
249 lines
9.5 KiB

;;; doom-dracula-theme.el - based on https://draculatheme.com/ -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
(require 'doom-themes)
(defgroup doom-dracula-theme nil
"Options for doom-themes"
:group 'doom-themes)
(defcustom doom-dracula-brighter-modeline nil
"If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
:group 'doom-dracula-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-dracula-brighter-comments nil
"If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
:group 'doom-dracula-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-dracula-colorful-headers nil
"If non-nil, headers in org-mode will be more colorful; which is truer to the
original Dracula Emacs theme."
:group 'doom-dracula-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-dracula-comment-bg doom-dracula-brighter-comments
"If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
:group 'doom-dracula-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-dracula-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
"If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
determine the exact padding."
:group 'doom-dracula-theme
:type '(choice integer boolean))
(def-doom-theme doom-dracula
"A dark theme based on Dracula theme"
;; name default 256 16
((bg '("#282a36" "#262626" nil ))
(bg-alt '("#1E2029" "#1c1c1c" nil ))
(base0 '("#1E2029" "#1c1c1c" "black" ))
(base1 '("#282a36" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack" ))
(base2 '("#373844" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack" ))
(base3 '("#44475a" "#262626" "brightblack" ))
(base4 '("#565761" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack" ))
(base5 '("#6272a4" "#525252" "brightblack" ))
(base6 '("#b6b6b2" "#bbbbbb" "brightblack" ))
(base7 '("#ccccc7" "#cccccc" "brightblack" ))
(base8 '("#f8f8f2" "#dfdfdf" "white" ))
(fg '("#f8f8f2" "#ffffff" "white" ))
(fg-alt '("#e2e2dc" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite" ))
(grey base4)
(red '("#ff5555" "#ff6655" "red" ))
(orange '("#ffb86c" "#ffbb66" "brightred" ))
(green '("#50fa7b" "#55ff77" "green" ))
(teal '("#0189cc" "#0088cc" "brightgreen" ))
(yellow '("#f1fa8c" "#ffff88" "yellow" ))
(blue '("#61bfff" "#66bbff" "brightblue" ))
(dark-blue '("#0189cc" "#0088cc" "blue" ))
(magenta '("#ff79c6" "#ff77cc" "magenta" ))
(violet '("#bd93f9" "#bb99ff" "brightmagenta"))
(cyan '("#8be9fd" "#88eeff" "brightcyan" ))
(dark-cyan '("#8be9fd" "#88eeff" "cyan" ))
;; face categories -- required for all themes
(highlight violet)
(vertical-bar (doom-darken base1 0.1))
(selection dark-blue)
(builtin orange)
(comments (if doom-dracula-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5))
(doc-comments (doom-lighten (if doom-dracula-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
(constants cyan)
(functions green)
(keywords magenta)
(methods teal)
(operators violet)
(type violet)
(strings yellow)
(variables base8)
(numbers red)
(region base3)
(error red)
(warning yellow)
(success green)
(vc-modified orange)
(vc-added green)
(vc-deleted red)
;; custom categories
(level1 magenta)
(level2 violet)
(level3 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers green (doom-lighten violet 0.35)))
(level4 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers yellow (doom-lighten magenta 0.35)))
(level5 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers cyan (doom-lighten violet 0.6)))
(level6 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers orange (doom-lighten magenta 0.6)))
(level7 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers blue (doom-lighten violet 0.85)))
(level8 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers magenta (doom-lighten magenta 0.85)))
(level9 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers violet (doom-lighten violet 0.95)))
(hidden base1)
(-modeline-bright doom-dracula-brighter-modeline)
(when doom-dracula-padded-modeline
(if (integerp doom-dracula-padded-modeline) doom-dracula-padded-modeline 4)))
(modeline-fg nil)
(modeline-fg-alt base5)
(if -modeline-bright
(doom-darken magenta 0.675)
`(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base0))))
(if -modeline-bright
(doom-darken magenta 0.6)
`(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
(modeline-bg-inactive (doom-darken bg 0.1))
(modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.075) ,@(cdr base1))))
;; --- extra faces ------------------------
((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
:foreground comments
:background (if doom-dracula-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
:foreground doc-comments)
(solaire-hl-line-face :background base2)
(doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
:background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
:background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
:foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
:inherit 'mode-line
:background modeline-bg-l
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
:inherit 'mode-line-inactive
:background modeline-bg-inactive-l
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
;; css-mode / scss-mode
(css-proprietary-property :foreground violet)
(css-property :foreground violet)
(css-selector :foreground green)
;; markdown-mode
(markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
(markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
((markdown-code-face &override) :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
;; org-mode
((outline-1 &override) :foreground level1)
(outline-2 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level2)
(outline-3 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level3)
(outline-4 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level4)
(outline-5 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level5)
(outline-6 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level6)
(outline-7 :inherit 'outline-1 :foreground level7)
(org-todo :foreground orange :bold 'inherit :background (doom-darken base1 0.02))
(org-done :foreground green :strike-through nil :background base2 :bold t)
(org-headline-done :foreground base4 :strike-through nil)
((org-tag &override) :foreground (doom-lighten orange 0.3))
(org-agenda-date :foreground cyan)
(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :foreground comments)
(org-agenda-done :foreground base4)
(org-agenda-structure :foreground violet)
((org-block &override) :background (doom-darken base1 0.125) :foreground violet)
((org-block-begin-line &override) :background (doom-darken base1 0.125) :foreground comments)
(org-code :foreground yellow)
(org-column :background base1)
(org-column-title :background base1 :bold t :underline t)
(org-date :foreground cyan)
(org-document-info :foreground blue)
(org-document-info-keyword :foreground comments)
(org-ellipsis :foreground comments)
(org-footnote :foreground blue)
(org-headline-base :foreground comments :strike-through t :bold nil)
(org-link :foreground orange :underline t :weight 'bold)
(org-priority :foreground cyan)
(org-scheduled :foreground green)
(org-scheduled-previously :foreground yellow)
(org-scheduled-today :foreground orange)
(org-sexp-date :foreground base4)
(org-special-keyword :foreground yellow)
(org-table :foreground violet)
(org-upcoming-deadline :foreground yellow)
(org-warning :foreground magenta)
;; tooltip and company
(tooltip :background bg-alt :foreground fg)
(company-tooltip-selection :background base3)
;; rjsx-mode
(rjsx-tag :foreground magenta)
(rjsx-attr :foreground green :slant 'italic :weight 'medium)
;; js2-mode
(js2-external-variable :foreground violet)
(js2-function-param :foreground cyan)
(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter :foreground yellow)
(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name :foreground dark-blue)
(js2-jsdoc-value :foreground yellow)
(js2-private-function-call :foreground cyan)
(js2-private-member :foreground base7)
;; web-mode
(web-mode-block-control-face :foreground orange)
(web-mode-block-delimiter-face :foreground orange)
(web-mode-builtin-face :foreground orange)
(web-mode-css-property-name-face :foreground violet)
(web-mode-css-selector-face :foreground green)
(web-mode-html-attr-name-face :foreground violet)
(web-mode-html-attr-value-face :foreground green)
(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
(web-mode-html-tag-face :foreground magenta :weight 'bold)
(web-mode-keyword-face :foreground magenta)
(web-mode-preprocessor-face :foreground orange)
(web-mode-string-face :foreground yellow)
(web-mode-type-face :foreground violet)
;; highlight-quoted-mode
(highlight-quoted-symbol :foreground cyan)
(highlight-quoted-quote :foreground magenta)
;; --- extra variables ---------------------
;;; doom-dracula-theme.el ends here