Mads Flensted-Urech 441d09c4a7 Docs update: copy documentation from elm-lang.org
- Copy documentation from elm-lang.org (dev branch) to .elm files in
libraries folder
- Added TODO's for stuff that was not found in 0.8 version
- Added Review TODO in json.elm
2013-03-24 13:45:56 +01:00

91 lines
3.3 KiB

-- TOOD: Evan please review texts
module Json where
import Dict as Dict
import JavaScript as JS
import Native.Json as Native
-- This datatype can represent all valid values that can be held in a JSON object.
-- In Elm, a proper JSON object is represented as a (Dict String Value) which is a mapping from strings to Json Values.
data Value
= String String
| Number Float
| Boolean Bool
| Null
| Array [Value]
| Object (Dict String Value)
-- String Converters
-- Convert a proper JSON object into a string.
toString : Value -> String
toString v = JS.toString (Native.toPrettyJSString "" v)
-- Convert a proper JSON object into a prettified string.
-- The first argument is a separator token (e.g. \" \", \"\\n\", etc.) that will be used for indentation in the prettified string version of the JSON object.
toPrettyString : String -> Value -> String
toPrettyString sep v = JS.toString (Native.toPrettyJSString sep v)
-- Convert a proper JSON object into a JavaScript string.
-- Note that the type JSString seen here is not the same as the type constructor JsonString used elsewhere in this module.
toJSString : Value -> JSString
toJSString v = Native.toPrettyJSString "" v
-- Parse a string representation of a proper JSON object into its Elm's representation.
fromString : String -> Maybe Value
fromString s = Native.fromJSString (JS.fromString s)
-- Parse a JavaScript string representation of a proper JSON object into its Elm's representation.
fromJSString : JSString -> Maybe Value
-- Extract Elm values from Json values
string : Value -> String
string v = case v of { String s -> s ; _ -> "" }
number : Value -> Float
number v = case v of { Number n -> n ; _ -> 0 }
boolean : Value -> Bool
boolean v = case v of { Boolean b -> b ; _ -> False }
array : Value -> [Value]
array v = case v of { Array a -> a ; _ -> [] }
object : Value -> Dict String Value
object v = case v of { Object o -> o ; _ -> Dict.empty }
-- Extract Elm values from dictionaries of Json values
-- Find a value in a Json Object using the passed get function. If the key is not found, this returns the given default/base value.
find get base =
let f key dict =
case Dict.lookup key dict of
Nothing -> base
Just v -> get v
in f
-- Find a string value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a string, this returns the empty string.
findString : String -> Dict String Value -> String
findString = find string ""
-- Find a number value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a number, this returns 0
findNumber : String -> Dict String Value -> Float
findNumber = find number 0
-- Find a boolean value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a boolean, this returns the False.
findBoolean : String -> Dict String Value -> Bool
findBoolean = find boolean False
-- Find an array value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not an array, this returns an empty list.
findArray : String -> Dict String Value -> [Value]
findArray = find array []
-- Find an object value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not an object, this returns an empty object.
findObject : String -> Dict String Value -> Dict String Value
findObject = find object Dict.empty