Evan Czaplicki 9dd5dff279 Make AST more general and try to give its phases better names
Also change the constructors for the Pattern ADT
2014-02-10 00:17:33 +01:00

154 lines
4.8 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Transform.SortDefinitions (sortDefs) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import SourceSyntax.Annotation
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Variable as V
ctors :: P.Pattern -> [String]
ctors pattern =
case pattern of
P.Var _ -> []
P.Alias _ p -> ctors p
P.Data ctor ps -> ctor : concatMap ctors ps
P.Record _ -> []
P.Anything -> []
P.Literal _ -> []
free :: String -> State (Set.Set String) ()
free x = modify (Set.insert x)
bound :: Set.Set String -> State (Set.Set String) ()
bound boundVars = modify (\freeVars -> Set.difference freeVars boundVars)
sortDefs :: Expr -> Expr
sortDefs expr = evalState (reorder expr) Set.empty
reorder :: Expr -> State (Set.Set String) Expr
reorder (A ann expr) =
A ann <$>
case expr of
-- Be careful adding and restricting freeVars
Var (V.Raw x) -> free x >> return expr
Lambda p e ->
uncurry Lambda <$> bindingReorder (p,e)
Binop op e1 e2 ->
do free op
Binop op <$> reorder e1 <*> reorder e2
Case e cases ->
Case <$> reorder e <*> mapM bindingReorder cases
Data name es ->
do free name
Data name <$> mapM reorder es
-- Just pipe the reorder though
Literal _ -> return expr
Range e1 e2 ->
Range <$> reorder e1 <*> reorder e2
ExplicitList es ->
ExplicitList <$> mapM reorder es
App e1 e2 ->
App <$> reorder e1 <*> reorder e2
MultiIf branches ->
MultiIf <$> mapM (\(e1,e2) -> (,) <$> reorder e1 <*> reorder e2) branches
Access e lbl ->
Access <$> reorder e <*> return lbl
Remove e lbl ->
Remove <$> reorder e <*> return lbl
Insert e lbl v ->
Insert <$> reorder e <*> return lbl <*> reorder v
Modify e fields ->
Modify <$> reorder e <*> mapM (\(k,v) -> (,) k <$> reorder v) fields
Record fields ->
Record <$> mapM (\(k,v) -> (,) k <$> reorder v) fields
Markdown uid md es -> Markdown uid md <$> mapM reorder es
PortOut name st signal -> PortOut name st <$> reorder signal
PortIn name st -> return $ PortIn name st
-- Actually do some reordering
Let defs body ->
do body' <- reorder body
-- Sort defs into strongly connected components.This
-- allows the programmer to write definitions in whatever
-- order they please, we can still define things in order
-- and generalize polymorphic functions when appropriate.
sccs <- Graph.stronglyConnComp <$> buildDefDict defs
let defss = map Graph.flattenSCC sccs
-- remove let-bound variables from the context
forM_ defs $ \(Definition pattern _ _) -> do
bound (P.boundVars pattern)
mapM free (ctors pattern)
let A _ let' = foldr (\ds bod -> A ann (Let ds bod)) body' defss
return let'
bindingReorder :: (P.Pattern, Expr) -> State (Set.Set String) (P.Pattern, Expr)
bindingReorder (pattern,expr) =
do expr' <- reorder expr
bound (P.boundVars pattern)
mapM_ free (ctors pattern)
return (pattern, expr')
reorderAndGetDependencies :: Def -> State (Set.Set String) (Def, [String])
reorderAndGetDependencies (Definition pattern expr mType) =
do globalFrees <- get
-- work in a fresh environment
put Set.empty
expr' <- reorder expr
localFrees <- get
-- merge with global frees
modify (Set.union globalFrees)
return (Definition pattern expr' mType, Set.toList localFrees)
-- This also reorders the all of the sub-expressions in the Def list.
buildDefDict :: [Def] -> State (Set.Set String) [(Def, Int, [Int])]
buildDefDict defs =
do pdefsDeps <- mapM reorderAndGetDependencies defs
return $ realDeps (addKey pdefsDeps)
addKey :: [(Def, [String])] -> [(Def, Int, [String])]
addKey = zipWith (\n (pdef,deps) -> (pdef,n,deps)) [0..]
variableToKey :: (Def, Int, [String]) -> [(String, Int)]
variableToKey (Definition pattern _ _, key, _) =
[ (var, key) | var <- Set.toList (P.boundVars pattern) ]
variableToKeyMap :: [(Def, Int, [String])] -> Map.Map String Int
variableToKeyMap pdefsDeps =
Map.fromList (concatMap variableToKey pdefsDeps)
realDeps :: [(Def, Int, [String])] -> [(Def, Int, [Int])]
realDeps pdefsDeps = map convert pdefsDeps
varDict = variableToKeyMap pdefsDeps
convert (pdef, key, deps) =
(pdef, key, Maybe.mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup varDict) deps)