Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 0f0cce924a try to put again in elm
2013-01-14 18:40:47 +01:00

210 lines
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module Main where
-- import Data.HashMap as Dict -- cabal install HashMap
-- import Data.Hashable
-- import Data.Maybe as Maybe
-- import Data.Word (Word8)
-- -- I need to write picture files
-- -- I also prefer to declare my own Pixel data type
-- import Codec.Picture hiding (Pixel) -- cabal install juicyPixels FTW
-- import Control.Monad
-- import System.Environment (getArgs)
-- -- Data types
-- Real Points
data Point = P Float Float
data Pixel = Pixel Int Int
data Color = Color Int Int Int Int
neg x = 0-x
-- instance Hashable Pixel where
-- hashWithSalt n (Pixel x y) = hashWithSalt n (x,y)
type YMap = Dict Pixel Color
addColor (Color r g b n) (Color r' g' b' n') =
Color (r+r') (g+g') (b+b') (n+n')
fromIntegral x = x
-- colorFromExt :: Color -> PixelRGB8
colorFromExt (Color r g b n) = rgb (fromIntegral $ div r n)
(fromIntegral $ div g n)
(fromIntegral $ div b n)
-- Colors from the theme solarized
-- rgb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
rgb r g b = Color r g b 1
black = rgb 0 0 0
base03 = rgb 0 43 54
base02 = rgb 7 54 66
base01 = rgb 88 110 117
base00 = rgb 101 123 131
base0 = rgb 131 148 150
base1 = rgb 147 161 161
base2 = rgb 238 232 213
base3 = rgb 253 246 227
yellow = rgb 181 137 0
orange = rgb 203 75 22
red = rgb 220 50 47
magenta = rgb 211 54 130
violet = rgb 108 113 196
blue = rgb 38 139 210
cyan = rgb 42 161 152
green = rgb 133 153 0
-- very basic change of representation between point and pixel
pixelFromPoint (P x y) = Pixel (round x) (round y)
-- !!!!!!!! DONT WORK ON 32 BITS Architecture !!!!!!!
nextint n =
a = 22695477
c = 1
m = 2^32
(a*n + c) `rem` m
-- generate a random sequence of length k starting with some seed
randlist seed k = let ns = nextint seed
in if (k==0)
then []
else ns:randlist ns (k-1)
-- Some variations
-- vs :: [Point -> Point]
vs = [ \ (P x y) -> P x y
, \ (P x y) -> P (sin x) (sin y)
, \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x/r2) (y/r2)
, \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x*(sin r2) - y*(cos r2)) (x*(cos r2) + y * (sin r2))
, \ (P x y) -> let r = sqrt (x^2+y^2) in P ((x - y)*(x + y)/r) (2*x*y/r)
data Matrice = M Float Float Float Float Float Float
-- aff :: Matrice -> Point -> Point
aff (M a b c d e f) (P x y) = P (a*x + b*y + c) (d*x + e*y +f)
-- Some affine functions to generate the sierpinsky set
-- Equivalent to
-- sierp = [ \(x,y)->(x/2,y/2)
-- , \(x,y)->((x+1)/2,y/2)
-- , \(x,y)->(x/2,(y+1)/2) ]
-- sierp :: [ Point -> Point ]
sierp = [ aff $ M
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 0.0
, aff $ M
0.5 0.0 0.5
0.0 0.5 0.0
, aff $ M
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 0.5
-- fern :: [ Point -> Point ]
fern = [ aff $ M
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.16 0.0
, aff $ M
0.85 0.04 0.0
(neg 0.04) 0.85 1.6
, aff $ M
0.2 (neg 0.26) 0.0
0.23 0.22 1.6
, aff $ M
(neg 0.15) 0.28 0.0
0.26 0.24 0.44
-- Transformation functions
-- translate
-- trans :: (Float,Float) -> Point -> Point
trans (tx,ty) = aff $ M 1 0 tx 0 1 ty
-- rotate
-- rot :: Float -> Point -> Point
rot phi = aff $ M (cos phi) (sin phi) 0.0 (neg (sin phi)) (cos phi) 0.0
-- zoom
-- zoom :: Float -> Point -> Point
zoom z = aff $ M z 0 0 0 z 0
-- The final transformation to transform the final result (zoom,rotate,translate)
-- final :: Int -> Point -> Point
final width = let w = fromIntegral width
in trans (w/2,w) . zoom (w/10) . rot (neg pi)
l !! i = if (i==0) then head l else (tail l) !! (i-1)
-- F_i
-- fs :: [((Int, Color), Point -> Point)]
fs = [ (( 1, red), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 0))
, (( 86, green), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 1))
, (( 95, blue), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 2))
, ((100,yellow), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 3))
-- dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhile f l = if l == []
then []
else if f (head l)
then dropWhile f (tail l)
else l
-- flameset :: Int -> Point -> [Int] -> YMap -> YMap
flameset w startpoint rands tmpres =
if rands == []
then tmpres
-- take a pseudo random value
randval = (head rands) `rem` 100
searchfunc = (\x -> x < randval) . fst . fst
selected = head $ dropWhile searchfunc fs
f = snd selected
col = snd . fst $ selected
-- compute the new point using a random F
newpoint = f startpoint
-- Now apply a final transformation and save the pixel
savepoint = pixelFromPoint ( final w newpoint )
-- Search the old color
oldvalue = Dict.lookup savepoint tmpres
-- Set the new color.
newvalue = addColor col (Maybe.fromMaybe black oldvalue)
-- update the dict
newtmpres = Dict.insert savepoint newvalue tmpres
flameset w newpoint (tail rands) newtmpres
-- flame :: Int -> Int -> YMap
flame w n = flameset w (P 0.13 0.47) (randlist 0 n) Dict.empty
-- imageFromDict :: YMap -> Int -> Int -> Image PixelRGB8
-- imageFromDict dict width height = generateImage colorOfPoint width height
-- where
-- colorOfPoint :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGB8
-- colorOfPoint x y = colorFromExt $
-- fromMaybe base03 -- background color
-- (Dict.lookup (Pixel x y) dict)
-- writeImage :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> YMap -> IO ()
-- writeImage filename w h n dict = writePng filename $ imageFromDict dict w h
point = filled mybase . rect 1 1
colorpoint ((x,y),c) = filled (colorFromExt c) . rect 1 1 $ (x,y)
background w h = collage w h
[filled base03 $ rect w h (div w 2,div h 2)]
scene (x,y) (w,h) =
[ background w h
, collage w h $
map colorpoint $
-- filter inpoint $
Dict.toList $ flame w h
main = scene (0,0) (500,500)
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- args <- getArgs
-- if (length args<4)
-- then print $ "Usage flame ficname w h n"
-- else do
-- env <- return (initGlobalParams args)
-- fic <- return (filename env)
-- w <- return (imgWidth env)
-- h <- return (imgHeight env)
-- n <- return (nbPoints env)
-- writeImage fic w h n (flame w n)