doom-theme.el => doom-themes.el

This commit is contained in:
Henrik Lissner 2016-09-12 16:06:43 +02:00
parent cc28fb7ac5
commit 597d6b4a5a
2 changed files with 63 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
;;; doom-theme.el --- a pack of themes inspired by Atom One
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Henrik Lissner
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>
;; Maintainer: Henrik Lissner <>
;; Created: May 22, 2016
;; Modified: September 7, 2016
;; Version: 1.0.5
;; Keywords: dark, blue, atom, one, seek
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (dash "2.12.0") (all-the-icons "1.0.0"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; doom-theme is a pack of themes extracted from doom-emacs, and is inspired by
;; the One Dark/Light UI and syntax themes for Atom. It provides brighter source
;; buffers and dimmed side-windows/popups.
;; See the for tips on customizing neotree or adding nlinum current
;; line highlights.
;; It comes with two built-in colorschemes:
;; + doom-one: inspired by Atom One Dark
;; + doom-dark: based on Molokai
;; Others to come:
;; + doom-one-light: inspired by Atom One Light
;; + doom-tron: doom-one with daylerees' Tron Legacy colorscheme
;; + doom-peacock: doom-one with daylerees' Peacock Legacy colorscheme
;; Note: doom-theme makes use of face-remapping-alist. See
;; doom-enable-bright-minibuffer and doom-enable-bright-buffer.
;; ## Configuration
;; + `doom-enable-bright-minibuffer` (default: `t`): if non-nil, the
;; minibuffer's background will be slightly brighter when in use (see
;; `doom-minibuffer-active` face)
;; + `doom-enable-bright-buffers` (default: `t`): if non-nil, source buffers'
;; backgrounds will be slightly brighter than special buffers. This looks
;; great for distinguishing sidebars and popups from source code buffers (See
;; `doom-default` face)
;; + `doom-enable-bold` (default: `t`)
;; + `doom-enable-italic` (default: `t`)
;;; Code:
(require 'doom)
(provide 'doom-theme)
;;; doom-theme.el ends here

doom-themes.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
;;; doom-themes.el --- a pack of themes inspired by Atom One
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Henrik Lissner
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>
;; Maintainer: Henrik Lissner <>
;; Created: May 22, 2016
;; Modified: September 11, 2016
;; Version: 1.0.6
;; Keywords: dark, blue, atom, one, seek
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (dash "2.12.0") (all-the-icons "1.0.0"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; An opinionated UI plugin/pack of themes extracted from my emacs.d, inspired
;; by the One Dark/Light UI and syntax themes in Atom.
;; Includes optional dimming of non-source buffers, a neotree theme with font
;; icons, and (soon) a mode-line config.
;; Currently available colorschemes:
;; + doom-one: inspired by Atom One Dark
;; + doom-dark: based on Molokai
;; Soon to come:
;; + doom-one-light**: inspired by Atom One Light
;; + doom-tron**: doom-one, but with daylerees' Tron Legacy colorscheme
;; + doom-peacock**: doom-one, but with daylerees' Peacock colorscheme
;; Notes:
;; + Uses `face-remapping-alist`, which won't work in terminal emacs (but
;; degrades gracefully).
;; + Tested mainly on Emacs 24.5+
;; ## Configuration
;; + `doom-enable-bold` (default: `t`)
;; + `doom-enable-italic` (default: `t`)
;; ## Installation
;; Clone the repo somewhere in your `load-path'.
;; If you want the neotree theme, install the fonts in the fonts/ folder of
;; all-the-icons.
;; (require 'doom-themes)
;; (load-theme 'doom-one t) ;; or doom-dark, etc.
;; ;; OPTIONAL (more info below)
;; (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'doom-buffer-mode) ;; brighter source buffers
;; (require 'doom-neotree) ;; neotree theme
;;; Code:
(require 'doom)
(provide 'doom-themes)
;;; doom-themes.el ends here