evancz e7cadaf9ab Add a bunch of core Elm modules. These are not directly integrated in the compiler right now.
Currently, these files are either unused or compiled down to JS and included in the runtime system (i.e. `elm-runtime-x.y.z.js`)

They will eventually get incorporated into the compiler though!
2012-10-04 22:01:20 -04:00

195 lines
5.5 KiB

module Graphics.Element
) where
import Graphics.Color
data Direction = DLeft | DRight | DUp | DDown | DIn | DOut
left = DLeft
right = DRight
down = DDown
up = DUp
inward = DIn
outward = DOut
data Pos1 = Absolute Int | Relative Float
data Pos2 = Near | Mid | Far
data Position
= Position Pos2 Pos2
| PositionAt Pos1 Pos1
| PositionTL Pos1 Pos1
| PositionTR Pos1 Pos1
| PositionBL Pos1 Pos1
| PositionBR Pos1 Pos1
topLeft = Position Near Near
topRight = Position Far Near
bottomLeft = Position Near Far
bottomRight = Position Far Far
midLeft = Position Near Mid
midRight = Position Far Mid
midTop = Position Mid Near
midBottom = Position Mid Far
middle = Position Mid Mid
middleAt = PositionAt
topLeftAt = PositionTL
topRightAt = PositionTR
bottomLeftAt = PositionBL
bottomRightAt = PositionBR
absolute = Absolute
relative = Relative
data Element = Element Int BasicElement Int Int Float (Maybe Color) (Just String)
newElement = Element 0
basicNewElement e w h = Element 0 e w h 1 Nothing Nothing
data BasicElement
= EText Text Text
| EImage String
| EVideo String
| EFittedImage String
| EFlow Direction [Element]
| ECollage Int Int [Form]
| EEmpty
| EContainer Position Element
width w' (Element _ e w h o c l) =
case e of
{ EText _ -> newElement e w' h o c l
; EImage _ -> newElement e w' h o c l
; EVideo _ -> newElement e w' h o c l
; _ -> newElement e w' h o c l }
height h' (Element _ e w h o c l) =
case e of
{ EText _ -> newElement e w h' o c l
; EImage _ -> newElement e w h' o c l
; EVideo _ -> newElement e w h' o c l
; _ -> newElement e w h' o c l }
size w' h' (Element _ e w h o c l) = newElement e w' h' o c l
opacity o' (Element _ e w h o c l) = newElement e w h o' c l
color c' (Element _ e w h o c l) = newElement e w h o (Just c') l
link l' (Element _ e w h o c l) = newElement e w h o c (Just l')
widthOf (Element _ _ w _ _ _ _) = w
heightOf (Element _ _ _ h _ _ _) = h
sizeOf (Element _ _ w h _ _ _) = (w,h)
n1 = 0-1
text t = basicNewElement (EText t) n1 n1
image w h s = basicNewElement (EImage s) w h
video w h s = basicNewElement (EVideo s) w h
fittedImage w h s = basicNewElement (EFittedImage s) w h
flow dir es =
let { w = let ws = map widthOf es in
case dir of { DLeft -> sum ws
; DRight -> sum ws
; _ -> maximum ws }
; h = let hs = map heightOf es in
case dir of { DDown -> sum hs
; DUp -> sum hs
; _ -> maximum hs }
} in basicNewElement (EFlow dir es) w h
above e1 e2 =
(EFlow DDown [e1,e2])
(max (widthOf e1) (widthOf e2))
(heightOf e1 + heightOf e2) 1 Nothing Nothing
below e1 e2 =
basicNewElement (EFlow DDown [e2,e1])
(max (widthOf e1) (widthOf e2))
(heightOf e1 + heightOf e2)
beside e1 e2 =
basicNewElement (EFlow DRight [e1,e2])
(widthOf e1 + widthOf e2)
(max (heightOf e1) (heightOf e2))
layers es =
basicNewElement (EFlow DIn es)
(maximum (map widthOf es))
(maximum (map heightOf es))
collage w h forms = basicNewElement (ECollage w h forms) w h
spacer w h = basicNewElement EEmpty w h
container w h pos e =
basicNewElement (EContainer pos e) w h
data LineStyle = Solid | Dotted | Dashed | Custom [Int]
data ShapeStyle = Filled | Outlined | CustomOutline [Int] | Textured String
data Line = Line [(Float,Float)]
line = Line
segment p1 p2 = Line [p1,p2]
data Shape = Shape [(Float,Float)] (Float,Float)
polygon = Shape
rect w h pos = Shape [(0-w/2,0-h/2),(0-w/2,h/2),(w/2,h/2),(w/2,0-h/2)] pos
oval w h pos =
let n = 50 in
let f i = ( w/2 * cos (2*pi/n * i), h/2 * sin (2*pi/n * i)) in
Shape (map f [0..n-1]) pos
circle r = oval (2*r) (2*r)
ngon n r pos =
let m = toFloat n in
let f i = ( r * cos (2*pi/m * i), r * sin (2*pi/m * i)) in
Shape (map f [0..n-1]) pos
data Form = Form Float Float (Float,Float) BasicForm
data BasicForm
= FLine LineStyle Color Line
| FShape ShapeStyle Color Shape
| FImage Int Int String
| FElement Element
solid clr ln = Form 0 1 (0,0) (FLine Solid clr ln)
dotted clr ln = Form 0 1 (0,0) (FLine Dotted clr ln)
dashed clr ln = Form 0 1 (0,0) (FLine Dashed clr ln)
customLine pattern clr ln =
Form 0 1 (0,0) (FLine (Custom pattern) clr ln)
filled clr (Shape ps pos) = Form 0 1 pos (FShape Filled clr (Shape ps pos))
outlined clr (Shape ps pos) = Form 0 1 pos (FShape Outlined clr (Shape ps pos))
customOutline pattern clr (Shape ps pos) =
Form 0 1 pos (FShape (CustomOutline pattern) clr (Shape ps pos))
textured src (Shape ps pos) = Form 0 1 pos (FShape (Textured src) black (Shape ps pos))
sprite w h pos src = Form 0 1 pos (FImage w h src)
toForm pos e = Form 0 1 pos (FElement e)
rotate t (Form theta scale pos form) = Form (t+theta) scale pos form
scale s (Form theta scale pos form) = Form theta (s*scale) pos form
move x y (Form theta scale (px,py) form) = Form theta scale (x+px,y+py) form