
111 lines
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module Parse.Binop (binops, infixStmt, OpTable) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import SourceSyntax.Location (merge)
import SourceSyntax.Expression (LExpr, Expr(Binop))
import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Assoc(..))
import Text.Parsec
import Parse.Helpers
type OpTable = [(Int, Assoc, String)]
preludeTable :: OpTable
preludeTable =
[ (9, R, ".")
, (8, R, "^")
, (7, L, "*"), (7, L, "/"), (7, L, "mod"), (7, L, "div"), (7, L, "rem")
, (6, L, "+"), (6, L, "-")
, (5, R, "::"), (5, R, "++")
, (4, N, "<="), (4, N, ">="), (4, N, "<")
, (4, N, "=="), (4, N, "/="), (4, N, ">")
, (4, L, "~"), (4, L, "<~")
, (3, R, "&&")
, (2, R, "||")
, (0, R, "<|"), (0, L, "|>")
opLevel :: OpTable -> String -> Int
opLevel table op = Map.findWithDefault 9 op dict
where dict = Map.fromList (map (\(lvl,_,op) -> (op,lvl)) table)
opAssoc :: OpTable -> String -> Assoc
opAssoc table op = Map.findWithDefault R op dict
where dict = Map.fromList (map (\(_,assoc,op) -> (op,assoc)) table)
hasLevel :: OpTable -> Int -> (String, LExpr t v) -> Bool
hasLevel table n (op,_) = opLevel table op == n
binops :: OpTable
-> IParser (LExpr t v)
-> IParser (LExpr t v)
-> IParser String
-> IParser (LExpr t v)
binops table term last anyOp =
do e <- term
split (table ++ preludeTable) 0 e =<< nextOps
nextOps = choice [ commitIf (whitespace >> anyOp) $ do
whitespace ; op <- anyOp ; whitespace
expr <- Left <$> try term <|> Right <$> last
case expr of
Left t -> (:) (op,t) <$> nextOps
Right e -> return [(op,e)]
, return [] ]
split :: OpTable
-> Int
-> LExpr t v
-> [(String, LExpr t v)]
-> IParser (LExpr t v)
split _ _ e [] = return e
split table n e eops = do
assoc <- getAssoc table n eops
es <- sequence (splitLevel table n e eops)
let ops = map fst (filter (hasLevel table n) eops)
case assoc of R -> joinR es ops
_ -> joinL es ops
splitLevel :: OpTable -> Int -> LExpr t v -> [(String, LExpr t v)]
-> [IParser (LExpr t v)]
splitLevel table n e eops =
case break (hasLevel table n) eops of
(lops, (op,e'):rops) ->
split table (n+1) e lops : splitLevel table n e' rops
(lops, []) -> [ split table (n+1) e lops ]
joinL :: [LExpr t v] -> [String] -> IParser (LExpr t v)
joinL [e] [] = return e
joinL (a:b:es) (op:ops) = joinL (merge a b (Binop op a b) : es) ops
joinL _ _ = fail "Ill-formed binary expression. Report a compiler bug."
joinR :: [LExpr t v] -> [String] -> IParser (LExpr t v)
joinR [e] [] = return e
joinR (a:b:es) (op:ops) = do e <- joinR (b:es) ops
return (merge a e (Binop op a e))
joinR _ _ = fail "Ill-formed binary expression. Report a compiler bug."
getAssoc :: OpTable -> Int -> [(String,LExpr t v)] -> IParser Assoc
getAssoc table n eops
| all (==L) assocs = return L
| all (==R) assocs = return R
| all (==N) assocs = case assocs of [_] -> return N
_ -> fail msg
where levelOps = filter (hasLevel table n) eops
assocs = map (opAssoc table . fst) levelOps
msg = concat [ "Conflicting precedence for binary operators ("
, intercalate ", " (map fst eops), "). "
, "Consider adding parentheses to disambiguate." ]
infixStmt :: IParser (Int, Assoc, String)
infixStmt =
let infx str assoc = try (reserved ("infix" ++ str) >> return assoc) in
do assoc <- choice [ infx "l" L, infx "r" R, infx "" N ]
prec <- do n <- digit ; return (read [n] :: Int)
op <- anyOp
return (prec, assoc, op)