Joey Adams 0dee68605c Add foldp1
foldp1 :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b

Like foldp, but the initial value is based on the input signal's
initial output.
2012-09-28 22:01:31 -04:00

107 lines
3.4 KiB

var Prelude = function() {
var mod = function(x) { return function(y) {
var r = x % y;
var m = x==0 ? 0 : (y>0 ? (x>=0 ? r : r+y) : -mod(-x)(-y));
return m == y ? 0 : m;
}; };
var min = function(x) { return function(y) { return Math.min(x,y); }; };
var max = function(x) { return function(y) { return Math.max(x,y); }; };
var flip=function(f){return function(x){return function(y){return f(y)(x);};};};
var clamp = function(lo) { return function(hi) {
return function(x) { return Math.min(hi, Math.max(lo, x)); };
var curry = function(f) { return function(x) { return function(y) {
return f(["Tuple2",x,y]); }; };
var uncurry = function(f) { return function(p) {
if (p[0] !== "Tuple2") {
throw "Function was uncurry'd but was not given a pair.";
return f(p[1])(p[2]); };
var logBase=function(b){return function(x){return Math.log(x)/Math.log(b);};};
return {id : function(x) { return x; },
not : function(b) { return !b; },
fst : function(p) { return p[1]; },
snd : function(p) { return p[2]; },
rem : function(x) { return function(y) { return x % y; }; },
div : function(x) { return function(y) { return ~~(x / y); }; },
compare : function(x) { return function (y) {
x = (typeof x === "object") ? toText(x) : x;
y = (typeof y === "object") ? toText(y) : y;
return [ x === y ? 'EQ' : (x < y ? 'LT' : 'GT') ];
toFloat : function(x) { return x; },
round : function(n) { return Math.round(n); },
floor : function(n) { return Math.floor(n); },
ceiling : function(n) { return Math.ceil(n); },
truncate : function(n) { return ~~n; },
sqrt : Math.sqrt,
abs : Math.abs,
pi : Math.PI,
e : Math.E,
sin : Math.sin,
cos : Math.cos,
tan : Math.tan,
asin : Math.asin,
acos : Math.acos,
atan : Math.atan,
mod : mod,
min : min,
max : max,
flip : flip,
clamp : clamp,
curry : curry,
uncurry : uncurry,
logBase : logBase,
Just : Data.Maybe.Just,
Nothing : Data.Maybe.Nothing,
maybe : Data.Maybe.maybe,
map : Data.List.map,
filter : Data.List.filter,
head : Data.List.head,
tail : Data.List.tail,
last : Data.List.last,
length : Data.List.length,
reverse : Data.List.reverse,
foldr : Data.List.foldr,
foldr1 : Data.List.foldr1,
foldl : Data.List.foldl,
foldl1 : Data.List.foldl1,
and : Data.List.and,
or : Data.List.or,
forall : Data.List.forall,
exists : Data.List.exists,
sum : Data.List.sum,
product : Data.List.product,
concat : Data.List.concat,
concatMap : Data.List.concatMap,
maximum : Data.List.maximum,
minimum : Data.List.minimum,
scanl : Data.List.scanl,
scanl1 : Data.List.scanl1,
take : Data.List.take,
drop : Data.List.drop,
lift : Signal.lift,
lift2 : Signal.lift2,
lift3 : Signal.lift3,
lift4 : Signal.lift4,
foldp : Signal.foldp,
foldp1 : Signal.foldp1,
constant : Signal.constant,
count : Signal.count,
keepIf : Signal.keepIf,
dropIf : Signal.dropIf,
keepWhen : Signal.keepWhen,
dropWhen : Signal.dropWhen,
dropRepeats : Signal.dropRepeats,
sampleOn : Signal.sampleOn