Evan Czaplicki 9dd5dff279 Make AST more general and try to give its phases better names
Also change the constructors for the Pattern ADT
2014-02-10 00:17:33 +01:00

200 lines
8.3 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Type.Unify (unify) where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import qualified SourceSyntax.Annotation as A
import qualified Type.State as TS
import Type.Type
import Type.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint (render)
unify :: A.Region -> Variable -> Variable -> StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
unify region variable1 variable2 = do
equivalent <- liftIO $ UF.equivalent variable1 variable2
if equivalent then return ()
else actuallyUnify region variable1 variable2
actuallyUnify :: A.Region -> Variable -> Variable -> StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
actuallyUnify region variable1 variable2 = do
desc1 <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor variable1
desc2 <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor variable2
let unify' = unify region
name' :: Maybe String
name' = case (name desc1, name desc2) of
(Just name1, Just name2) ->
case (flex desc1, flex desc2) of
(_, Flexible) -> Just name1
(Flexible, _) -> Just name2
(Is Number, Is _) -> Just name1
(Is _, Is Number) -> Just name2
(Is _, Is _) -> Just name1
(_, _) -> Nothing
(Just name1, _) -> Just name1
(_, Just name2) -> Just name2
_ -> Nothing
flex' :: Flex
flex' = case (flex desc1, flex desc2) of
(f, Flexible) -> f
(Flexible, f) -> f
(Is Number, Is _) -> Is Number
(Is _, Is Number) -> Is Number
(Is super, Is _) -> Is super
(_, _) -> Flexible
rank' :: Int
rank' = min (rank desc1) (rank desc2)
merge1 :: StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
merge1 = liftIO $ do
if rank desc1 < rank desc2 then UF.union variable2 variable1
else UF.union variable1 variable2
UF.modifyDescriptor variable1 $ \desc ->
desc { structure = structure desc1, flex = flex', name = name' }
merge2 :: StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
merge2 = liftIO $ do
if rank desc1 < rank desc2 then UF.union variable2 variable1
else UF.union variable1 variable2
UF.modifyDescriptor variable2 $ \desc ->
desc { structure = structure desc2, flex = flex', name = name' }
merge = if rank desc1 < rank desc2 then merge1 else merge2
fresh :: Maybe (Term1 Variable) -> StateT TS.SolverState IO Variable
fresh structure = do
var <- liftIO . UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = structure, rank = rank', flex = flex',
name = name', copy = Nothing, mark = noMark
TS.register var
flexAndUnify var = do
liftIO $ UF.modifyDescriptor var $ \desc -> desc { flex = Flexible }
unify' variable1 variable2
unifyNumber svar name
| name `elem` ["Int","Float","number"] = flexAndUnify svar
| otherwise = TS.addError region (Just hint) variable1 variable2
where hint = "A number must be an Int or Float."
comparableError maybe =
TS.addError region (Just $ Maybe.fromMaybe msg maybe) variable1 variable2
where msg = "A comparable must be an Int, Float, Char, String, list, or tuple."
unifyComparable var name
| name `elem` ["Int","Float","Char","String","comparable"] = flexAndUnify var
| otherwise = comparableError Nothing
unifyComparableStructure varSuper varFlex =
do struct <- liftIO $ collectApps varFlex
case struct of
Other -> comparableError Nothing
List v -> do flexAndUnify varSuper
unify' v =<< liftIO (var $ Is Comparable)
Tuple vs
| length vs > 6 ->
comparableError $ Just "Cannot compare a tuple with more than 6 elements."
| otherwise ->
do flexAndUnify varSuper
cmpVars <- liftIO $ forM [1..length vs] $ \_ -> var (Is Comparable)
zipWithM_ unify' vs cmpVars
unifyAppendable varSuper varFlex =
do struct <- liftIO $ collectApps varFlex
case struct of
List _ -> flexAndUnify varSuper
_ -> comparableError Nothing
rigidError variable = TS.addError region (Just hint) variable1 variable2
var = "'" ++ render (pretty Never variable) ++ "'"
hint = "Cannot unify rigid type variable " ++ var ++
".\nThe problem probably relates to a type annotation. Note that rigid type\n\
\variables are not shared between a top-level and let-bound type annotations."
superUnify =
case (flex desc1, flex desc2, name desc1, name desc2) of
(Is super1, Is super2, _, _)
| super1 == super2 -> merge
(Is Number, Is Comparable, _, _) -> merge1
(Is Comparable, Is Number, _, _) -> merge2
(Is Number, _, _, Just name) -> unifyNumber variable1 name
(_, Is Number, Just name, _) -> unifyNumber variable2 name
(Is Comparable, _, _, Just name) -> unifyComparable variable1 name
(_, Is Comparable, Just name, _) -> unifyComparable variable2 name
(Is Comparable, _, _, _) -> unifyComparableStructure variable1 variable2
(_, Is Comparable, _, _) -> unifyComparableStructure variable2 variable1
(Is Appendable, _, _, Just ctor)
| ctor `elem` ["Text.Text","String"] -> flexAndUnify variable1
(_, Is Appendable, Just ctor, _)
| ctor `elem` ["Text.Text","String"] -> flexAndUnify variable2
(Is Appendable, _, _, _) -> unifyAppendable variable1 variable2
(_, Is Appendable, _, _) -> unifyAppendable variable2 variable1
(Rigid, _, _, _) -> rigidError variable1
(_, Rigid, _, _) -> rigidError variable2
_ -> TS.addError region Nothing variable1 variable2
case (structure desc1, structure desc2) of
(Nothing, Nothing) | flex desc1 == Flexible && flex desc1 == Flexible -> merge
(Nothing, _) | flex desc1 == Flexible -> merge2
(_, Nothing) | flex desc2 == Flexible -> merge1
(Just (Var1 v), _) -> unify' v variable2
(_, Just (Var1 v)) -> unify' v variable1
(Nothing, _) -> superUnify
(_, Nothing) -> superUnify
(Just type1, Just type2) ->
case (type1,type2) of
(App1 term1 term2, App1 term1' term2') ->
do merge
unify' term1 term1'
unify' term2 term2'
(Fun1 term1 term2, Fun1 term1' term2') ->
do merge
unify' term1 term1'
unify' term2 term2'
(EmptyRecord1, EmptyRecord1) ->
return ()
(Record1 fields ext, EmptyRecord1) | Map.null fields -> unify' ext variable2
(EmptyRecord1, Record1 fields ext) | Map.null fields -> unify' ext variable1
(Record1 fields1 ext1, Record1 fields2 ext2) ->
do sequence . concat . Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWith (zipWith unify') fields1 fields2
let mkRecord fs ext = fresh . Just $ Record1 fs ext
case (Map.null fields1', Map.null fields2') of
(True , True ) -> unify' ext1 ext2
(True , False) -> do
record2' <- mkRecord fields2' ext2
unify' ext1 record2'
(False, True ) -> do
record1' <- mkRecord fields1' ext1
unify' record1' ext2
(False, False) -> do
record1' <- mkRecord fields1' =<< fresh Nothing
record2' <- mkRecord fields2' =<< fresh Nothing
unify' record1' ext2
unify' ext1 record2'
fields1' = unmerged fields1 fields2
fields2' = unmerged fields2 fields1
unmerged a b = Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.union (Map.intersectionWith eat a b) a
eat (_:xs) (_:ys) = eat xs ys
eat xs _ = xs
_ -> TS.addError region Nothing variable1 variable2