added a lot of comments

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Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2013-01-11 15:42:28 +01:00
parent 74aad30fb6
commit b461b33eba

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@ -1,63 +1,118 @@
# Flame fractal in Haskell
First computing the flame fractal is difficult to do in parallel.
You can take a look at [](
to view some examples.
Here is literate Haskell.
To start your program in Haskell you have to first declare all you imports.
I personally find the number of import annoying.
Not really a language issue but more a usage issue.
For example, instead of the actual
> module Main where > module Main where
> import Data.Hashable
> import Data.HashMap as Dict -- cabal install HashMap > import Data.HashMap as Dict -- cabal install HashMap
> import Data.Hashable
> import Data.Maybe as Maybe > import Data.Maybe as Maybe
> import Data.Word (Word8) > import Data.Word (Word8)
> > -- I need to write picture files
> import Codec.Picture -- cabal install juicyPixels FTW > -- I also prefer to declare my own Pixel data type
> import Codec.Picture hiding (Pixel) -- cabal install juicyPixels FTW
> import Control.Monad > import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.State
> import System.Environment (getArgs) > import System.Environment (getArgs)
I would have preferred a more concise alternative such as:
import Maybe, Word, Picture, System
import HashMap as Dict
Not a big deal thought.
Now, instead of using common types like `(Int,Int)` for point,
I prefer to use the power of Haskell types to help me discover errors.
Therefore I create a type for each of the element I need.
I will need a type for 2D points, Colors, extended colors (added color with the number)
Furthermore for efficiency reason I'll use "low level" Haskell.
I will replace `data Point = P Int Int` by an unboxed strict variant.
As it is a GHC optimization it is far more verbose to declare.
We tell GHC to unbox our type using the `{-# UNPACK #-}` comment before each field.
Furthermore to make each field _strict_ we use a `!` before the type.
> -- Data types > -- Data types
> -- Global argument passed to most functions > -- Global state
> data Global = Global { imgWidth :: Int > data Global = Global {
> , imgHeight :: Int > filename :: String
> , nbPoints :: Int } > , imgWidth :: Int
> > , imgHeight :: Int
> , nbPoints :: Int }
> -- Real Points > -- Real Points
> data Point = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Float > data Point = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Float > {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
> >
> data Color = Color {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 A Pixel, just a position not the color.
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 It is mostly like a Point but with integer.
> This way I won't mess up between the two representation (on screen) and
> data ExtColor = ExtColor {-# UNPACK #-} !Int into the mathematical plane.
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Int > data Pixel = Pixel {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Int > {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> > deriving (Eq,Ord)
> data YPixel = YPixel {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> deriving (Eq,Ord) I need to talk a bit about the color data structure I use.
> Instead of simple RGB each color coded on 8bit.
> instance Hashable YPixel where hashWithSalt n (YPixel x y) = hashWithSalt n (x,y) I need something a bit more complex.
> type YMap = Map YPixel ExtColor Each time a point will be lighten I'll give it a color.
> But some point can be lighten multiple times and in different ways.
> addExtColor (ExtColor r g b n) (ExtColor r' g' b' n') = Then each time I light the same point I add the new light color to this point.
> ExtColor (r+r') (g+g') (b+b') (n+n') But in order to retrieve the right brightness,
> I remember how many times the point was lighten up.
> cmap f (Color r g b) = Color (f r) (f g) (f b) Thus this strange structure for color.
> ecmap f (ExtColor r g b n) = ExtColor (f r) (f g) (f b) n Note that for drawing the image I'll use a more standard `PixelRGB8` which is
> simply three `Word8` values.
> gammaCorrection :: Float -> Color -> Color
> gammaCorrection gamma = cmap (round . (**(1/gamma)) . fromIntegral) > data Color = Color {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> > {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> colorToPixelRGB8 :: Color -> PixelRGB8 > {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> colorToPixelRGB8 (Color r g b) = PixelRGB8 r g b > {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
> colorFromExt :: ExtColor -> Color My hash key will be pixel, I then need to make my Pixel data type
> colorFromExt (ExtColor r g b n) = Color (fromIntegral $ div r n) an instance of Hashable.
> (fromIntegral $ div g n)
> (fromIntegral $ div b n) > instance Hashable Pixel where
> -- Basic functions > hashWithSalt n (Pixel x y) = hashWithSalt n (x,y)
> neg x = 0-x
> Now I can use `Map` with `Pixel`s as key:
> rgb :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Color
> rgb r g b = Color r g b > type YMap = Map Pixel Color
> -- Colors (theme is solarized)
I want to be able to add two `Color` and
to translate to `PixelRGB8` colors which are used to make the image.
> addColor (Color r g b n) (Color r' g' b' n') =
> Color (r+r') (g+g') (b+b') (n+n')
> colorFromExt :: Color -> PixelRGB8
> colorFromExt (Color r g b n) = PixelRGB8 (fromIntegral $ div r n)
> (fromIntegral $ div g n)
> (fromIntegral $ div b n)
In most of my project I use the solarized theme.
I generally use only a small part of these colors.
But it is simply generally better to use a basic scheme than to use hard colors.
> -- Colors from the theme solarized
> rgb :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
> rgb r g b = Color r g b 1
> black = rgb 0 0 0 > black = rgb 0 0 0
> base03 = rgb 0 43 54 > base03 = rgb 0 43 54
> base02 = rgb 7 54 66 > base02 = rgb 7 54 66
@ -75,12 +130,13 @@
> blue = rgb 38 139 210 > blue = rgb 38 139 210
> cyan = rgb 42 161 152 > cyan = rgb 42 161 152
> green = rgb 133 153 0 > green = rgb 133 153 0
> extend :: Color -> ExtColor > -- very basic change of representation between point and pixel
> extend (Color r g b) = ExtColor (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral g) (fromIntegral b) 1 > pixelFromPoint (P x y) = Pixel (round x) (round y)
> pixelFromPoint (P x y) = YPixel (round x) (round y) Next I needed some pseudo random number generation.
> I don't need real good random number generation inside the Random for now.
> -- !!!!!!!! DONT WORK ON 32 BITS Architecture !!!!!!! > -- !!!!!!!! DONT WORK ON 32 BITS Architecture !!!!!!!
> nextint n = (a*n + c) `rem` m > nextint n = (a*n + c) `rem` m
@ -89,28 +145,86 @@
> c = 1 > c = 1
> m = 2^32 > m = 2^32
> -- generate a random sequence of length k starting with some seed > -- generate a random sequence of length k starting with some seed
> randlist seed n = take n $ iterate nextint seed > randlist seed = iterate nextint seed
> ## The Flame Set
> {-
> - Flame Set Let $F_i$ be a finite family of functions.
> - And let consider the set $S$ which is the minimal non trivial set which is
> - S = U_{i} F_i(S) the fixed point of the union of these function.
> -
> - F_i being transformations More precisely, let F_i be transformations.
> - General form: Then consider the set S such that for all i F_i(S)=S
> - F = affine . linearcomp [variation] . affine Or equivalently :
> - affine is a linear function (x,y) -> (ax+by+c,dx+ey+f)
> - variation is some kind of function with some contraction properties $$ S = U_{i} F_i(S) $$
> ex: (x,y) -> (x,y), (sin x, sin y), etc...
> - linearcomp [f] is a linear composition of functions: (x,y) -> Sum vi*f(x,y) Consider the set is non trivial (understand non empty), then There is at least
> -} one point in it.
> Finding the exact set is a difficult task.
But finding an approximation can be done this way:
Let S_0 = {x} where x is a random point in the unit square.
Let S_1 = x_1 = F_i(x) for a random i
Let S_2 = x_2 = F_j(x_1) for a random j
Let S_n = x_n = F_k(x_{n-1}) for a random k
Each S_n will be closer to S.
At each step you add another point to S_i.
Also to remove bad initialization we generally don't consider the 20th firsts
steps. And we return only {x_21,....,x_n}.
In order to find only interesting elements we much choose our F_i family wisely.
Here are standard form of the F_i:
F_i = affine . linear_combination [variations] . affine
affine are function of the following form:
affine (x,y) = (ax+by+c , dx+ey+f)
It correspond to a composition of translation, rotation and scaling.
linear_combination are function of the following form:
linear_combination [v_i] = sum p_iv_i
affine have 6 parameters,
linear_combination [x] have length [x] parameters.
And we can use many different fonctions for the variations.
Example of variations:
- (x,y) → (x,y)
- (x,y) → (sin x,sin y)
- (x,y) → (x/r^2,y/r^2)
- (x,y) → (x sin r^2 - y cos r^2, x cos r^2 + y sin r^2)
- (x,y) → ((x-y)(x+y)/r,2xy/r)
Wich are coded here:
> -- Some variations
> vs :: [Point -> Point]
> vs = [ \ (P x y) -> P x y
> , \ (P x y) -> P (sin x) (sin y)
> , \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x/r2) (y/r2)
> , \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x*(sin r2) - y*(cos r2)) (x*(cos r2) + y * (sin r2))
> , \ (P x y) -> let r = sqrt (x^2+y^2) in P ((x - y)*(x + y)/r) (2*x*y/r)
> ]
To define affine function a standard usage is to use matrices.
> data Matrice = M Float Float Float Float Float Float > data Matrice = M Float Float Float Float Float Float
> aff :: Matrice -> Point -> Point > aff :: Matrice -> Point -> Point
> aff (M a b c d e f) (P x y) = P (a*x + b*y + c) (d*x + e*y +f) > aff (M a b c d e f) (P x y) = P (a*x + b*y + c) (d*x + e*y +f)
If you use the identity variation,
the following functions generate the sierpinsky set.
> -- Some affine functions to generate the sierpinsky set > -- Some affine functions to generate the sierpinsky set
> -- Equivalent to > -- Equivalent to
> -- sierp = [ \(x,y)->(x/2,y/2) > -- sierp = [ \(x,y)->(x/2,y/2)
@ -127,56 +241,68 @@
> 0.5 0.0 0.0 > 0.5 0.0 0.0
> 0.0 0.5 0.5 > 0.0 0.5 0.5
> ] > ]
Here are the functions for the fern functions.
> fern :: [ Point -> Point ] > fern :: [ Point -> Point ]
> fern = [ aff $ M > fern = [ aff $ M
> 0.0 0.0 0.0 > 0.0 0.0 0.0
> 0.0 0.16 0.0 > 0.0 0.16 0.0
> , aff $ M > , aff $ M
> 0.85 0.04 0.0 > 0.85 0.04 0.0
> (neg 0.04) 0.85 1.6 > (- 0.04) 0.85 1.6
> , aff $ M > , aff $ M
> 0.2 (neg 0.26) 0.0 > 0.2 (- 0.26) 0.0
> 0.23 0.22 1.6 > 0.23 0.22 1.6
> , aff $ M > , aff $ M
> (neg 0.15) 0.28 0.0 > (- 0.15) 0.28 0.0
> 0.26 0.24 0.44 > 0.26 0.24 0.44
> ] > ]
> -- Some variations Also in order to zoom on all points we generally add a final transformation
> vs :: [Point -> Point] which is applied to all points. It helps zoom on the fractal for example.
> vs = [ \ (P x y) -> P x y
> , \ (P x y) -> P (sin x) (sin y)
> , \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x/r2) (y/r2)
> , \ (P x y) -> let r2 = x*x+y*y in P (x*(sin r2) - y*(cos r2)) (x*(cos r2) + y * (sin r2))
> , \ (P x y) -> let r = sqrt (x^2+y^2) in P ((x - y)*(x + y)/r) (2*x*y/r)
> ]
> -- Some final functions
> fs :: [((Int,ExtColor),Point -> Point)]
> fs = [ (( 1,extend red),(vs !! 0) . (fern !! 0))
> , (( 86,extend green),(vs !! 0) . (fern !! 1))
> , (( 95,extend blue),(vs !! 0) . (fern !! 2))
> , ((100,extend yellow),(vs !! 0) . (fern !! 3))
> ]
> -- Transformation functions > -- Transformation functions
> -- translate > -- translate
> trans :: (Float,Float) -> Point -> Point > trans :: (Float,Float) -> Point -> Point
> trans (tx,ty) = aff $ M 1 0 tx 0 1 ty > trans (tx,ty) = aff $ M 1 0 tx 0 1 ty
> -- rotate > -- rotate
> rot :: Float -> Point -> Point > rot :: Float -> Point -> Point
> rot phi = aff $ M (cos phi) (sin phi) 0.0 (neg (sin phi)) (cos phi) 0.0 > rot phi = aff $ M (cos phi) (sin phi) 0.0 (- (sin phi)) (cos phi) 0.0
> -- zoom > -- zoom
> zoom :: Float -> Point -> Point > zoom :: Float -> Point -> Point
> zoom z = aff $ M z 0 0 0 z 0 > zoom z = aff $ M z 0 0 0 z 0
As the final function goal is to help the final rendering position,
it seems natural to add the size of the view as parameter.
> -- The final transformation to transform the final result (zoom,rotate,translate) > -- The final transformation to transform the final result (zoom,rotate,translate)
> final :: Int -> Point -> Point > final :: Int -> Point -> Point
> final width = trans (w/2,w/2) . zoom (w/10) . rot (neg pi) > final width = trans (w/2,w/2) . zoom (w/10) . rot (- pi)
> where w = fromIntegral width > where w = fromIntegral width
> sierpset :: Int -> Point -> [Int] -> YMap -> YMap And now the F_i functions.
> sierpset w startpoint rands tmpres = As we can see, it is not only a list of functions.
But we add informations to each function:
- a probability to be used,
- a color.
> -- F_i
> fs :: [((Int, Color), Point -> Point)]
> fs = [ (( 1, red), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 0))
> , (( 86, green), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 1))
> , (( 95, blue), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 2))
> , ((100,yellow), (vs !! 0) . (fern !! 3))
> ]
Up until now it was only a verbose babbling.
Here is the heart of our program.
Where the interesting stuff is going on.
For now, this is a rather naive implementation.
Naive in the sense that it doesn't use Monad as helper.
> flameset :: Int -> Point -> [Int] -> YMap -> YMap
> flameset w startpoint rands tmpres =
> if rands == [] > if rands == []
> then tmpres > then tmpres
> else > else
@ -193,39 +319,48 @@
> -- Search the old color > -- Search the old color
> oldvalue = Dict.lookup savepoint tmpres > oldvalue = Dict.lookup savepoint tmpres
> -- Set the new color. > -- Set the new color.
> newvalue = addExtColor col (Maybe.fromMaybe (extend black) oldvalue) > newvalue = addColor col (Maybe.fromMaybe black oldvalue)
> -- update the dict > -- update the dict
> newtmpres = Dict.insert savepoint newvalue tmpres > newtmpres = Dict.insert savepoint newvalue tmpres
> in > in
> sierpset w newpoint (tail rands) newtmpres > flameset w newpoint (tail rands) newtmpres
> sierpinsky :: Int -> Int -> YMap The flame function is just a call to the flameset function with initial values.
> sierpinsky w n = sierpset w (P 0.13 0.47) (randlist 0 n) Dict.empty Clearly there is something to be done here.
> flame :: Int -> Int -> YMap
> flame w n = flameset w (P 0.13 0.47) (take n $ randlist 0) Dict.empty
A function to read the command line arguments.
> initGlobalParams args = > initGlobalParams args =
> Global { imgWidth = read (args !! 0) > Global { filename = args !! 0
> , imgHeight = read (args !! 1) > , imgWidth = read (args !! 1)
> , nbPoints = read (args !! 2) } > , imgHeight = read (args !! 2)
> > , nbPoints = read (args !! 3) }
The functions needed to transform the dictionary as a picture file.
> imageFromDict :: YMap -> Int -> Int -> Image PixelRGB8 > imageFromDict :: YMap -> Int -> Int -> Image PixelRGB8
> imageFromDict dict width height = generateImage colorOfPoint width height > imageFromDict dict width height = generateImage colorOfPoint width height
> where > where
> colorOfPoint :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGB8 > colorOfPoint :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGB8
> colorOfPoint x y = colorToPixelRGB8 $ colorFromExt $ > colorOfPoint x y = colorFromExt $
> fromMaybe (extend base03) > fromMaybe base03 -- background color
> (Dict.lookup (YPixel x y) dict) > (Dict.lookup (Pixel x y) dict)
> >
> writeImage :: Int -> Int -> Int -> YMap -> IO () > writeImage :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> YMap -> IO ()
> writeImage w h n dict = writePng "flame.png" $ imageFromDict dict w h > writeImage filename w h n dict = writePng filename $ imageFromDict dict w h
> >
> main :: IO () > main :: IO ()
> main = do > main = do
> args <- getArgs > args <- getArgs
> if (length args<3) > if (length args<4)
> then print $ "Usage flame w h n" > then print $ "Usage flame ficname w h n"
> else do > else do
> env <- return (initGlobalParams args) > env <- return (initGlobalParams args)
> fic <- return (filename env)
> w <- return (imgWidth env) > w <- return (imgWidth env)
> h <- return (imgHeight env) > h <- return (imgHeight env)
> n <- return (nbPoints env) > n <- return (nbPoints env)
> writeImage w h n (sierpinsky w n) > writeImage fic w h n (flame w n)