Evan Czaplicki 0070a844d0 Switch the internal data constructor name for tuples. Before tuple
constructors could be shadowed by user defined ADT's such as "Tuple0",
"Tuple2", etc. Now it uses "_Tuple0" to make it impossible to overlap
with user defined ASTs.
2013-07-14 19:52:50 +02:00

59 lines
2.1 KiB

module Metadata.Libraries (libraries, addPrelude) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (inits)
import Text.JSON
import Metadata.LoadLibraries as Libs
import SourceSyntax.Module
addPrelude :: Module t v -> Module t v
addPrelude (Module name exs ims stmts) = Module name exs (customIms ++ ims) stmts
where customIms = concatMap addModule prelude
addModule (n, method) = case lookup n ims of
Nothing -> [(n, method)]
Just (As m) -> [(n, method)]
Just _ -> []
prelude = text : map (\n -> (n, Hiding [])) modules
text = ("Text", Hiding ["link", "color", "height"])
modules = [ "Prelude", "Signal", "List", "Maybe", "Time"
, "Graphics.Element", "Color", "Graphics.Collage" ]
libraries :: Map.Map String (Map.Map String String)
libraries =
case getLibs of
Error err -> error err
Ok libs -> Map.unionWith Map.union libs nilAndTuples
where nilAndTuples = Map.singleton "Prelude" (Map.fromList pairs)
pairs =
[ ("::", "a -> [a] -> [a]")
, ("[]", "[a]")
] ++ map makeTuple (inits ['a'..'i'])
makeTuple cs =
let name = "_Tuple" ++ show (length cs)
in (name, concatMap (\c -> c : " -> ") cs ++
name ++ concatMap (\c -> [' ',c]) cs)
getLibs :: Result (Map.Map String (Map.Map String String))
getLibs = do
obj <- decodeStrict Libs.docs :: Result (JSObject JSValue)
modules <- valFromObj "modules" obj :: Result [JSObject JSValue]
Map.fromList `fmap` mapM getValues modules
get :: String -> JSObject JSValue -> Result String
get = valFromObj
getValue :: JSObject JSValue -> Result (String,String)
getValue obj = (,) <$> get "name" obj <*> get "type" obj
getValues :: JSObject JSValue -> Result (String, Map.Map String String)
getValues obj = do
name <- get "name" obj
vs <- valFromObj "values" obj
vals <- mapM getValue vs
return (name, Map.fromList vals)