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module Graphics.Collage where
import List
import Native.Utils (toFloat)
import Either
import Native.Matrix2D as Matrix
import Native.Graphics.Collage as N
import Graphics.Element
import Color as Color
type Form = {
theta : Float,
scale : Float,
x : Float,
y : Float,
form : BasicForm
data FillStyle
= Solid Color
| Texture String
| Gradient Gradient
data LineCap = Butt | Round | Square
data LineJoin = Smooth | Sharp | Clipped
type LineStyle = {
color : Color,
width : Float,
cap : LineCap,
join : LineJoin,
miterLimit : Float,
dashing : [Int],
dashOffset : Int
defaultLine : LineStyle
defaultLine = {
color = Color.black,
width = 1,
cap = Butt,
join = Sharp,
dashing = [],
dashOffset = 0,
miterLimit = 10
-- default LineStyles
solid : Color -> LineStyle
solid clr = { defaultLine | color <- clr }
dashed : Color -> LineStyle
dashed clr = { defaultLine | color <- clr, dashing <- [8,4] }
dotted : Color -> LineStyle
dotted clr = { defaultLine | color <- clr, dashing <- [3,3] }
data BasicForm
= FPath LineStyle Path
| FShape (Either LineStyle FillStyle) Shape
| FImage Int Int (Int,Int) String
| FElement Element
| FGroup Matrix [Form]
form f = { theta = 0, scale = 1, x = 0, y = 0, form = f }
fill style shape = form (FShape (Right style) shape)
filled : Color -> Shape -> Form
filled color shape = fill (Solid color) shape
textured : String -> Shape -> Form
textured src shape = fill (Texture src) shape
gradient : Gradient -> Shape -> Form
gradient grad shape = fill (Gradient grad) shape
outlined : LineStyle -> Shape -> Form
outlined style shape = form (FShape (Left style) shape)
traced : LineStyle -> Path -> Form
traced style path = form (FPath style path)
-- Draw a sprite
-- w width
-- h height
-- pos (px,py) coordinates into the sprite map
-- src The location of the image
sprite : Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> String -> Form
sprite w h pos src = form (FImage w h pos src)
toForm : Element -> Form
toForm e = form (FElement e)
group : [Form] -> Form
group fs = form (FGroup Matrix.identity fs)
groupTransform : Matrix -> [Form] -> Form
groupTransform matrix fs = form (FGroup matrix fs)
rotate : Float -> Form -> Form
rotate t f = { f | theta <- f.theta + t }
scale : Float -> Form -> Form
scale s f = { f | scale <- f.scale * s }
move : (Float,Float) -> Form -> Form
move (x,y) f = { f | x <- f.x + x, y <- f.y + y }
moveX : Float -> Form -> Form
moveX x f = { f | x <- f.x + x }
moveY : Float -> Form -> Form
moveY y f = { f | y <- f.y + y }
collage : Int -> Int -> [Form] -> Element
type Path = [(Float,Float)]
path : [(Number a,Number a)] -> Path
path ps = ps
segment : (Number a,Number a) -> (Number a,Number a) -> Path
segment p1 p2 = [p1,p2]
type Shape = [(Float,Float)]
polygon : [(Number a,Number a)] -> Shape
polygon points = points
rect : Number a -> Number a -> Shape
rect w h = [ (0-w/2,0-h/2), (0-w/2,h/2), (w/2,h/2), (w/2,0-h/2) ]
oval : Number a -> Number a -> Shape
oval w h =
let n = 50
t = 2 * Math.PI / n
hw = w/2
hh = h/2
f i = (hw * Math.cos (t*i), hh * Math.sin (t*i))
in map f [0..n-1]
circle : Number a -> Shape
circle r = oval (2*r) (2*r)
ngon : Int -> Number a -> Shape
ngon n r =
let m = toFloat n
t = 2 * Math.PI / m
f i = ( r * Math.cos (t*i), r * Math.sin (t*i) )
in map f [0..n-1]