Evan Czaplicki 62bd720882 Make the char parser more restrictive to try to get better errors.
Before it permitted sequences of unescaped chars.
2014-01-08 11:36:51 +01:00

384 lines
12 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Parse.Helpers where
import Prelude hiding (until)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces,State)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as T
import SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import SourceSyntax.Location as Location
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Assoc)
reserveds = [ "if", "then", "else"
, "case", "of"
, "let", "in"
, "data", "type"
, "module", "where"
, "import", "as", "hiding", "open"
, "export", "foreign"
, "deriving", "port" ]
jsReserveds :: Set.Set String
jsReserveds = Set.fromList
[ "null", "undefined", "Nan", "Infinity", "true", "false", "eval"
, "arguments", "int", "byte", "char", "goto", "long", "final", "float"
, "short", "double", "native", "throws", "boolean", "abstract", "volatile"
, "transient", "synchronized", "function", "break", "case", "catch"
, "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "finally"
, "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof", "new", "return", "switch"
, "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "class"
, "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super", "implements"
, "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public"
, "static", "yield"
-- reserved by the Elm runtime system
, "Elm", "ElmRuntime"
, "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9"
, "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9"
expecting = flip (<?>)
type OpTable = Map.Map String (Int, Assoc)
type SourceM = State SourcePos
type IParser a = ParsecT String OpTable SourceM a
iParse :: IParser a -> String -> Either ParseError a
iParse = iParseWithTable "" Map.empty
iParseWithTable :: SourceName -> OpTable -> IParser a -> String -> Either ParseError a
iParseWithTable sourceName table aParser input =
runIndent sourceName $ runParserT aParser table sourceName input
var :: IParser String
var = makeVar (letter <|> char '_' <?> "variable")
lowVar :: IParser String
lowVar = makeVar (lower <?> "lower case variable")
capVar :: IParser String
capVar = makeVar (upper <?> "upper case variable")
qualifiedVar :: IParser String
qualifiedVar = do
vars <- many ((++) <$> capVar <*> string ".")
(++) (concat vars) <$> lowVar
rLabel :: IParser String
rLabel = lowVar
innerVarChar :: IParser Char
innerVarChar = alphaNum <|> char '_' <|> char '\'' <?> ""
makeVar :: IParser Char -> IParser String
makeVar p = do v <- (:) <$> p <*> many innerVarChar
guard (v `notElem` reserveds)
return v
reserved :: String -> IParser String
reserved word =
try (string word >> notFollowedBy innerVarChar) >> return word
<?> "reserved word '" ++ word ++ "'"
anyOp :: IParser String
anyOp = betwixt '`' '`' qualifiedVar <|> symOp <?> "infix operator (e.g. +, *, ||)"
symOp :: IParser String
symOp = do op <- many1 (satisfy Help.isSymbol)
guard (op `notElem` [ "=", "..", "->", "--", "|", "\8594", ":" ])
case op of
"." -> notFollowedBy lower >> return op
"\8728" -> return "."
_ -> return op
padded :: IParser a -> IParser a
padded p = do whitespace
out <- p
return out
equals :: IParser String
equals = string "="
arrow :: IParser String
arrow = string "->" <|> string "\8594" <?> "arrow (->)"
hasType :: IParser String
hasType = string ":" <?> "':' (a type annotation)'"
commitIf check p = commit <|> try p
where commit = do (try $ lookAhead check) >> p
spaceySepBy1 :: IParser b -> IParser a -> IParser [a]
spaceySepBy1 sep p = do
a <- p
(a:) <$> many (commitIf (whitespace >> sep) (padded sep >> p))
commaSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
commaSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char ',' <?> "comma ','")
commaSep :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
commaSep = option [] . commaSep1
semiSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
semiSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char ';' <?> "semicolon ';'")
pipeSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
pipeSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char '|' <?> "type divider '|'")
consSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
consSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (string "::" <?> "cons operator '::'")
dotSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
dotSep1 p = (:) <$> p <*> many (try (char '.') >> p)
spaceSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a]
spaceSep1 p = (:) <$> p <*> spacePrefix p
spacePrefix p = constrainedSpacePrefix p (\_ -> return ())
constrainedSpacePrefix p constraint =
many $ choice [ try (spacing >> lookAhead (oneOf "[({")) >> p
, try (spacing >> p)
spacing = do
n <- whitespace
constraint n
failure msg = do
inp <- getInput
setInput ('x':inp)
fail msg
followedBy a b = do x <- a ; b ; return x
betwixt a b c = do char a ; out <- c
char b <?> "closing '" ++ [b] ++ "'" ; return out
surround a z name p = do
char a ; v <- padded p
char z <?> unwords ["closing", name, show z]
return v
braces :: IParser a -> IParser a
braces = surround '[' ']' "brace"
parens :: IParser a -> IParser a
parens = surround '(' ')' "paren"
brackets :: IParser a -> IParser a
brackets = surround '{' '}' "bracket"
addLocation :: (Pretty a) => IParser a -> IParser (Location.Located a)
addLocation expr = do
(start, e, end) <- located expr
return (Location.at start end e)
located :: IParser a -> IParser (SourcePos, a, SourcePos)
located p = do
start <- getPosition
e <- p
end <- getPosition
return (start, e, end)
accessible :: IParser LParseExpr -> IParser LParseExpr
accessible expr = do
start <- getPosition
ce@(L _ e) <- expr
let rest f = do
let dot = char '.' >> notFollowedBy (char '.')
access <- optionMaybe (try dot <?> "field access (e.g. List.map)")
case access of
Nothing -> return ce
Just _ -> accessible $ do
v <- var <?> "field access (e.g. List.map)"
end <- getPosition
return (Location.at start end (f v))
case e of Var (c:cs) | isUpper c -> rest (\v -> Var (c:cs ++ '.':v))
| otherwise -> rest (Access ce)
_ -> rest (Access ce)
spaces :: IParser String
spaces = concat <$> many1 (multiComment <|> string " ") <?> "spaces"
forcedWS :: IParser String
forcedWS = choice [ try $ (++) <$> spaces <*> (concat <$> many nl_space)
, try $ concat <$> many1 nl_space ]
where nl_space = try ((++) <$> (concat <$> many1 newline) <*> spaces)
-- Just eats whitespace until the next meaningful character.
dumbWhitespace :: IParser String
dumbWhitespace = concat <$> many (spaces <|> newline)
whitespace :: IParser String
whitespace = option "" forcedWS <?> "whitespace"
freshLine :: IParser [[String]]
freshLine = try (many1 newline >> many space_nl) <|> try (many1 space_nl) <?> ""
where space_nl = try $ spaces >> many1 newline
newline :: IParser String
newline = simpleNewline <|> lineComment <?> "newline"
simpleNewline :: IParser String
simpleNewline = try (string "\r\n") <|> string "\n"
lineComment :: IParser String
lineComment = do
try (string "--")
comment <- anyUntil $ simpleNewline <|> (eof >> return "\n")
return ("--" ++ comment)
multiComment :: IParser String
multiComment = (++) <$> try (string "{-") <*> closeComment
closeComment :: IParser String
closeComment =
anyUntil . choice $
[ try (string "-}") <?> "close comment"
, concat <$> sequence [ try (string "{-"), closeComment, closeComment ]
until :: IParser a -> IParser b -> IParser b
until p end = go
go = end <|> (p >> go)
anyUntil :: IParser String -> IParser String
anyUntil end = go
go = end <|> (:) <$> anyChar <*> go
ignoreUntil :: IParser a -> IParser (Maybe a)
ignoreUntil end = go
ignore p = const () <$> p
filler = choice [ try (ignore chr) <|> ignore str
, ignore multiComment
, ignore (markdown (\_ _ -> mzero))
, ignore anyChar
go = choice [ Just <$> end
, filler `until` choice [ const Nothing <$> eof, newline >> go ]
onFreshLines :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> IParser a -> IParser b
onFreshLines insert init thing = go init
go values = do
optionValue <- ignoreUntil thing
case optionValue of
Nothing -> return values
Just v -> go (insert v values)
withSource :: IParser a -> IParser (String, a)
withSource p = do
start <- getParserState
result <- p
endPos <- getPosition
setParserState start
raw <- anyUntilPos endPos
return (raw, result)
anyUntilPos :: SourcePos -> IParser String
anyUntilPos pos = go
go = do currentPos <- getPosition
case currentPos == pos of
True -> return []
False -> (:) <$> anyChar <*> go
markdown :: (String -> [a] -> IParser (String, [a])) -> IParser (String, [a])
markdown interpolation = try (string "[markdown|") >> closeMarkdown "" []
closeMarkdown md stuff =
choice [ do try (string "|]")
return (md, stuff)
, uncurry closeMarkdown =<< interpolation md stuff
, do c <- anyChar
closeMarkdown (md ++ [c]) stuff
--str :: IParser String
str = expecting "String" $ do
s <- choice [ multiStr, singleStr ]
processAs T.stringLiteral . sandwich '\"' $ concat s
rawString quote insides =
quote >> manyTill insides quote
multiStr = rawString (try (string "\"\"\"")) multilineStringChar
singleStr = rawString (char '"') stringChar
stringChar :: IParser String
stringChar = choice [ newlineChar, escaped '\"', (:[]) <$> satisfy (/= '\"') ]
multilineStringChar :: IParser String
multilineStringChar =
do noEnd
choice [ newlineChar, escaped '\"', expandQuote <$> anyChar ]
noEnd = notFollowedBy (string "\"\"\"")
expandQuote c = if c == '\"' then "\\\"" else [c]
newlineChar :: IParser String
newlineChar =
choice [ char '\n' >> return "\\n"
, char '\r' >> return "\\r" ]
sandwich :: Char -> String -> String
sandwich delim s = delim : s ++ [delim]
escaped :: Char -> IParser String
escaped delim = try $ do
char '\\'
c <- char '\\' <|> char delim
return ['\\', c]
chr :: IParser Char
chr = betwixt '\'' '\'' character <?> "character"
nonQuote = satisfy (/='\'')
character = do
c <- choice [ escaped '\''
, (:) <$> char '\\' <*> many1 nonQuote
, (:[]) <$> nonQuote ]
processAs T.charLiteral $ sandwich '\'' c
processAs :: (T.GenTokenParser String u SourceM -> IParser a) -> String -> IParser a
processAs processor s = calloutParser s (processor lexer)
calloutParser :: String -> IParser a -> IParser a
calloutParser inp p = either (fail . show) return (iParse p inp)
lexer :: T.GenTokenParser String u SourceM
lexer = T.makeTokenParser elmDef
-- I don't know how many of these are necessary for charLiteral/stringLiteral
elmDef :: T.GenLanguageDef String u SourceM
elmDef = T.LanguageDef
{ T.commentStart = "{-"
, T.commentEnd = "-}"
, T.commentLine = "--"
, T.nestedComments = True
, T.identStart = undefined
, T.identLetter = undefined
, T.opStart = undefined
, T.opLetter = undefined
, T.reservedNames = reserveds
, T.reservedOpNames = [":", "->", "<-", "|"]
, T.caseSensitive = True