evancz d53cecf3ba List module dependencies in elm and js code.
Planning on having the compiler crawl through to determine dependencies, then compile everything in an appropriate order. This will also let me print out compiler progress in a reasonable order.
2013-02-23 00:19:40 +01:00

40 lines
1.1 KiB

-- These are nicely curated inputs from the keyboard. See the
-- [Keyboard.Raw library](/docs/Signal/KeyboardRaw.elm) for a
-- lower-level interface that will let you define more complicated behavior.
module Keyboard where
import Native.Keyboard
type KeyCode = Int
-- A signal of records indicating which arrow keys are pressed.
-- `{ x = 0, y = 0 }` when pressing no arrows.
-- `{ x =-1, y = 0 }` when pressing the left arrow.
-- `{ x = 1, y = 1 }` when pressing the up and right arrows.
-- `{ x = 0, y =-1 }` when pressing the down, left, and right arrows.
arrows : Signal { x:Int, y:Int }
arrows = Native.Keyboard.dir 37 39 38 40
-- Just like the arrows signal, but this uses keys w, a, s, and d,
-- which are common controls for many computer games.
wasd : Signal { x:Int, y:Int }
wasd = Native.Keyboard.dir 65 68 87 83
isDown : KeyCode -> Signal Bool
isDown = Native.Keyboard.isDown
-- Whether the shift key is pressed.
shift : Signal Bool
shift = Native.Keyboard.isDown 16
-- Whether the control key is pressed.
ctrl : Signal Bool
ctrl = Native.Keyboard.isDown 17
-- Whether the space key is pressed.
space : Signal Bool
space = Native.Keyboard.isDown 32