evancz 4587d3d3e4 - Break common functions into Utils files.
- Add support for no-graphics mode (e.g. for use with node.js)
- Change order of arguments for matrix transformms
- Begin getting Collage.js in order.
2013-03-17 21:36:05 -07:00

268 lines
7.6 KiB

ElmRuntime.Render.Element = function() {
'use strict';
var Utils = use(ElmRuntime.Render.Utils);
var newElement = Utils.newElement, addTo = Utils.addTo, extract = Utils.extract;
function setProps(props, e) {
e.style.width = (props.width |0) + 'px';
e.style.height = (props.height|0) + 'px';
if (props.opacity !== 1) { e.style.opacity = props.opacity; }
if (props.color.ctor === 'Just') {
e.style.backgroundColor = extract(props.color._0);
if (props.tag !== '') { e.id = props.tag; }
if (props.href !== '') {
var a = newElement('a');
a.href = props.href;
return a;
return e;
function image(props, img) {
switch (img._0.ctor) {
case 'Plain': return plainImage(img._3);
case 'Fitted': return fittedImage(props.width, props.height, img._3);
case 'Cropped': return croppedImage(img,props.width,props.height,img._3);
function plainImage(src) {
var img = newElement('img');
img.src = src;
img.name = src;
img.style.display = "block";
return img;
function fittedImage(w, h, src) {
var e = newElement('div');
e.style.position = "relative";
e.style.overflow = "hidden";
var img = newElement('img');
img.onload = function() {
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.margin = 'auto';
var sw = w, sh = h;
if (w / h > this.width / this.height) {
sh = Math.round(this.height * w / this.width);
} else {
sw = Math.round(this.width * h / this.height);
img.style.width = sw + 'px';
img.style.height = sh + 'px';
img.style.left = ((w - sw) / 2) + 'px';
img.style.top = ((h - sh) / 2) + 'px';
img.src = src;
img.name = src;
return e;
function croppedImage(elem, w, h, src) {
var pos = elem._0._0;
var e = newElement('div');
e.style.position = "relative";
e.style.overflow = "hidden";
var img = newElement('img');
img.onload = function() {
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.margin = 'auto';
var sw = w / elem._1, sh = h / elem._2;
img.style.width = ((this.width * sw)|0) + 'px';
img.style.height = ((this.height * sh)|0) + 'px';
img.style.left = ((- pos._0 * sw)|0) + 'px';
img.style.top = ((- pos._1 * sh)|0) + 'px';
img.src = src;
img.name = src;
return e;
function goIn(e) { e.style.position = 'absolute'; return e; }
function goDown(e) { return e }
function goRight(e) { e.style.styleFloat = e.style.cssFloat = "left"; return e; }
function flowWith(f, array) {
var container = newElement('div');
for (var i = array.length; i--; ) {
addTo(container, f(render(array[i])));
return container;
function flow(dir,elist) {
var array = fromList(elist);
switch(dir.ctor) {
case "DDown": array.reverse();
case "DUp": return flowWith(goDown,array);
case "DRight": array.reverse();
case "DLeft": return flowWith(goRight,array);
case "DOut": array.reverse();
case "DIn": return flowWith(goIn,array);
function toPos(pos) {
switch(pos[0]) {
case "Absolute": return pos[1] + "px";
case "Relative": return (pos[1] * 100) + "%";
function addTransform(style, trans) {
style.transform = trans;
style.msTransform = trans;
style.MozTransform = trans;
style.webkitTransform = trans;
style.OTransform = trans;
function removeTransform(style) {
style.transform = 'none';
style.msTransform = 'none';
style.MozTransform = 'none';
style.webkitTransform = 'none';
style.OTransform = 'none';
function setPos(pos,w,h,e) {
e.style.position = 'absolute';
e.style.margin = 'auto';
var transform = '';
switch(pos.horizontal) {
case 'P': e.style.right = toPos(pos.x); break;
case 'Z': transform = 'translateX(' + ((-w/2)|0) + 'px) ';
case 'N': e.style.left = toPos(pos.x); break;
switch(pos.vertical) {
case 'N': e.style.bottom = toPos(pos.x); break;
case 'Z': transform += 'translateY(' + ((-h/2)|0) + 'px)';
case 'P': e.style.top = toPos(pos.x); break;
if (transform !== '') addTransform(e.style, transform);
return e;
function container(pos,elem) {
var e = render(elem);
setPos(pos, elem.props.width, elem.props.height, e);
var div = newElement('div');
div.style.position = 'relative';
div.style.overflow = 'hidden';
return div;
function rawHtml(html) {
var e = newElement('div');
e.innerHTML = html;
return e;
function render(elem) { return setProps(elem.props, makeElement(elem)); }
function makeElement(e) {
switch(e.element.ctor) {
case 'Image': return image(e.props, e.element);
case 'Flow': return flow(e.element._0, e.element._1);
case 'Container': return container(e.element._0, e.element._1);
case 'Spacer': return newElement('div');
case 'RawHtml': return rawHtml(e.element._0);
case 'DomNode': return e.element._0;
function update(node, curr, next) {
if (node.tagName === 'A') { node = node.firstChild; }
if (curr.props.id === next.props.id) return false;
if (curr.element.ctor !== next.element.ctor) {
return true;
var nextE = next.element, currE = curr.element;
switch(nextE.ctor) {
case "Spacer": break;
case "RawHtml": if (nextE._0 !== currE._0) node.innerHTML = nextE._0; break;
case "Image":
if (nextE._0.ctor === 'Plain') {
if (nextE._3 !== currE._3) node.src = nextE._3;
} else if (!eq(nextE,currE) ||
next.props.width !== curr.props.width ||
next.props.height !== curr.props.height) {
return true;
case "Flow":
if (nextE._0.ctor !== currE._0.ctor) {
return true;
var nexts = nextE._1;
var kids = node.childNodes;
if (nexts.length !== kids.length) {
return true;
var currs = currE._1;
var goDir = function(x) { return x; };
switch(nextE[1][0]) {
case "DDown": case "DUp": goDir = goDown; break;
case "DRight": case "DLeft": goDir = goRight; break;
case "DOut": case "DIn": goDir = goIn; break;
for (var i = kids.length; i-- ;) {
case "Container":
var inner = node.firstChild;
if (!update(inner, currE._1, nextE._1)) {
if (nextE._0.horizontal.ctor !== currE._0.horizontal.ctor) {
inner.style.left = inner.style.right = 'none';
if (nextE._0.vertical.ctor !== currE._0.vertical.ctor) {
inner.style.top = inner.style.bottom = 'none';
setPos(nextE._0, next.props.width, next.props.height, node.firstChild);
case "DomNode":
if (next._0 !== curr._0) node.parentNode.replaceChild(render(next),node);
var props = next.props, currP = curr.props, e = node;
if (props.width !== currP.width) e.style.width = (props.width |0) + 'px';
if (props.height !== currP.height) e.style.height = (props.height|0) + 'px';
if (props.opacity !== 1 && props.opacity !== currP.opacity) {
e.style.opacity = props.opacity;
var nextColor = (props.color.ctor === 'Just' ?
extract(props.color._0) : 'transparent');
if (e.style.backgroundColor !== nextColor) e.style.backgroundColor = nextColor;
if (props.tag !== currP.tag) { e.id = props.tag; }
if (props.href !== currP.href) {
if (currP.href === '') {
var a = newElement('a');
a.href = props.href;
} else {
node.parentNode.href = props.href;
return { render:render, update:update };