2012-10-03 03:17:09 -04:00

72 lines
2.1 KiB

module Main where
import Control.Monad (msum,guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Happstack.Server
import Happstack.Server.Compression
import System.Directory (makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment
import qualified Language.Elm as Elm
import Paths_elm_server
runtime = "elm-" ++ showVersion version ++ ".js"
serve :: String -> IO ()
serve libLoc = do
putStrLn ("Elm Server " ++ showVersion version ++ ": running at <http://localhost:8000>")
simpleHTTP nullConf $ do
_ <- compressedResponseFilter
msum [ uriRest serveElm
, uriRest (serveLib libLoc)
, serveDirectory EnableBrowsing [] "."
pageTitle :: String -> String
pageTitle fp =
reverse . takeWhile (/='/') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/='.') $ reverse fp
serveElm fp = do
let ('/':filePath) = fp
guard (".elm" `isSuffixOf` filePath)
content <- liftIO (readFile filePath)
ok . toResponse $ Elm.toHtml runtime (pageTitle filePath) content
serveLib libLoc fp = do
guard (fp == '/' : runtime)
serveFile (asContentType "application/javascript") libLoc
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= parse
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse ("--help":_) = putStrLn usage
parse ("--version":_) = putStrLn ("The Elm Server " ++ showVersion version)
parse [] = serve =<< Elm.runtimeLocation
parse [arg]
| "--runtime-location=" `isPrefixOf` arg =
serve . tail $ dropWhile (/='=') arg
| otherwise = putStrLn usageMini
parse _ = putStrLn usageMini
usageMini :: String
usageMini =
"Usage: elm-server [OPTIONS]\n\
\Try `elm-server --help' for more information."
usage :: String
usage =
"Usage: elm-server [OPTIONS]\n\
\Compiles and serves .elm files from the current directory.\n\
\Example: elm-server\n\
\Resource Locations:\n\
\ --runtime-location set the location of the Elm runtime\n\
\Compiler Information:\n\
\ --version print the version information and exit\n\
\ --help display this help and exit\n\
\Elm home page: <http://elm-lang.org>"