
104 lines
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module Parse.Patterns (patternTerm, patternExpr, makeLambda, flattenPatterns) where
import Ast
import Context
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Guid
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces,State)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import Parse.Library
patternBasic :: IParser Pattern
patternBasic =
choice [ char '_' >> return PAnything
, do x@(c:_) <- var
return $ if isUpper c then PData x [] else PVar x
patternRecord :: IParser Pattern
patternRecord = PRecord <$> brackets (commaSep1 lowVar)
patternTuple :: IParser Pattern
patternTuple = do ps <- parens (commaSep patternExpr)
return $ case ps of { [p] -> p; _ -> ptuple ps }
patternList :: IParser Pattern
patternList = plist <$> braces (commaSep patternExpr)
patternTerm :: IParser Pattern
patternTerm = choice [ patternRecord, patternTuple, patternList, patternBasic ]
<?> "pattern"
patternConstructor :: IParser Pattern
patternConstructor = PData <$> capVar <*> spacePrefix patternTerm
patternExpr :: IParser Pattern
patternExpr = foldr1 pcons <$> consSep1 (patternConstructor <|> patternTerm) <?> "pattern"
makeLambda :: [Pattern] -> CExpr -> GuidCounter CExpr
makeLambda pats body = go (reverse pats) body
where go [] body = return body
go (p:ps) body@(C t s _) = do
(x,e) <- extract p body
go ps (C t s $ Lambda x e)
extract :: Pattern -> CExpr -> GuidCounter (String, CExpr)
extract pattern body@(C t s _) =
let ctx = C t s in
let fn x e = (x,e) in
case pattern of
PAnything -> return $ fn "_" body
PVar x -> return $ fn x body
PData name ps -> do
x <- guid
let a = '_' : show x
return . fn a . ctx $ Case (ctx (Var a)) [(pattern, body)]
PRecord fs -> do
x <- guid
let a = '_' : show x
toDef f = FnDef f [] (ctx $ Access (ctx $ Var a) f)
return . fn a . ctx $ Let (map toDef fs) body
extracts :: [Pattern] -> CExpr -> GuidCounter ([String], CExpr)
extracts ps body = go [] (reverse ps) body
where go args [] body = return (args, body)
go args (p:ps) body = do (x,e) <- extract p body
go (x:args) ps e
flattenPatterns :: [Pattern] -> CExpr -> GuidCounter (IParser [Def])
flattenPatterns patterns exp@(C t s _) =
let ctx = C t s in
case patterns of
PVar f : args -> do
(as,e) <- extracts args exp
return . return $
if isOp (head f) then let [a,b] = as in [ OpDef f a b e ]
else [ FnDef f as e ]
[p] -> return `liftM` matchSingle p exp p
_ -> return . fail $ "Pattern (" ++ unwords (map show patterns) ++
") cannot be used on the left-hand side of an assign statement."
matchSingle :: Pattern -> CExpr -> Pattern -> GuidCounter [Def]
matchSingle pat exp@(C t s _) p =
let ctx = C t s in
case p of
PData _ ps -> do x <- guid
let v = '_' : show x
dss <- mapM (matchSingle p . ctx $ Var v) ps
return (FnDef v [] exp : concat dss)
PVar x ->
return [ FnDef x [] (ctx $ Case exp [(pat, ctx $ Var x)]) ]
PRecord fs -> do
a <- (\x -> '_' : show x) `liftM` guid
let toDef f = FnDef f [] (ctx $ Access (ctx $ Var a) f)
return (FnDef a [] exp : map toDef fs)
PAnything -> return []