2017-09-24 19:40:59 +02:00

312 lines
13 KiB

;;; doom-themes-neotree.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(unless doom-themes--inhibit-warning
(message "doom-themes: loading `doom-neotree' directly is obsolete, call `doom-themes-nlinum-config' instead"))
(defgroup doom-neotree nil
"Options for doom's neotree theme"
:group 'doom-themes)
(defface doom-neotree-dir-face '((t (:inherit neo-dir-link-face)))
"Face for directory labels."
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defface doom-neotree-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
"Face for file name labels."
:group 'doom-neotree)
;; file type faces
(defface doom-neotree-hidden-file-face '((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
"Face for labels of hidden files. See `doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist'."
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defface doom-neotree-text-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
"Face for labels of text/documentation files (readmes, org files, etc). See
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defface doom-neotree-media-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
"Face for labels of media files. See `doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist'."
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defface doom-neotree-data-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
"Face for labels of data files (json, yaml, xml, etc). See
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-project-size 1.4
"What :height to display the project icon at the top at."
:type 'float
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-folder-size 1.05
"What :height to display the folder icons at."
:type 'float
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-chevron-size 0.8
"What :height to display the chevron icons at."
:type 'float
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-line-spacing 2
"Line-spacing for neotree buffer."
:type 'symbol
:group 'doom-neotree)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'doom-neotree-enable-file-icons 'doom-neotree-file-icons)
(defcustom doom-neotree-file-icons 'simple
"The style to use for the file icons. Can be nil (disabled), non-nil (for a
diverse iconset), or 'simple, which is closest's to Atom's style as it only
distinguishes text, source, pdfs, images and binary files."
:type '(choice
(const :tag "A diverse array of file icons based on file type" t)
(const :tag "Minimalistic file icons (like Atom's)" 'simple)
(const :tag "Disable file icons" nil))
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons t
"If non-nil, display folder icons next to each file. Different icons are used
depending on whether the folder is a repo, symlink or regular folder."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons t
"If non-nil, display the chevron-down icon next to each expanded folder."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-closed-chevron-icons t
"If non-nil, display the chevron-right icon next to each collapsed folder."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch nil
"If non-nil, labels will use the `doom-neotree-dir-face' and
`doom-neotree-dir-face' faces, which inherit from the `variable-pitch' face."
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-type-colors t
"If non-nil, color each file/folder based on the categories determined by
:type 'boolean
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defcustom doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist
. doom-neotree-hidden-file-face)
. doom-neotree-text-file-face)
. doom-neotree-media-file-face)
. doom-neotree-data-file-face))
"Regexps used to determine what category each file/folder belongs to, and what
face to assign them."
:type '(repeat (cons (regexp :tag "Pattern")
(symbol :tag "Face")))
:group 'doom-neotree)
(defvar doom--neotree-file-re
`((code . ,(concat "\\.\\(p?html?\\|xml\\|ya?ml\\|json\\|tpl\\|conf\\|erb\\|mustache\\|twig\\|ejs\\|haml\\|pug\\|jade\\)$"))
(media . ,(concat "\\.\\("
"png\\|jpe?g\\|gif\\|tiff\\|svg\\|bmp" ; images
"\\|mov\\|avi\\|mp[34]\\|webm" ; media
(archive . "\\.\\(zip\\|rar\\|7z\\|tar\\(\\.gz\\)?\\)$"))
"An alist mapping file type to regular expressions, used to determine what
type of icon to display for the file if `doom-neotree-file-icons' is set to
(defun doom--neotree-no-fringes ()
"Remove fringes in neotree. They get reset each time you select the neotree
pane and are highlighted incorrectly."
(set-window-fringes neo-global--window 0 0))
(defun doom--neotree-setup (&rest _)
(setq line-spacing doom-neotree-line-spacing
tab-width 1)
(when (featurep 'hl-line)
(set (make-local-variable 'hl-line-sticky-flag) t)
(hl-line-mode +1)))
(defun doom--neotree-folder-icon-for (dir chevron &optional faces)
(let* ((path (expand-file-name dir))
(if chevron
(format "chevron-%s" chevron)
:v-adjust 0.1
:face `(:inherit (,@faces)
:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
:height ,doom-neotree-chevron-size))
(when doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons
(cond ((file-symlink-p path) "file-symlink-directory")
((file-exists-p (format "%s/.git" path)) "file-submodule")
((all-the-icons-dir-is-submodule path) "file-submodule")
(t "file-directory"))
:v-adjust 0
:face `(:inherit (,@faces)
:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
:height ,doom-neotree-folder-size)))))
(concat chevron "\t" icon)))
(defun doom--neotree-file-icon-for (file-name &optional faces)
(cond ((eq doom-neotree-file-icons 'simple)
(if file-name
(cond ((string-match-p (cdr (assq 'code doom--neotree-file-re)) file-name)
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-code"))
((string-match-p (cdr (assq 'media doom--neotree-file-re)) file-name)
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-media"))
((string-match-p (cdr (assq 'archive doom--neotree-file-re)) file-name)
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-zip"))
((string= (or (file-name-extension file-name) "") "pdf")
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-pdf"))
((file-symlink-p file-name)
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-symlink-file"))
((file-executable-p file-name)
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-binary"))
(all-the-icons-octicon "file-text")))
'face `(:inherit (,@faces)
:family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
:height 1.3)
'display '(raise 0))
(all-the-icons-fileicon "default")))
(t (all-the-icons-icon-for-file file-name))))
(defun doom--neo-insert-fold-symbol (type file-name &optional faces)
"Custom hybrid unicode theme with leading whitespace."
(let ((spc "\t")
(vspc (propertize " " 'face 'variable-pitch)))
(or (and (eq type 'open)
(concat spc
(if doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons "down")
(and (eq type 'close)
(concat spc
(if doom-neotree-enable-closed-chevron-icons "right")
(and (eq type 'leaf)
(concat (when (or doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons
(when doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons spc)
(when doom-neotree-file-icons
(concat spc (doom--neotree-file-icon-for file-name faces)))
(defun doom--neo-get-file-face (name)
(when doom-neotree-enable-type-colors
(let ((name (concat "/" (file-relative-name name neo-buffer--start-node)))
(cl-loop for re in doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist
when (string-match-p (car re) name)
return re)))))
(defun doom--neo-buffer--insert-root-entry (node)
"Pretty-print pwd in neotree"
(let ((project-name (or (car (last (split-string node "/" t))) "-"))
(faces '(neo-root-dir-face)))
(when doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch
(push 'variable-pitch faces))
(if (display-graphic-p)
(concat (propertize " " 'face `(:inherit (,@faces)))
(all-the-icons-octicon "repo"
:height doom-neotree-project-size
:face 'neo-root-dir-face
:v-adjust -0.1)
(propertize " " 'face 'neo-root-dir-face))))
(insert (propertize (concat project-name "\n") 'face `(:inherit (,@faces))))))
(defun doom--neo-buffer--insert-dir-entry (node depth expanded)
(let ((node-short-name (neo-path--file-short-name node))
(faces '(doom-neotree-dir-face))
(add-face (doom--neo-get-file-face node)))
(insert-char ?\s (* (- depth 1) 2)) ; indent
;; (when (memq 'char neo-vc-integration)
;; (insert-char ?\s 2))
(when add-face (setq faces (list add-face)))
;; (when (memq 'face neo-vc-integration)
;; (push (cdr vc) faces))
(if (display-graphic-p)
(doom--neo-insert-fold-symbol (if expanded 'open 'close) node faces)
(neo-buffer--insert-fold-symbol (if expanded 'open 'close) node))
(when doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch
(push 'variable-pitch faces))
(insert-button node-short-name
'follow-link t
'face `(:inherit (,@faces))
'neo-full-path node
'keymap neotree-dir-button-keymap)
(neo-buffer--node-list-set nil node)
(defun doom--neo-buffer--insert-file-entry (node depth)
(let ((node-short-name (neo-path--file-short-name node))
(vc (if neo-vc-integration (neo-vc-for-node node)))
(faces '(doom-neotree-file-face))
(add-face (doom--neo-get-file-face node)))
(insert-char ?\s (* (- depth 1) 2))
(when add-face (setq faces (list add-face)))
(when (and (memq 'face neo-vc-integration)
(not (eq (cdr vc) 'neo-vc-up-to-date-face)))
(push (cdr vc) faces))
(if (display-graphic-p)
(doom--neo-insert-fold-symbol 'leaf node faces)
(neo-buffer--insert-fold-symbol 'leaf node))
(when doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch
(push 'variable-pitch faces))
(insert-button node-short-name
'follow-link t
'face `(:inherit (,@faces))
'neo-full-path node
'keymap neotree-file-button-keymap)
(neo-buffer--node-list-set nil node)
(eval-after-load "neotree"
(lambda ()
(unless (require 'all-the-icons nil t)
(error "all-the-icons isn't installed"))
;; Enable buffer-local hl-line and adjust line-spacing
(add-hook 'neo-after-create-hook #'doom--neotree-setup)
;; Incompatible
(setq neo-vc-integration nil)
;; Remove fringes in Neotree pane
(advice-add #'neo-global--select-window :after #'doom--neotree-no-fringes)
;; Patch neotree to use `doom--neo-insert-fold-symbol'
(advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-file-entry :override #'doom--neo-buffer--insert-file-entry)
(advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-dir-entry :override #'doom--neo-buffer--insert-dir-entry)
;; Shorter pwd in neotree
(advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-root-entry :override #'doom--neo-buffer--insert-root-entry)))
(provide 'doom-themes-neotree)
;;; doom-themes-neotree.el ends here