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/*! Touch
This is an early version of the touch library. It will likely grow to
include gestures that would be useful for both games and web-pages.
Elm.Touch = function() {
function Dict() {
this.keys = [];
this.values = [];
this.insert = function(key,value) {
this.lookup = function(key) {
var i = this.keys.indexOf(key)
return i >= 0 ? this.values[i] : {x:0,y:0,t:0};
this.remove = function(key) {
var i = this.keys.indexOf(key);
if (i < 0) return;
var t = this.values[i];
return t;
var root = Elm.Signal.constant([]),
tapTime = 500,
hasTap = false,
tap = {_:[true],x:[0],y:[0]},
dict = new Dict();
function touch(t) {
var r = dict.lookup(t.identifier);
return {_ : [true], id: [t.identifier],
x: [t.pageX], y: [t.pageY],
x0: [r.x], y0: [r.y],
t0: [r.t] };
function start(e) {
function end(e) {
var t = dict.remove(e.identifier);
if (Date.now() - t.t < tapTime) {
hasTap = true;
tap = {_:[true], x:[t.x], y:[t.y]};
function listen(name, f) {
function update(e) {
for (var i = e.changedTouches.length; i--; ) { f(e.changedTouches[i]); }
var ts = new Array(e.touches.length);
for (var i = e.touches.length; i--; ) { ts[i] = touch(e.touches[i]); }
var hasListener = Dispatcher.notify(root.id, ts);
if (!hasListener) return document.removeEventListener(name, update);
Value.addListener(document, name, update);
listen("touchstart", start);
listen("touchmove", function(_){});
listen("touchend", end);
listen("touchcancel", end);
listen("touchleave", end);
function dependency(f) {
var sig = Elm.Signal.lift(f)(root);
root.defaultNumberOfKids += 1;
sig.defaultNumberOfKids = 0;
return sig;
/** touches : Signal [{ x:Int, y:Int, id:Int, x0:Int, y0:Int, t0:Time }]
A list of touches. Each ongoing touch is represented by a set of
coordinates and an identifier id that allows you to distinguish
between different touches. Each touch also contains the coordinates and
time of the initial contact (x0, y0, and t0) which helps compute more
complicated gestures.
var touches = dependency(function(ts) {
return Elm.JavaScript.castJSArrayToList(ts);
/** taps : Signal { x:Int, y:Int }
The last position that was tapped. Default value is `{x=0,y=0}`.
Updates whenever the user taps the screen.
var taps = function() {
var sig = dependency(function(_) { return tap; });
sig.defaultNumberOfKids = 1;
function pred(_) { var b = hasTap; hasTap = false; return b; }
var sig2 = Elm.Signal.keepIf(pred)({_:[true],x:[0],y:[0]})(sig);
sig2.defaultNumberOfKids = 0;
return sig2;
return { touches: touches, taps: taps };