
137 lines
4.6 KiB

module Types.Alias (dealias, mistakes) where
import Ast
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.List (group,sort)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Types.Substitutions (subst)
import Types.Types
builtins :: [(String,([X],Type))]
builtins = [ ("String", ([], string)) ]
getAliases :: [Statement] -> Map.Map String ([X],Type)
getAliases stmts = Map.fromList (builtins ++ concatMap getAlias stmts)
where getAlias stmt = case stmt of
TypeAlias alias xs t -> [(alias, (xs,t))]
_ -> []
dealias :: [Statement] -> [Statement]
dealias stmts = map dealiasS stmts
dealiasT :: Type -> Type
dealiasT t =
case t of
ADT name ts -> case Map.lookup name (getAliases stmts) of
Just (xs,t) -> dealiasT (subst (zip xs ts) t)
Nothing -> ADT name (map dealiasT ts)
LambdaT t u -> LambdaT (dealiasT t) (dealiasT u)
RecordT r t -> RecordT (Map.map (map dealiasT) r) (dealiasT t)
_ -> t
dealiasS :: Statement -> Statement
dealiasS s =
case s of
Datatype n xs tcs -> Datatype n xs (map (second (map dealiasT)) tcs)
ExportEvent js elm tipe -> ExportEvent js elm (dealiasT tipe)
ImportEvent js e elm tipe -> ImportEvent js e elm (dealiasT tipe)
TypeAnnotation name tipe -> TypeAnnotation name (dealiasT tipe)
TypeAlias alias xs tipe -> TypeAlias alias xs (dealiasT tipe)
Definition _ -> s
mistakes :: [Statement] -> [String]
mistakes stmts = badKinds stmts ++ dups stmts ++ badOrder stmts
badKinds :: [Statement] -> [String]
badKinds stmts = map msg (concatMap badS stmts)
msg x = "Type Error: Type alias '" ++ x ++
"' was given the wrong number of arguments."
badT :: Type -> [String]
badT t =
case t of
ADT name ts ->
case Map.lookup name (getAliases stmts) of
Just (xs,t) | length xs == length ts -> []
| otherwise -> [name]
Nothing -> concatMap badT ts
LambdaT t u -> badT t ++ badT u
RecordT r t -> badT t ++ concatMap badT (concat (Map.elems r))
_ -> []
badS :: Statement -> [String]
badS s =
case s of
Datatype _ _ tcs -> concatMap badT (concatMap snd tcs)
ExportEvent _ _ tipe -> badT tipe
ImportEvent _ _ _ tipe -> badT tipe
TypeAnnotation _ tipe -> badT tipe
TypeAlias _ _ tipe -> badT tipe
Definition _ -> []
annotation :: Statement -> [String]
annotation s =
case s of
TypeAnnotation name _ -> [name]
_ -> []
definition :: Statement -> [String]
definition s =
case s of
Definition d -> [defName d]
_ -> []
defName :: Def -> String
defName d =
case d of
FnDef n _ _ -> n
OpDef n _ _ _ -> n
dups :: [Statement] -> [String]
dups stmts = map defMsg (dup definition) ++ map annMsg (dup annotation)
dup :: (Statement -> [String]) -> [String]
dup f = map head . filter ((>1) . length) . group . sort $ concatMap f stmts
msg = "Syntax Error: There can only be one "
defMsg x = msg ++ "top-level definition of '" ++ x ++ "'."
annMsg x = msg ++ "type annotation for '" ++ x ++ "'."
badOrder :: [Statement] -> [String]
badOrder stmts = map msg $ missings (sort $ expectedPairs as ds) (sort $ actualPairs stmts)
msg x = "Syntax Error: The type annotation for '" ++ x ++
"' must be directly above its definition."
as = sort $ concatMap annotation stmts
ds = sort $ concatMap definition stmts
expectedPairs :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
expectedPairs as ds =
case (as,ds) of
(x:xs, y:ys) -> case compare x y of
LT -> expectedPairs xs (y:ys)
EQ -> x : expectedPairs xs ys
GT -> expectedPairs (x:xs) ys
( _ , _ ) -> []
actualPairs :: [Statement] -> [String]
actualPairs stmts =
case stmts of
TypeAnnotation n _ : Definition d : rest ->
(if n == defName d then [n] else []) ++ actualPairs rest
t:s:rest -> actualPairs (s:rest)
_ -> []
missings :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
missings expected actual =
case (expected, actual) of
(e:es, a:as) -> case compare e a of
LT -> e : missings es (a:as)
EQ -> missings es as
GT -> a : missings (e:es) as
( [] , _ ) -> actual
( _ , [] ) -> expected