evancz d53cecf3ba List module dependencies in elm and js code.
Planning on having the compiler crawl through to determine dependencies, then compile everything in an appropriate order. This will also let me print out compiler progress in a reasonable order.
2013-02-23 00:19:40 +01:00

50 lines
989 B

module Set (empty,singleton,insert,remove
) where
import Dict as Dict
type Set t = Dict t ()
empty : Set t
empty = Dict.empty
singleton : t -> Set t
singleton k = Dict.singleton k ()
insert : t -> Set t -> Set t
insert k = Dict.insert k ()
remove : t -> Set t -> Set t
remove = Dict.remove
member : t -> Set t -> Bool
member = Dict.member
union : Set t -> Set t -> Set t
union = Dict.union
intersect : Set t -> Set t -> Set t
intersect = Dict.intersect
diff : Set t -> Set t -> Set t
diff = Dict.diff
toList : Set t -> [t]
toList = Dict.keys
fromList : [t] -> Set t
fromList = List.foldl (\k t -> Dict.insert k () t) empty
foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
foldl f = Dict.foldl (\k _ b -> f k b)
foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
foldr f = Dict.foldr (\k _ b -> f k b)
map : (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
map f = fromList . List.map f . toList