
177 lines
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module Parse.Type where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad (liftM,mapM)
import Data.Char (isLower)
import Data.List (lookup,intercalate)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import SourceSyntax.Location as Located
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import SourceSyntax.Declaration
import Parse.Helpers
import Types.Types hiding (parens,string)
import Unique
data ParseType = VarPT String
| LambdaPT ParseType ParseType
| ADTPT String [ParseType]
| RecordPT (Maybe ParseType) [(String,ParseType)]
deriving (Show)
listPT t = ADTPT "List" [t]
tuplePT ts = ADTPT ("Tuple" ++ show (length ts)) ts
typeVar :: IParser ParseType
typeVar = VarPT <$> lowVar <?> "type variable"
typeList :: IParser ParseType
typeList = listPT <$> braces typeExpr
typeTuple :: IParser ParseType
typeTuple = do ts <- parens (commaSep typeExpr)
return $ case ts of { [t] -> t ; _ -> tuplePT ts }
typeRecord :: IParser ParseType
typeRecord = brackets (RecordPT <$> extend <*> fields)
where extend = optionMaybe . try $ do
t <- typeVar
whitespace >> string "|" >> whitespace
return t
fields = commaSep $ do
lbl <- rLabel
whitespace >> hasType >> whitespace
(,) lbl <$> typeExpr
typeUnambiguous :: IParser ParseType
typeUnambiguous = typeList <|> typeTuple <|> typeRecord
typeSimple :: IParser ParseType
typeSimple = VarPT <$> var
typeApp :: IParser ParseType
typeApp = do name <- capVar <?> "type constructor"
args <- spacePrefix (typeUnambiguous <|> typeSimple)
return $ case args of
[] -> VarPT name
_ -> ADTPT name args
typeExpr :: IParser ParseType
typeExpr = do
t1 <- typeVar <|> typeApp <|> typeUnambiguous
whitespace ; arr <- optionMaybe arrow ; whitespace
case arr of
Just _ -> LambdaPT t1 <$> typeExpr
Nothing -> return t1
typeConstructor :: IParser (String, [ParseType])
typeConstructor = (,) <$> (capVar <?> "another type constructor")
<*> spacePrefix (typeSimple <|> typeUnambiguous)
typeAlias :: IParser [Declaration t v]
typeAlias = do
start <- getPosition
reserved "type" <?> "type alias (type Point = {x:Int, y:Int})"
alias <- capVar
args <- spacePrefix lowVar
whitespace ; string "=" ; whitespace
let n = length args
tipe <- typeExpr
end <- getPosition
case toTypeWith alias (zip args [1..n]) tipe of
Left msg -> fail msg
Right t -> return (TypeAlias alias [1..n] t : ctor)
where ctor = case tipe of
RecordPT extension kvs ->
[toConstructor start end alias extension kvs]
_ -> []
toConstructor start end alias Nothing kvs =
Definition (FnDef alias args (loc (Record rec)))
loc = Located.at start end
args = map fst kvs
rec = map (\a -> (a, [], loc (Var a))) args
toConstructor start end alias (Just _) kvs =
Definition (FnDef alias (args++["_ext_"]) (loc rec))
loc = Located.at start end
args = map fst kvs
rec = foldl insert (Var "_ext_") (zip args (map (loc . Var) args))
insert e (k,v) = Insert (loc e) k v
annotation :: IParser (Def t v)
annotation = TypeAnnotation <$> try start <*> (toType <$> typeExpr)
where start = do v <- lowVar <|> parens symOp
whitespace ; hasType ; whitespace ; return v
datatype :: IParser (Declaration t v)
datatype = do
reserved "data" <?> "datatype definition (data T = A | B | ...)"
forcedWS ; name <- capVar <?> "name of data-type" ; args <- spacePrefix lowVar
whitespace ; string "=" ; whitespace
tcs <- pipeSep1 typeConstructor
case toDatatype name args tcs of
Right dt -> return dt
Left msg -> fail msg
beta = liftM VarT guid
toType :: ParseType -> Type
toType pt =
let frees :: ParseType -> [String]
frees pt = case pt of
LambdaPT a b -> frees a ++ frees b
ADTPT _ ts -> concatMap frees ts
RecordPT t fs -> maybe [] frees t ++ concatMap (frees . snd) fs
VarPT (c:cs) | isLower c -> [c:cs]
| otherwise -> []
in case toTypeWith "" (zip (frees pt) [1..]) pt of
Right t -> t
Left _ -> VarT 0
toTypeWith :: String -> [(String,X)] -> ParseType -> Either String Type
toTypeWith name tvarDict pt =
let msg x = "Type variable '" ++ x ++ "' is unbound in type '" ++ name ++ "'."
toT = toTypeWith name tvarDict
in case pt of
LambdaPT t1 t2 -> (==>) <$> toT t1 <*> toT t2
ADTPT name args -> ADT name <$> mapM toT args
RecordPT t fs -> do fs' <- mapM (\(x,pt) -> (,) x <$> toT pt) fs
ext <- maybe (return EmptyRecord) toT t
return (RecordT (recordT fs') ext)
VarPT x@(c:_)
| not (isLower c) -> return $ ADT x []
| otherwise -> VarT <$> case lookup x tvarDict of
Just v -> Right v
Nothing -> Left (msg x)
toDatatype name args tcs = Datatype name [1..n] <$> mapM toC tcs
where n = length args
toType = toTypeWith name (zip args [1..n])
toC (name,pt) = (,) name <$> mapM toType pt
toForeignType (LambdaPT t1 t2) =
fail $ "Elm's JavaScript event interface does not yet handle functions. " ++
"Only simple values can be imported and exported in this release."
toForeignType (ADTPT "JSArray" args) =
ADT "JSArray" <$> mapM toForeignType args
toForeignType (ADTPT name _) =
Left $ "'" ++ name ++ "' is not an exportable type " ++
"constructor. Only 'JSArray' is exportable."
toForeignType (VarPT x@(c:_))
| x `elem` jsTypes = Right (ADT x [])
| isLower c =
Left $ "All exported types must be concrete types." ++ msg
| otherwise =
Left $ "'" ++ x ++ "' is not an exportable type." ++ msg
msg = " The following types are exportable: " ++ intercalate ", " jsTypes
jsTypes = ["JSString","JSNumber","JSDomNode","JSBool","JSObject"]