2013-07-29 23:23:04 +02:00

157 lines
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module Graphics.Input where
import Basics (String)
import Signal (Signal,lift,dropRepeats)
import Native.Graphics.Input
import List
import Graphics.Element (Element, Three, Pos, ElementPrim, Properties)
import Color (Color)
import Maybe (Maybe)
import JavaScript (JSString)
id x = x
-- Create a group of buttons.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of buttons.
-- * The `button` function creates a button
-- with the given name, like “Submit” or “Cancel”.
-- The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
buttons : a -> { events : Signal a,
button : a -> String -> Element }
buttons = Native.Graphics.Input.buttons
-- Create a button with a given label. The result is an `Element` and
-- a signal of units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
button : String -> (Element, Signal ())
button txt =
let pool = buttons ()
in (pool.button () txt, pool.events)
-- Create a group of custom buttons.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of custom buttons.
-- * The `customButton` function creates a button with three different visual
-- states, one for up, hovering, and down. The resulting button has dimensions
-- large enough to fit all three possible `Elements`.
-- The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
customButtons : a -> { events : Signal a,
customButton : a -> Element -> Element -> Element -> Element }
customButtons = Native.Graphics.Input.customButtons
-- Create a button with custom states for up, hovering, and down
-- (given in that order). The result is an `Element` and
-- a signal of units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
customButton : Element -> Element -> Element -> (Element, Signal ())
customButton up hover down =
let pool = customButtons ()
in (pool.customButton () up hover down, pool.events)
-- Create a group of checkboxes.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of checkboxes.
-- * The `checkbox` function creates a
-- checkbox with a given state. The `(Bool -> a)` function is used
-- when the checkbox is modified. It takes the new state and turns
-- it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
-- lets you add an ID to distinguish between checkboxes.
checkboxes : a -> { events : Signal a,
checkbox : (Bool -> a) -> Bool -> Element }
checkboxes = Native.Graphics.Input.checkboxes
-- Create a checkbox with a given start state. Unlike `button`, this result
-- is a *signal* of elements. That is because a checkbox has state that
-- updates based on user input.
-- The boolean signal represents the current state of the checkbox.
checkbox : Bool -> (Signal Element, Signal Bool)
checkbox b =
let cbs = checkboxes b
in (lift (cbs.checkbox id) cbs.events, cbs.events)
hoverables : a -> { events : Signal a,
hoverable : (Bool -> a) -> Element -> Element }
hoverables = Native.Graphics.Input.hoverables
hoverable : Element -> (Element, Signal Bool)
hoverable elem =
let pool = hoverables False
in (pool.hoverable id elem, pool.events)
-- Represents the current state of a text field. The `string` represents the
-- characters filling the text field. The `selectionStart` and `selectionEnd`
-- values represent what the user has selected with their mouse or keyboard.
-- For example:
-- { string="She sells sea shells", selectionStart=3, selectionEnd=0 }
-- This means the user highlighted the substring `"She"` backwards.
type FieldState = { string:String, selectionStart:Int, selectionEnd:Int }
-- Create a group of text input fields.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of text fields.
-- * The `field` function creates a
-- field with the given ghost text and initial field state.
-- When the field is modified, the `(FieldState -> a)` function
-- takes the new state and turns
-- it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
-- lets you add an ID to distinguish between input fields.
fields : a -> { events : Signal a,
field : (FieldState -> a) -> String -> FieldState -> Element }
fields = Native.Graphics.Input.fields
-- The empty field state:
-- { string="", selectionStart=0, selectionEnd=0 }
emptyFieldState : FieldState
emptyFieldState = { string="", selectionStart=0, selectionEnd=0 }
-- Create a field with the given default text. The output is an element that
-- updates to match the user input and a signal of strings representing the
-- content of the field.
field : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
field placeHolder =
let tfs = fields emptyFieldState
changes = dropRepeats tfs.events
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Same as `field` but the UI element blocks out each characters.
password : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
password placeHolder =
let tfs = Native.Graphics.Input.passwords emptyFieldState
changes = dropRepeats tfs.events
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Same as `field` but it adds an annotation that this field is for email
-- addresses. This is helpful for auto-complete and for mobile users who may
-- get a custom keyboard with an `@` and `.com` button.
email : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
email placeHolder =
let tfs = Native.Graphics.Input.emails emptyFieldState
changes = dropRepeats tfs.events
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Create a drop-down menu. When the user selects a string,
-- the current state of the drop-down is set to the associated
-- value. This lets you avoid manually mapping the string onto
-- functions and values.
dropDown : [(String,a)] -> (Signal Element, Signal a)
dropDown = Native.Graphics.Input.dropDown
-- Create a drop-down menu for selecting strings. The resulting
-- signal of strings represents the string that is currently selected.
stringDropDown : [String] -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
stringDropDown strs =
dropDown (List.map (\s -> (s,s)) strs)