2012-08-17 16:38:41 +02:00

165 lines
5.6 KiB

module Pong where
import Foreign.JavaScript
import Signal.Keyboard.Raw
import Signal.Window as Win
------ Extracting timesteps from JavaScript ------
desiredFPS = constant (castIntToJSNumber 30)
foreign export jsevent "desiredFPS"
desiredFPS :: Signal JSNumber
foreign import jsevent "trigger" (castIntToJSNumber 0)
jsTime :: Signal JSNumber
time = lift castJSNumberToFloat jsTime
delta = lift snd $ foldp (\t1 (t0,d) -> (t1, t1-t0)) (0,0) time
------ Modelling user input ------
-- Each paddle can be moving up, down, or not at all. We'll call this
-- the `direction' of the paddle.
data Direction = Up | Neutral | Down
-- During gameplay, all keyboard input is about the position of the two
-- paddles. So the keyboard input can be reduced to two `Directions'.
data KeyInput = KeyInput Bool Direction Direction
-- Now we determine how to update the direction of a paddle based on
-- keyboard input. The first two args of `updatePaddle` are the key
-- codes of the up and down keys.
updateDirection upKey downKey key direction =
case direction of
{ Up -> if key == downKey then Neutral else Up
; Down -> if key == upKey then Neutral else Down
; Neutral -> if key == upKey then Up else
if key == downKey then Down else Neutral
updateDirection1 = updateDirection 87 83 -- 'w' for up and 's' for down
updateDirection2 = updateDirection 38 40 -- 'UP' for up and 'DOWN' for down
updateInput key (KeyInput space dir1 dir2) =
KeyInput (space || key == 32)
(updateDirection1 key dir1)
(updateDirection2 key dir2)
keyInput = lift (foldl updateInput (KeyInput False Neutral Neutral)) keysDown
------ Combining all inputs to game ------
-- The inputs to this game include a timestep (which we extracted from
-- JavaScript) and the keyboard input from the users.
data Input = Input Float KeyInput
input = lift2 Input delta keyInput
------ Modelling Pong / a State Machine ------
data Paddle = Paddle Float -- y-position
data Ball = Ball (Float,Float) (Float,Float) -- position and velocity
data Score = Score Int Int
data State = Play | BetweenRounds
data GameState = GameState State Score Ball Paddle Paddle
gameWidth = 600
gameHeight = 400
halfWidth = gameWidth / 2
halfHeight = gameHeight / 2
defaultGame = GameState BetweenRounds
(Score 0 0)
(Ball (halfWidth, halfHeight) (150,150))
(Paddle halfHeight)
(Paddle halfHeight)
stepPaddle delta dir (Paddle y) =
case dir of
{ Up -> Paddle . clamp 20 (gameHeight-20) $ y - 200 * delta
; Down -> Paddle . clamp 20 (gameHeight-20) $ y + 200 * delta
; Neutral -> Paddle y
stepBall delta (Ball (x,y) (vx,vy)) (Paddle y1) (Paddle y2) =
let { makePositive n = if n > 0 then n else 0-n
; makeNegative n = if n > 0 then 0-n else n
; near epsilon n x = x > n - epsilon && x < n + epsilon
; vx' = if near 20 y1 y && near 8 25 x
then makePositive vx else
if near 20 y2 y && near 8 (gameWidth - 25) x
then makeNegative vx else vx
; vy' = if y < 7 then makePositive vy else
if y > gameHeight - 7 then makeNegative vy else vy
; scored = x > gameWidth || x < 0
; x' = if scored then halfWidth else x + vx' * delta
; y' = if scored then halfHeight else y + vy' * delta
in ( Ball (x',y') (vx',vy')
, if x > gameWidth then 1 else 0
, if x < 0 then 1 else 0
stepGame (Input delta (KeyInput space dir1 dir2))
(GameState state (Score s1 s2) ball paddle1 paddle2) =
let { (ball',s1',s2') = if state == Play
then stepBall delta ball paddle1 paddle2
else (ball, 0, 0)
; state' = case state of { Play -> if s1' /= s2' then BetweenRounds else state
; BetweenRounds -> if space then Play else state }
in GameState state'
(Score (s1+s1') (s2+s2'))
(stepPaddle delta dir1 paddle1)
(stepPaddle delta dir2 paddle2)
gameState = foldp stepGame defaultGame input
display (w,h) (GameState state (Score p1 p2) (Ball pos _) (Paddle y1) (Paddle y2)) =
let score = width w . centeredText . Text.height 4 $
show p1 ++ toText " " ++ show p2
in layers
[ if state == Play then score else
score `above` (width w . centeredText $ toText "Press SPACE to begin.")
, let pongGreen = rgb 60 100 60 in
size w h . box 5 $ collage gameWidth gameHeight
[ filled pongGreen (rect gameWidth gameHeight (halfWidth,halfHeight))
, filled white (oval 15 15 pos)
, filled white (rect 10 40 ( 20, y1))
, filled white (rect 10 40 (gameWidth - 20, y2))
view = lift2 display Win.dimensions gameState
done = lift (\_ -> castBoolToJSBool True) view
foreign export jsevent "finished"
done :: Signal JSBool
main = view