2013-07-22 14:42:45 +02:00

64 lines
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module Type.Inference where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Type.Type as T
import qualified Type.Environment as Env
import qualified Type.Constrain.Expression as TcExpr
import qualified Type.Constrain.Declaration as TcDecl
import qualified Type.Solve as Solve
import SourceSyntax.Module
import qualified SourceSyntax.Expression as Expr
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint
import qualified Type.State as TS
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Transform.SortDefinitions as Sort
import System.IO.Unsafe -- Possible to switch over to the ST monad instead of
-- the IO monad. Not sure if that'd be worthwhile.
infer :: Interfaces -> MetadataModule t v -> Either [Doc] (Map.Map String T.Variable)
infer interfaces' modul = unsafePerformIO $ do
let localImports = Map.fromList (imports modul)
interfaces = Map.intersectionWithKey canonicalize localImports interfaces'
-- mapM print (concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces))
env <- Env.initialEnvironment (datatypes modul ++ concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces))
var <- T.flexibleVar
ctors <- forM (Map.keys (Env.constructor env)) $ \name ->
do (_, vars, tipe) <- Env.freshDataScheme env name
return (name, (vars, tipe))
let locals = Map.intersectionWithKey combine localImports interfaces
combine name importMethod interface =
let tipes = iTypes interface in
case importMethod of
As alias -> Map.mapKeys (\v -> alias ++ "." ++ v) tipes
Hiding hidens -> foldr Map.delete tipes hidens
Importing visibles ->
Map.intersection tipes (Map.fromList [ (v,()) | v <- visibles ])
-- mapM print (map Map.toList $ Map.elems locals)
-- mapM print (imports modul)
importedVars <-
forM (concatMap Map.toList $ Map.elems locals) $ \(name,tipe) ->
(,) name `fmap` Env.instantiateTypeWithContext env tipe Map.empty
let allTypes = ctors ++ importedVars
vars = concatMap (fst . snd) allTypes
header = Map.map snd (Map.fromList allTypes)
environ = T.CLet [ T.Scheme vars [] T.CTrue header ]
constraint <- environ `fmap` TcExpr.constrain env (program modul) (T.VarN var)
-- print =<< T.extraPretty constraint
state <- execStateT (Solve.solve constraint) TS.initialState
let errors = TS.sErrors state
if null errors
then return $ Right (Map.difference (TS.sSavedEnv state) header)
else Left `fmap` sequence errors