2013-08-21 19:45:23 -07:00

73 lines
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-- This module contains checks to be run *after* type inference has
-- completed successfully. At that point we still need to do occurs
-- checks and ensure that `main` has an acceptable type.
module Type.ExtraChecks (extraChecks) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import Type.Type ( Variable, structure, Term1(..), toSrcType )
import Type.State (Env)
import qualified Type.Alias as Alias
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint (pretty)
import SourceSyntax.Type (Type)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traverse
extraChecks :: Alias.Rules -> Env -> IO (Either [P.Doc] (Map.Map String Type))
extraChecks rules env = do
eitherEnv <- occursCheck env
case eitherEnv of
Left errs -> return $ Left errs
Right env' ->
mainCheck rules <$> Traverse.traverse toSrcType env'
mainCheck :: Alias.Rules -> (Map.Map String Type) -> Either [P.Doc] (Map.Map String Type)
mainCheck rules env =
let acceptable = ["Graphics.Element.Element","Signal.Signal Graphics.Element.Element"] in
case Map.lookup "main" env of
Nothing -> Right env
Just tipe
| P.render (pretty (Alias.canonicalRealias (fst rules) tipe)) `elem` acceptable ->
Right env
| otherwise ->
Left [ P.vcat [ P.text "Type Error:"
, P.text "Bad type for 'main'. It must have type Element or a (Signal Element)"
, P.text "Instead 'main' has type:\n"
, P.nest 4 . pretty $ Alias.realias rules tipe
, P.text " " ]
occursCheck :: Env -> IO (Either [P.Doc] Env)
occursCheck env = do
errors <- concat <$> mapM isFinite (Map.toList env)
return $ if null errors then Right env else Left errors
isFinite :: (String, Variable) -> IO [P.Doc]
isFinite (name, var) =
do varIsFinite <- go [] var
return $
case varIsFinite of
True -> []
False -> [ P.vcat [ P.text "Type Error:"
, P.text $ "Cannot construct infinite type for '" ++ name ++ "'\n"
go :: [Variable] -> Variable -> IO Bool
go seen var =
let check = go (var:seen) in
case var `elem` seen of
True -> return False
False -> do
desc <- UF.descriptor var
case structure desc of
Nothing -> return True
Just struct ->
case struct of
App1 a b -> (&&) <$> check a <*> check b
Fun1 a b -> (&&) <$> check a <*> check b
Var1 a -> check a
EmptyRecord1 -> return True
Record1 fields ext -> and <$> mapM check (ext : concat (Map.elems fields))