Evan Czaplicki 7b20993869 Get rid of dependency on uniplate so AST does not need to derive Data or Typeable
This is motivated by wanting to add things to the AST that cannot
derive Data or Typeable
2013-12-20 16:41:06 -08:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

module SourceSyntax.Location where
import Text.PrettyPrint
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import qualified Text.Parsec.Pos as Parsec
data SrcPos = Pos { line :: Int, column :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data SrcSpan = Span SrcPos SrcPos String | NoSpan String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Located e = L SrcSpan e
deriving (Eq, Ord)
none e = L (NoSpan (render $ pretty e)) e
noneNoDocs = L (NoSpan "")
at start end e = L (Span (Pos (Parsec.sourceLine start) (Parsec.sourceColumn start))
(Pos (Parsec.sourceLine end ) (Parsec.sourceColumn end ))
(render $ pretty e)) e
merge (L s1 _) (L s2 _) e = L (span (render $ pretty e)) e
where span = case (s1,s2) of
(Span start _ _, Span _ end _) -> Span start end
(Span start end _, _) -> Span start end
(_, Span start end _) -> Span start end
(_, _) -> NoSpan
mergeOldDocs (L s1 _) (L s2 _) e = L span e
where span = case (s1,s2) of
(Span start _ d1, Span _ end d2) -> Span start end (d1 ++ "\n\n" ++ d2)
(Span _ _ _, _) -> s1
(_, Span _ _ _) -> s2
(_, _) -> NoSpan ""
sameAs (L s _) = L s
instance Show SrcPos where
show (Pos r c) = show r ++ "," ++ show c
instance Show SrcSpan where
show span =
case span of
NoSpan _ -> ""
Span start end _ ->
case line start == line end of
False -> "between lines " ++ show (line start) ++ " and " ++ show (line end)
True -> "on line " ++ show (line end) ++ ", column " ++
show (column start) ++ " to " ++ show (column end)
instance Show e => Show (Located e) where
show (L _ e) = show e
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Located a) where
pretty (L _ e) = pretty e