.encodeFile fpath =<< getFileBookmarks user
getFileBookmarks :: Key User -> DB [FileBookmark]
@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ instance FromJSON TagCloudMode where
case lookup "mode" o of
Just (String "top") -> TagCloudModeTop <$> o .: "expanded" <*> o .: "value"
Just (String "lowerBound") -> TagCloudModeLowerBound <$> o .: "expanded" <*> o .: "value"
Just (String "related") -> TagCloudModeRelated <$> o .: "expanded" <*> (fmap words (o .: "value"))
Just (String "related") -> TagCloudModeRelated <$> o .: "expanded" <*> fmap words (o .: "value")
Just (String "none") -> pure TagCloudModeNone
_ -> A.parseFail "bad parse"
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
@ -522,7 +520,7 @@ type Tag = Text
tagCountTop :: Key User -> Int -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountTop user top =
sortOn (toLower . fst) .
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (unValue tname, unValue tcount)) <$>
fmap (bimap unValue unValue) <$>
( select $ do
t <- from (table @BookmarkTag)
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId ==. val user)
@ -530,12 +528,12 @@ tagCountTop user top =
let countRows' = countRows
orderBy [desc countRows']
limit ((fromIntegral . toInteger) top)
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
pure (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
tagCountLowerBound :: Key User -> Int -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountLowerBound user lowerBound =
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (unValue tname, unValue tcount)) <$>
fmap (bimap unValue unValue) <$>
( select $ do
t <- from (table @BookmarkTag)
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId ==. val user)
@ -543,17 +541,17 @@ tagCountLowerBound user lowerBound =
let countRows' = countRows
orderBy [asc (t ^. BookmarkTagTag)]
having (countRows' >=. val lowerBound)
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
pure (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
tagCountRelated :: Key User -> [Tag] -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountRelated user tags =
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (unValue tname, unValue tcount)) <$>
fmap (bimap unValue unValue) <$>
( select $ do
t <- from (table @BookmarkTag)
where_ $
foldl (\expr tag ->
expr &&. (exists $ do
expr &&. exists ( do
u <- from (table @BookmarkTag)
where_ (u ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId &&.
(u ^. BookmarkTagTag `like` val tag))))
@ -562,13 +560,13 @@ tagCountRelated user tags =
groupBy (lower_ $ t ^. BookmarkTagTag)
let countRows' = countRows
orderBy [asc $ lower_ $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag)]
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
pure (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
-- Notes
fileNoteToNote :: UserId -> FileNote -> IO Note
fileNoteToNote user (FileNote {..} ) = do
fileNoteToNote user FileNote {..} = do
slug <- mkNtSlug
pure $
@ -610,7 +608,7 @@ instance FromJSON AccountSettingsForm where parseJSON = A.genericParseJSON gDefa
instance ToJSON AccountSettingsForm where toJSON = A.genericToJSON gDefaultFormOptions
toAccountSettingsForm :: User -> AccountSettingsForm
toAccountSettingsForm (User {..}) =
toAccountSettingsForm User {..} =
{ _privateDefault = userPrivateDefault
, _archiveDefault = userArchiveDefault
@ -618,7 +616,7 @@ toAccountSettingsForm (User {..}) =
updateUserFromAccountSettingsForm :: Key User -> AccountSettingsForm -> DB ()
updateUserFromAccountSettingsForm userId (AccountSettingsForm {..}) = do
updateUserFromAccountSettingsForm userId AccountSettingsForm {..} =
CP.update userId
[ UserPrivateDefault CP.=. _privateDefault
, UserArchiveDefault CP.=. _archiveDefault
@ -662,10 +660,10 @@ _toBookmarkForm' (Entity bid Bookmark {..}, tags) =
, _description = Just $ Textarea $ bookmarkExtended
, _tags = Just $ fromMaybe "" tags
, _private = Just $ not bookmarkShared
, _toread = Just $ bookmarkToRead
, _toread = Just bookmarkToRead
, _bid = Just $ unBookmarkKey $ bid
, _slug = Just $ bookmarkSlug
, _selected = Just $ bookmarkSelected
, _slug = Just bookmarkSlug
, _selected = Just bookmarkSelected
, _time = Just $ UTCTimeStr $ bookmarkTime
, _archiveUrl = bookmarkArchiveHref
@ -682,16 +680,16 @@ _toBookmark userId BookmarkForm {..} = do
, bookmarkHref = _url
, bookmarkDescription = fromMaybe "" _title
, bookmarkExtended = maybe "" unTextarea _description
, bookmarkTime = fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _time)
, bookmarkTime = maybe time unUTCTimeStr _time
, bookmarkShared = maybe True not _private
, bookmarkToRead = fromMaybe False _toread
, bookmarkSelected = fromMaybe False _selected
, bookmarkToRead = Just True == _toread
, bookmarkSelected = Just True == _selected
, bookmarkArchiveHref = _archiveUrl
fetchBookmarkByUrl :: Key User -> Maybe Text -> DB (Maybe (Entity Bookmark, [Entity BookmarkTag]))
fetchBookmarkByUrl userId murl = runMaybeT do
bmark <- MaybeT . getBy . UniqueUserHref userId =<< (MaybeT $ pure murl)
bmark <- MaybeT . getBy . UniqueUserHref userId =<< MaybeT (pure murl)
btags <- lift $ withTags (entityKey bmark)
pure (bmark, btags)
@ -700,22 +698,22 @@ data UpsertResult = Created | Updated
upsertBookmark :: Key User -> Maybe (Key Bookmark) -> Bookmark -> [Text] -> DB (UpsertResult, Key Bookmark)
upsertBookmark userId mbid bm tags = do
res <- case mbid of
Just bid -> do
Just bid ->
get bid >>= \case
Just prev_bm -> do
when (userId /= bookmarkUserId prev_bm)
(throwString "unauthorized")
replaceBookmark bid prev_bm
_ -> throwString "not found"
Nothing -> do
Nothing ->
getBy (UniqueUserHref (bookmarkUserId bm) (bookmarkHref bm)) >>= \case
Just (Entity bid prev_bm) -> replaceBookmark bid prev_bm
_ -> (Created,) <$> insert bm
insertTags (bookmarkUserId bm) (snd res)
pure res
prepareReplace prev_bm = do
if (bookmarkHref bm /= bookmarkHref prev_bm)
prepareReplace prev_bm =
if bookmarkHref bm /= bookmarkHref prev_bm
then bm { bookmarkArchiveHref = Nothing }
else bm { bookmarkArchiveHref = bookmarkArchiveHref prev_bm }
replaceBookmark bid prev_bm = do
@ -729,18 +727,18 @@ upsertBookmark userId mbid bm tags = do
\(i, tag) -> void $ insert $ BookmarkTag userId' tag bid' i
updateBookmarkArchiveUrl :: Key User -> Key Bookmark -> Maybe Text -> DB ()
updateBookmarkArchiveUrl userId bid marchiveUrl = do
updateBookmarkArchiveUrl userId bid marchiveUrl =
[BookmarkUserId CP.==. userId, BookmarkId CP.==. bid]
[BookmarkArchiveHref CP.=. marchiveUrl]
upsertNote :: Key User -> Maybe (Key Note) -> Note -> DB (UpsertResult, Key Note)
upsertNote userId mnid note = do
upsertNote userId mnid note =
case mnid of
Just nid -> do
get nid >>= \case
Just note' -> do
when (userId /= (noteUserId note'))
when (userId /= noteUserId note')
(throwString "unauthorized")
replace nid note
pure (Updated, nid)
@ -774,7 +772,7 @@ instance FromJSON FileBookmark where
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
instance ToJSON FileBookmark where
toJSON (FileBookmark {..}) =
toJSON FileBookmark {..} =
[ "href" .= toJSON fileBookmarkHref
, "description" .= toJSON fileBookmarkDescription
@ -815,7 +813,7 @@ instance FromJSON FileNote where
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
instance ToJSON FileNote where
toJSON (FileNote {..}) =
toJSON FileNote {..} =
[ "id" .= toJSON fileNoteId
, "title" .= toJSON fileNoteTitle

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ instance PathPiece UserNameP where
_ -> Nothing
instance PathPiece TagsP where
toPathPiece (TagsP tags) = "t:" <> (intercalate "+" tags)
toPathPiece (TagsP tags) = "t:" <> intercalate "+" tags
fromPathPiece s =
case splitOn ":" s of
["t", ""] -> Nothing