evancz 721ce4f192 Continue reorganizing the code-base.
Remove uses of uniplate, introduces a regression in testing the ordering of Defs in let-expressions.
2013-06-13 22:45:08 -07:00

32 lines
1.2 KiB

module Types.Hints (hints) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Unique
import qualified Metadata.Libraries as Libs
import Parse.Helpers (iParse)
import Parse.Type
import qualified Types.Substitutions as Subs
import Types.Types
hints :: Unique [(String, Scheme)]
hints = liftM catMaybes (mapM toScheme values)
values :: [(String, String)]
values = addPrefixes (Map.toList (Map.map Map.toList Libs.libraries))
addPrefixes :: [(String,[(String, String)])] -> [(String, String)]
addPrefixes = concatMap (\(m,vs) -> map (first (\n -> m ++ "." ++ n)) vs)
toScheme :: (String, String) -> Unique (Maybe (String, Scheme))
toScheme (name, 't':'y':'p':'e':' ':_) = return Nothing
toScheme (name, 'd':'a':'t':'a':' ':_) = return Nothing
toScheme (name, tipeString) =
let err = "compiler error parsing type of " ++ name ++ ":\n" ++ tipeString
in case iParse (fmap toType typeExpr) err tipeString of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right tipe -> do
scheme <- Subs.generalize [] =<< Subs.superize name tipe
return (Just (name, scheme))