2013-08-31 04:01:00 -07:00

354 lines
13 KiB

module Generate.JavaScript where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Generate.Cases
import SourceSyntax.Everything
import SourceSyntax.Location
import qualified Transform.SortDefinitions as SD
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint
import Parse.Helpers (makeSafe, iParse)
import Parse.Expression
testExpr str = case iParse expr "" str of
Right e -> prettyPrint (expression (e :: LExpr () ()))
Left err -> error (show err)
var name = Id () (makeSafe name)
ref name = VarRef () (var name)
prop name = PropId () (var name)
f <| x = CallExpr () f [x]
args ==> e = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) [ ReturnStmt () (Just e) ]
call = CallExpr ()
string = StringLit ()
dotSep (x:xs) = foldl (DotRef ()) (ref x) (map var xs)
varDecl x expr =
VarDecl () (var x) (Just expr)
include alias moduleName =
varDecl alias (dotSep moduleName <| ref "elm")
internalImports name =
VarDeclStmt ()
[ varDecl "N" (dotSep ["Elm","Native"])
, include "_N" ["N","Utils"]
, include "_L" ["N","List"]
, include "_E" ["N","Error"]
, include "_J" ["N","JavaScript"]
, varDecl "_str" (dotSep ["_J","toString"])
, varDecl "$moduleName" (string name)
literal lit =
case lit of
Chr c -> string [c]
Str s -> ref "_str" <| string s
IntNum n -> IntLit () n
-- FloatNum n -> NumLit () (float2Double n) -- wrong!!!
Boolean b -> BoolLit () b
expression :: LExpr () () -> Expression ()
expression (L span expr) =
case expr of
Var x -> ref x
Literal lit -> literal lit
Range lo hi -> dotSep ["_L","range"] `call` [expression lo, expression hi]
Access e x -> DotRef () (expression e) (var x)
Remove e x -> dotSep ["_N","remove"] `call` [ref x, expression e]
Insert e x v -> dotSep ["_N","insert"] `call` [ref x, expression v, expression e]
Modify e fs ->
let modify (f,v) = ArrayLit () [ref f, expression e]
in dotSep ["_N","replace"] `call` [ArrayLit () (map modify fs), expression e]
Record fields -> ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "_"), hidden) : visible
combine r (k,v) = Map.insertWith (++) k [v] r
fieldMap = List.foldl' combine Map.empty fields
hidden = ObjectLit () . map ((PropId () . var) *** (ArrayLit () . map expression)) .
Map.toList . Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.map tail fieldMap
visible = map ((PropId () . var) *** expression) . Map.toList $ Map.map head fieldMap
Binop op e1 e2 -> binop span op e1 e2
Lambda p e@(L s _) -> fastFunc
| length args < 2 || length args > 9 =
foldr (==>) (expression body) (map (:[]) args)
| otherwise =
ref ("F" ++ show (length args)) <| (args ==> expression body)
(args, body) = foldr depattern ([], innerBody) (zip patterns [0..])
depattern (pattern,n) (args, body) =
case pattern of
PVar x -> (args ++ [x], body)
_ -> let arg = "arg" ++ show n
in (args ++ [arg], L s (Case (L s (Var arg)) [(pattern, body)]))
(patterns, innerBody) = collect [p] e
collect patterns lexpr@(L _ expr) =
case expr of
Lambda p e -> collect (p:patterns) e
_ -> (patterns, lexpr)
App e1 e2 ->
case args of
[arg] -> func <| arg
_ -> ref aN `call` (func:args)
aN = "A" ++ show (length args)
(func, args) = getArgs e1 [e2]
getArgs func args =
case func of
(L _ (App f arg)) -> getArgs f (arg : args)
_ -> (expression func, map expression args)
Let defs e -> FuncExpr () Nothing [] stmts `call` []
(defs',e') = SD.flattenLets defs e
stmts = map definition defs' ++ [ ReturnStmt () (Just (expression e')) ]
MultiIf branches ->
case last branches of
(L _ (Var "otherwise"), e) -> ifs (init branches) (expression e)
_ -> ifs branches (dotSep ["_E","If"] `call` [ ref "$moduleName", string (show span) ])
ifs branches finally = foldr iff finally branches
iff (if', then') else' = CondExpr () (expression if') (expression then') else'
Case e cases -> FuncExpr () Nothing [] (stmt ++ match span revisedMatch) `call` []
(tempVar,initialMatch) = caseToMatch cases
(revisedMatch, stmt) =
case e of
L _ (Var x) -> (matchSubst [(tempVar,x)] initialMatch, [])
_ -> let decl = VarDecl () (var tempVar) (Just $ expression e)
in (initialMatch, [VarDeclStmt () [decl]])
ExplicitList es ->
dotSep ["_J","toList"] <| ArrayLit () (map expression es)
Data name es ->
ObjectLit () (ctor : fields)
ctor = (prop "ctor", string (makeSafe name))
fields = zipWith (\n e -> (prop ("_" ++ show n), expression e)) [0..] es
Markdown doc -> return $ "Text.text('" ++ pad ++ md ++ pad ++ "')"
where pad = "<div style=\"height:0;width:0;\">&nbsp;</div>"
md = formatMarkdown $ Pan.writeHtmlString Pan.def doc
definition def =
case def of
TypeAnnotation _ _ -> EmptyStmt ()
Def pattern expr@(L span _) ->
let assign x = VarDecl () (var x) (Just (expression expr)) in
case pattern of
PVar x
| isOp x ->
let op = LBracket () (ref "_op") (string x) in
ExprStmt () (AssignExpr () OpAssign op (expression expr))
| otherwise ->
VarDeclStmt () [ assign x ]
PRecord fields -> VarDeclStmt () (assign "$" : map setField fields)
setField f = VarDecl () (var f) (Just (dotSep ["$",f]))
PData name patterns | vars /= Nothing ->
case vars of
Just vs -> VarDeclStmt () (setup (zipWith varDecl vs [0..]))
vars = getVars patterns
getVars patterns =
case patterns of
PVar x : rest -> (x:) <$> getVars rest
[] -> Just []
_ -> Nothing
varDecl x n = VarDecl () (var x) (Just (dotSep ["$","_" ++ show n]))
setup vars
| isTuple name = assign "$" : vars
| otherwise = safeAssign : vars
safeAssign = VarDecl () (var "$") (Just $ CondExpr () if' (expression expr) exception)
if' = InfixExpr () OpStrictEq (dotSep ["$","ctor"]) (string name)
exception = dotSep ["_E","Case"] `call` [ref "$moduleName", string (show span)]
_ -> BlockStmt () ( VarDeclStmt () [assign "$"] : map toDef vars )
vars = Set.toList $ SD.boundVars pattern
mkVar = L span . Var
toDef y = definition $
Def (PVar y) (L span $ Case (mkVar "$") [(pattern, mkVar y)])
match span mtch =
case mtch of
Match name clauses mtch' -> SwitchStmt () (access name) clauses' : match span mtch'
clauses' = map (clause span name) clauses
isLiteral p = case p of
Clause (Right _) _ _ -> True
_ -> False
access name = if any isLiteral clauses then ref name else dotSep [name,"ctor"]
Fail -> [ ExprStmt () (dotSep ["_E","Case"] `call` [ref "$moduleName", string (show span)]) ]
Break -> []
Other e -> [ ReturnStmt () (Just $ expression e) ]
Seq ms -> concatMap (match span) (dropEnd [] ms)
dropEnd acc [] = acc
dropEnd acc (m:ms) =
case m of
Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
clause span variable (Clause value vars mtch) =
CaseClause () pattern stmt
vars' = map (\n -> variable ++ "._" ++ show n) [0..]
stmt = match span $ matchSubst (zip vars vars') mtch
pattern = case value of
Right (Boolean b) -> BoolLit () b
Right lit -> literal lit
Left name -> string $ case List.elemIndices '.' name of
[] -> name
is -> drop (last is + 1) name
jsModule :: MetadataModule t v -> String
jsModule modul =
run $ do
body <- toJS . fst . SD.flattenLets [] $ program modul
foreignImport <- mapM importEvent (foreignImports modul)
return $ concat [ setup ("Elm" : names modul)
, globalAssign ("Elm." ++ modName)
(jsFunc "elm" $ makeProgram body foreignImport) ]
modName = dotSep (names modul)
makeProgram body foreignImport =
concat [ setup ("elm" : names modul)
, "\nif (elm." ++ modName ++ ") return elm." ++ modName ++ ";"
, "\nvar " ++ usefulFuncs ++ ";"
, concatMap jsImport (imports modul)
, concat foreignImport
, assign "_op" "{}"
, body
, concatMap exportEvent $ foreignExports modul
, jsExports
setup names = concatMap (\n -> globalAssign n $ n ++ " || {}") .
map dotSep . drop 2 . List.inits $ init names
usefulFuncs = commaSep (map (uncurry assign') (internalImports modName))
jsExports = ret (assign' ("elm." ++ modName) (brackets exs))
exs = indent . commaSep . concatMap pair $ "_op" : exports modul
pair x | isOp x = []
| otherwise = ["\n" ++ x ++ " : " ++ x]
importEvent (js,base,elm,_) =
do v <- toJS' base
return $ concat [ "\nvar " ++ elm ++ "=Signal.constant(" ++ v ++ ");"
, "\ndocument.addEventListener('", js
, "_' + elm.id, function(e) { elm.notify(", elm
, ".id, e.value); });" ]
exportEvent (js,elm,_) =
concat [ "\nA2( Signal.lift, function(v) { "
, "var e = document.createEvent('Event');"
, "e.initEvent('", js, "_' + elm.id, true, true);"
, "e.value = v;"
, "document.dispatchEvent(e); return v; }, ", elm, ");" ]
jsImport (modul, method) =
concat $ zipWith3 (\s n v -> s ++ assign' n v ++ ";") starters subnames values
starters = "\nvar " : repeat "\n"
values = map (\name -> name ++ " || {}") (init subnames) ++
["Elm." ++ modul ++ parens "elm"]
subnames = map dotSep . tail . List.inits $ split modul
split names = case go [] names of
(name, []) -> [name]
(name, ns) -> name : split ns
go name str = case str of
'.':rest -> (reverse name, rest)
c:rest -> go (c:name) rest
[] -> (reverse name, [])
formatMarkdown = concatMap f
where f '\'' = "\\'"
f '\n' = "\\n"
f '"' = "\""
f c = [c]
binop span op e1 e2 =
case op of
"Basics.." -> ["$"] ==> foldr (<|) (ref "$") (map expression (e1 : collect [] e2))
"Basics.<|" -> foldr (<|) (expression e2) (map expression (collect [] e1))
"::" -> expression (L span (Data "::" [e1,e2]))
"List.++" -> dotSep ["_L","append"] `call` [js1, js2]
_ -> case Map.lookup op opDict of
Just f -> f js1 js2
Nothing -> ref "A2" `call` [ func [] op, js1, js2 ]
collect es e =
case e of
L _ (Binop op e1 e2) | op == "Basics.." -> collect (es ++ [e1]) e2
_ -> es ++ [e]
js1 = expression e1
js2 = expression e2
func vs str =
case break (=='.') str of
(x,'.':rest) -> func (vs ++ [x]) rest
| isOp op -> BracketRef () (dotSep (vs ++ ["_op"])) (string op)
| otherwise -> dotSep (vs ++ [op])
opDict = Map.fromList (infixOps ++ specialOps)
specialOp str func = ("Basic." ++ str, func)
infixOp str op = specialOp str (InfixExpr () op)
infixOps =
[ infixOp "+" OpAdd
, infixOp "-" OpSub
, infixOp "*" OpMul
, infixOp "/" OpDiv
, infixOp "&&" OpLAnd
, infixOp "||" OpLOr
specialOps =
[ specialOp "^" $ \a b -> dotSep ["Math","pow"] `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "|>" $ flip (<|)
, specialOp "==" $ \a b -> dotSep ["_N","eq"] `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "/=" $ \a b -> PrefixExpr () PrefixLNot (dotSep ["_N","eq"] `call` [a,b])
, specialOp "<" $ cmp OpLT 0
, specialOp ">" $ cmp OpGT 0
, specialOp "<=" $ cmp OpLT 1
, specialOp ">=" $ cmp OpGT (-1)
, specialOp "div" $ \a b -> InfixExpr () OpBOr (InfixExpr () OpDiv a b) (IntLit () 0)
cmp op n a b = InfixExpr () op (dotSep ["_N","cmp"] `call` [a,b]) (IntLit () n)