Evan Czaplicki 9dd5dff279 Make AST more general and try to give its phases better names
Also change the constructors for the Pattern ADT
2014-02-10 00:17:33 +01:00

151 lines
6 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
{-| This module contains checks to be run *after* type inference has completed
successfully. At that point we still need to do occurs checks and ensure that
`main` has an acceptable type.
module Type.ExtraChecks (mainType, occurs, portTypes) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traverse
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Annotation as A
import qualified SourceSyntax.Expression as E
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import qualified SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint as SPP
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as ST
import qualified Transform.Expression as Expr
import qualified Type.Type as TT
import qualified Type.State as TS
import qualified Type.Alias as Alias
throw err = Left [ P.vcat err ]
mainType :: Alias.Rules -> TS.Env -> IO (Either [P.Doc] (Map.Map String ST.Type))
mainType rules env = mainCheck rules <$> Traverse.traverse TT.toSrcType env
mainCheck :: Alias.Rules -> Map.Map String ST.Type -> Either [P.Doc] (Map.Map String ST.Type)
mainCheck rules env =
case Map.lookup "main" env of
Nothing -> Right env
Just mainType
| tipe `elem` acceptable -> Right env
| otherwise -> throw err
acceptable = [ "Graphics.Element.Element"
, "Signal.Signal Graphics.Element.Element" ]
tipe = SPP.renderPretty $ Alias.canonicalRealias (fst rules) mainType
err = [ P.text "Type Error: 'main' must have type Element or (Signal Element)."
, P.text "Instead 'main' has type:\n"
, P.nest 4 . SPP.pretty $ Alias.realias rules mainType
, P.text " " ]
data Direction = In | Out
portTypes :: Alias.Rules -> E.Expr -> Either [P.Doc] ()
portTypes rules expr =
const () <$> Expr.checkPorts (check In) (check Out) expr
check = isValid True False False
isValid isTopLevel seenFunc seenSignal direction name tipe =
case tipe of
ST.Data ctor ts
| isJs ctor || isElm ctor -> mapM_ valid ts
| ctor == "Signal.Signal" -> handleSignal ts
| otherwise -> err' True "an unsupported type"
ST.Var _ -> err "free type variables"
ST.Lambda _ _ ->
case direction of
In -> err "functions"
Out | seenFunc -> err "higher-order functions"
| seenSignal -> err "signals that contain functions"
| otherwise ->
forM_ (ST.collectLambdas tipe)
(isValid' True seenSignal direction name)
ST.Record _ (Just _) -> err "extended records with free type variables"
ST.Record fields Nothing ->
mapM_ (\(k,v) -> (,) k <$> valid v) fields
isValid' = isValid False
valid = isValid' seenFunc seenSignal direction name
isJs ctor =
List.isPrefixOf "JavaScript." ctor
&& length (filter (=='.') ctor) == 1
isElm ctor =
ctor `elem` ["Int","Float","String","Bool","Maybe.Maybe","_List"]
|| Help.isTuple ctor
handleSignal ts
| seenFunc = err "functions that involve signals"
| seenSignal = err "signals-of-signals"
| isTopLevel = mapM_ (isValid' seenFunc True direction name) ts
| otherwise = err "a signal within a data stucture"
dir inMsg outMsg = case direction of { In -> inMsg ; Out -> outMsg }
txt = P.text . concat
err = err' False
err' couldBeAlias kind =
throw $
[ txt [ "Type Error: the value ", dir "coming in" "sent out"
, " through port '", name, "' is invalid." ]
, txt [ "It contains ", kind, ":\n" ]
, (P.nest 4 . SPP.pretty $ Alias.realias rules tipe) <> P.text "\n"
, txt [ "Acceptable values for ", dir "incoming" "outgoing"
, " ports include JavaScript values and" ]
, txt [ "the following Elm values: Ints, Floats, Bools, Strings, Maybes," ]
, txt [ "Lists, Tuples, ", dir "" "first-order functions, ", "and concrete records." ]
] ++ if couldBeAlias then aliasWarning else []
aliasWarning =
[ txt [ "\nType aliases are not expanded for this check (yet) so you need to do that" ]
, txt [ "manually for now (e.g. {x:Int,y:Int} instead of a type alias of that type)." ]
occurs :: (String, TT.Variable) -> StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
occurs (name, variable) =
do vars <- liftIO $ infiniteVars [] variable
case vars of
[] -> return ()
var:_ -> do
desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor var
case TT.structure desc of
Nothing ->
modify $ \state -> state { TS.sErrors = fallback : TS.sErrors state }
Just _ ->
do liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor var (desc { TT.structure = Nothing })
var' <- liftIO $ UF.fresh desc
TS.addError (A.None (P.text name)) (Just msg) var var'
msg = "Infinite types are not allowed"
fallback _ = return $ P.text msg
infiniteVars :: [TT.Variable] -> TT.Variable -> IO [TT.Variable]
infiniteVars seen var =
let go = infiniteVars (var:seen) in
if var `elem` seen
then return [var]
else do
desc <- UF.descriptor var
case TT.structure desc of
Nothing -> return []
Just struct ->
case struct of
TT.App1 a b -> (++) <$> go a <*> go b
TT.Fun1 a b -> (++) <$> go a <*> go b
TT.Var1 a -> go a
TT.EmptyRecord1 -> return []
TT.Record1 fields ext -> concat <$> mapM go (ext : concat (Map.elems fields))