Evan Czaplicki e32eab0e62 Merge branch 'master' into dev
2013-11-22 12:22:29 -08:00

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module Parse.Declaration where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import Parse.Helpers
import qualified Parse.Expression as Expr
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as T
import qualified Parse.Type as Type
import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Declaration(..), Assoc(..))
declaration :: IParser (Declaration t v)
declaration = alias <|> datatype <|> infixDecl <|> foreignDef <|> definition
definition :: IParser (Declaration t v)
definition = Definition <$> Expr.def
alias :: IParser (Declaration t v)
alias = do
reserved "type" <?> "type alias (type Point = {x:Int, y:Int})"
alias <- capVar
args <- spacePrefix lowVar
padded equals
tipe <- Type.expr
return (TypeAlias alias args tipe)
datatype :: IParser (Declaration t v)
datatype = do
reserved "data" <?> "datatype definition (data T = A | B | ...)"
name <- capVar <?> "name of data-type"
args <- spacePrefix lowVar
padded equals
tcs <- pipeSep1 Type.constructor
return $ Datatype name args tcs
infixDecl :: IParser (Declaration t v)
infixDecl = do
assoc <- choice [ reserved "infixl" >> return L
, reserved "infix" >> return N
, reserved "infixr" >> return R ]
n <- digit
Fixity assoc (read [n]) <$> anyOp
foreignDef :: IParser (Declaration t v)
foreignDef = do
try (reserved "foreign")
importEvent <|> exportEvent
exportEvent :: IParser (Declaration t v)
exportEvent = do
try (reserved "export") >> padded (reserved "jsevent")
eventName <- jsVar
elmVar <- lowVar
padded hasType
tipe <- Type.expr
case tipe of
T.Data "Signal" [t] ->
case isExportable t of
Nothing -> return (ExportEvent eventName elmVar tipe)
Just err -> fail err
_ -> fail "When importing foreign events, the imported value must have type Signal."
importEvent :: IParser (Declaration t v)
importEvent = do
try (reserved "import") >> padded (reserved "jsevent")
eventName <- jsVar
baseValue <- padded Expr.term
<?> "Base case for imported signal (signals cannot be undefined)"
elmVar <- lowVar <?> "Name of imported signal"
padded hasType
tipe <- Type.expr
case tipe of
T.Data "Signal" [t] ->
case isExportable t of
Nothing -> return (ImportEvent eventName baseValue elmVar tipe)
Just err -> fail err
_ -> fail "When importing foreign events, the imported value must have type Signal."
jsVar :: IParser String
jsVar = betwixt '"' '"' $ do
v <- (:) <$> (letter <|> char '_') <*> many (alphaNum <|> char '_')
if Set.notMember v jsReserveds then return v else
fail $ "'" ++ v ++
"' is not a good name for a importing or exporting JS values."
isExportable tipe =
case tipe of
T.Lambda _ _ ->
Just $ "Elm's JavaScript event interface does not yet handle functions. " ++
"Only simple values can be imported and exported in this release."
T.Data "JSArray" [t] -> isExportable t
T.Data name []
| any (`List.isSuffixOf` name) jsTypes -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just $ "'" ++ name ++ "' is not an exportable type." ++ msg
T.Data name _ ->
Just $ "'" ++ name ++ "' is not an exportable type " ++
"constructor. Only 'JSArray' is an exportable container."
T.Var _ -> Just $ "Cannot export type variables." ++ msg
msg = " The following types are exportable: " ++ List.intercalate ", " jsTypes
jsTypes = ["JSString","JSNumber","JSDomNode","JSBool","JSObject"]