impl add/remove related tags

This commit is contained in:
Jon Schoning 2020-02-06 17:23:44 -06:00
parent 91b9d03cc9
commit 828a388b90
6 changed files with 37 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ module Component.TagCloud where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import App (getTagCloud, updateTagCloudMode)
import Data.Array (sortBy)
import Data.Array (concat, cons, delete, notElem, null, sortBy)
import Data.Foldable (maximum, minimum)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (guard)
import Data.String (toLower) as S
import Data.String (joinWith, toLower, null) as S
import Data.String (toLower)
import Data.Tuple (fst, uncurry)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object (toUnfoldable, empty, values) as F
import Globals (app')
import Halogen (AttrName(..))
@ -99,12 +101,15 @@ tagcloudcomponent m' =
<> [button [ type_ ButtonButton, class_ "pa1 ml2 f7 link silver hover-blue "
, onClick \_ -> Just (TExpanded (not (isExpanded mode)))]
[ text (if isExpanded mode then "hide" else "show") ]]
, whenH (isExpanded mode) $ \_ -> do
, whenH (isExpanded mode) \_ -> do
let n = fromMaybe 1 (minimum (F.values tagcloud))
m = fromMaybe 1 (maximum (F.values tagcloud))
div [class_ "tag_cloud_body"] $ case mode of
TagCloudModeNone -> []
_ -> toArray n m tagcloud
(TagCloudModeRelated _ curtags) ->
toArray curtags n m tagcloud
_ ->
toArray [] n m tagcloud
@ -116,23 +121,28 @@ tagcloudcomponent m' =
modelb20 = TagCloudModeLowerBound (isExpanded mode) 20
toArray :: Int -> Int -> _
toArray n m =
map (uncurry (toSizedTag n m))
toArray :: Array String -> Int -> Int -> Object Int -> Array (HTML _ _)
toArray curtags n m =
<<< map (uncurry (toSizedTag (map toLower curtags) n m))
<<< sortBy (comparing (S.toLower <<< fst))
<<< F.toUnfoldable
linkToFilterTag tag = fromNullableStr app.userR <> "/t:" <> tag
toSizedTag :: Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> _
toSizedTag n m k v =
a [ href (linkToFilterTag k)
, class_ "link tag mr1"
, attr (AttrName "style") ("font-size:" <> show fontsize <> "%" <>
";opacity:" <> show opacity)
] [text k]
linkToFilterTag tag = fromNullableStr app.userR <> (if S.null tag then "" else "/t:" <> tag)
toSizedTag :: Array String -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> _
toSizedTag curtags n m k v =
[ a [ href (linkToFilterTag k) , class_ "link tag mr1" , style]
[ text k ]
, whenH (not (null curtags)) \_ -> if (notElem k_lower curtags)
then a [href (linkToFilterTag (S.joinWith "+" (cons k_lower curtags))), class_ "link mr2 tag-include"] [text "⊕"]
else a [href (linkToFilterTag (S.joinWith "+" (delete k_lower curtags))), class_ "link mr2 tag-exclude"] [text "⊖"]
k_lower = toLower k
fontsize = rescale identity (toNumber v) (toNumber n) (toNumber m) 100.0 150.0
opacity = rescale (log <<< (1.0 + _)) (toNumber v) (toNumber n) (toNumber m) 0.6 1.0
style = attr (AttrName "style") ("font-size:" <> show fontsize <> "%" <> ";opacity:" <> show opacity)
rescale :: (Number -> Number) -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
rescale f v n m l h = (if m - n < 0.01 then 1.0 else (f (v - n) / f (m - n))) * (h - l) + l

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@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ label {
display: inline-block;
.tag-include {
color:rgb(221, 221, 221);
display: inline-block;
.tag-exclude {
color:rgb(255, 170, 170);
display: inline-block;
.private { background:#ddd;border:1px solid #d1d1d1; }
.unread { color:#b41 }

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