evancz 95679501d2 Add Build.hs which constructs the elm-runtime.
Found bugs in some files which are temporarily fixed: Weird type error in Either, name collision in LineStyle and syntax error in Json.Experimental
2013-03-10 22:42:57 -07:00

26 lines
561 B

module Either where
import List
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
either : (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either f g e = case e of { Left x -> f x ; Right y -> g y }
isLeft : Either a b -> Bool
isLeft e = case e of { Left _ -> True ; _ -> False }
isRight : Either a b -> Bool
isRight e = case e of { Right _ -> True ; _ -> False }
--lefts : [Either a b] -> [a]
lefts es = List.filter isLeft es
--rights : [Either a b] -> [b]
rights es = List.filter isRight es
--partition : [Either a b] -> ([a],[b])
partition es = List.partition isLeft es