Evan Czaplicki 49fc0b6378 Create way to crawl over all lets in a program, transforming defs and ports
Used to combine type annotations with definitions and find ordering
problems with Definitions and Ports
2014-01-02 23:39:34 -08:00

65 lines
2.6 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Transform.Declaration where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import SourceSyntax.Expression as E
import SourceSyntax.Declaration as D
import qualified Transform.Expression as Expr
import qualified Transform.Definition as Def
combineAnnotations :: [ParseDeclaration] -> Either String [Declaration]
combineAnnotations = go
msg x = "Syntax Error: The type annotation for '" ++ x ++
"' must be directly above its definition."
go decls =
case decls of
-- simple cases, pass them through with no changes
[] -> return []
Datatype name tvars ctors ds : rest ->
(:) (Datatype name tvars ctors ds) <$> go rest
TypeAlias name tvars alias ds : rest ->
(:) (TypeAlias name tvars alias ds) <$> go rest
Fixity assoc prec op : rest ->
(:) (Fixity assoc prec op) <$> go rest
-- combine definitions
D.Definition def : defRest ->
case def of
Def pat expr ->
do expr' <- Expr.crawl Def.combineAnnotations expr
let def' = E.Definition pat expr' Nothing
(:) (D.Definition def') <$> go defRest
TypeAnnotation name tipe ->
case defRest of
D.Definition (Def pat@(P.PVar name') expr) : rest | name == name' ->
do expr' <- Expr.crawl Def.combineAnnotations expr
let def' = E.Definition pat expr' (Just tipe)
(:) (D.Definition def') <$> go rest
_ -> Left (msg name)
-- combine ports
Port port : portRest ->
case port of
SendDefinition name _ -> Left (msg name)
RecvDefinition name _ -> Left (msg name)
PortAnnotation name tipe ->
case portRest of
Port (SendDefinition name' expr) : rest | name == name' ->
do expr' <- Expr.crawl Def.combineAnnotations expr
(:) (Port (Send name expr' tipe)) <$> go rest
Port (RecvDefinition name' expr) : rest | name == name' ->
do expr' <- Expr.crawl Def.combineAnnotations expr
(:) (Port (Send name expr' tipe)) <$> go rest
_ -> Left (msg name)