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module Color where
data Color = Color Int Int Int Float
-- Create RGB colors with an alpha component for transparency.
-- The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1.
rgba : Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> Color
rgba = Color
-- Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive.
rgb : Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
rgb r g b = Color r g b 1
red : Color
red = Color 255 0 0 1
lime : Color
lime = Color 0 255 0 1
blue : Color
blue = Color 0 0 255 1
yellow : Color
yellow = Color 255 255 0 1
cyan : Color
cyan = Color 0 255 255 1
magenta : Color
magenta = Color 255 0 255 1
black : Color
black = Color 0 0 0 1
white : Color
white = Color 255 255 255 1
gray : Color
gray = Color 128 128 128 1
grey : Color
grey = Color 128 128 128 1
maroon : Color
maroon = Color 128 0 0 1
navy : Color
navy = Color 0 0 128 1
green : Color
green = Color 0 128 0 1
teal : Color
teal = Color 0 128 128 1
purple : Color
purple = Color 128 0 128 1
violet : Color
violet = Color 238 130 238 1
forestGreen : Color
forestGreen = Color 34 139 34 1
-- Produce a “complementary color”.
-- The two colors will accent each other.
complement : Color -> Color
-- Create [HSV colors](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV)
-- with an alpha component for transparency.
hsva : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
-- Create [HSV colors](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV).
-- This is very convenient for creating colors that cycle and shift.
-- hsv (degrees 240) 1 1 == blue
hsv : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
data Gradient
= Linear (Float,Float) (Float,Float) [(Float,Color)]
| Radial (Float,Float) Float (Float,Float) Float [(Float,Color)]
-- Create a linear gradient. Takes a start and end point and then a series
-- of “color stops” that indicate how to interpolate between
-- the start and end points. See [this example](/edit/examples/Elements/LinearGradient.elm) for
-- a more visual explanation.
linear : (Number a, Number a) -> (Number a, Number a) -> [(Float,Color)] -> Gradient
linear = Linear
-- Create a radial gradient. First takes a start point and inner radius.
-- Then takes an end point and outer radius. It then takes a series
-- of “color stops” that indicate how to interpolate between
-- the inner and outer circles. See [this example](/edit/examples/Elements/RadialGradient.elm) for
-- a more visual explanation.
radial : (Number a,Number a) -> Number a -> (Number a,Number a) -> Number a -> [(Float,Color)] -> Gradient
radial = Radial