2014-02-10 23:21:22 +01:00

191 lines
7.5 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Transform.Canonicalize (interface, metadataModule) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative,(<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Either as Either
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import SourceSyntax.Annotation as A
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import SourceSyntax.Module
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint (pretty)
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as Type
import qualified SourceSyntax.Variable as Var
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
interface :: String -> ModuleInterface -> ModuleInterface
interface moduleName iface =
{ iVersion = iVersion iface
, iTypes = Map.mapKeys prefix (Map.map renameType' (iTypes iface))
, iImports = iImports iface
, iAdts = map (both prefix renameCtors) (iAdts iface)
, iAliases = map (both prefix renameType') (iAliases iface)
, iFixities = iFixities iface -- cannot have canonicalized operators while parsing
, iPorts = iPorts iface
both f g (a,b,c) = (f a, b, g c)
prefix name = moduleName ++ "." ++ name
pair name = (name, moduleName ++ "." ++ name)
canon (name,_,_) = pair name
canons = Map.fromList $ concat
[ map canon (iAdts iface), map canon (iAliases iface) ]
renameCtors ctors =
map (prefix *** map renameType') ctors
renameType' =
runIdentity . renameType (\name -> return $ Map.findWithDefault name name canons)
renameType :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => (String -> m String) -> Type.Type -> m Type.Type
renameType renamer tipe =
let rnm = renameType renamer in
case tipe of
Type.Lambda a b -> Type.Lambda <$> rnm a <*> rnm b
Type.Var _ -> return tipe
Type.Data name ts -> Type.Data <$> renamer name <*> mapM rnm ts
Type.Record fields ext -> Type.Record <$> mapM rnm' fields <*> return ext
where rnm' (f,t) = (,) f <$> rnm t
metadataModule :: Interfaces -> MetadataModule -> Either [Doc] MetadataModule
metadataModule ifaces modul =
do case filter (\m -> Map.notMember m ifaces) (map fst realImports) of
[] -> Right ()
missings -> Left [ P.text $ "The following imports were not found: " ++ List.intercalate ", " missings ++
"\n You may need to compile with the --make flag to detect modules you have written."
program' <- rename initialEnv (program modul)
aliases' <- mapM (three3 renameType') (aliases modul)
datatypes' <- mapM (three3 (mapM (two2 (mapM renameType')))) (datatypes modul)
return $ modul { program = program'
, aliases = aliases'
, datatypes = datatypes' }
two2 f (a,b) = (,) a <$> f b
three3 f (a,b,c) = (,,) a b <$> f c
renameType' =
Either.either (\err -> Left [P.text err]) return . renameType (replace "type" initialEnv)
get1 (a,_,_) = a
canon (name, importMethod) =
let pair pre var = (pre ++ drop (length name + 1) var, var)
iface = ifaces Map.! name
allNames = concat [ Map.keys (iTypes iface)
, map get1 (iAliases iface)
, concat [ n : map fst ctors | (n,_,ctors) <- iAdts iface ] ]
in case importMethod of
As alias -> map (pair (alias ++ ".")) allNames
Hiding vars -> map (pair "") $ filter (flip Set.notMember vs) allNames
where vs = Set.fromList vars
Importing vars -> map (pair "") $ filter (flip Set.member vs) allNames
where vs = Set.fromList $ map (\v -> name ++ "." ++ v) vars
two n = (n,n)
localEnv = map two (map get1 (aliases modul) ++ map get1 (datatypes modul))
globalEnv =
map two $ ["_List",saveEnvName,"::","[]","Int","Float","Char","Bool","String"] ++
map (\n -> "_Tuple" ++ show (n :: Int)) [0..9]
realImports = filter (not . List.isPrefixOf "Native." . fst) (imports modul)
initialEnv = Map.fromList (concatMap canon realImports ++ localEnv ++ globalEnv)
type Env = Map.Map String String
extend :: Env -> P.Pattern -> Env
extend env pattern = Map.union (Map.fromList (zip xs xs)) env
where xs = P.boundVarList pattern
replace :: String -> Env -> String -> Either String String
replace variable env v =
if List.isPrefixOf "Native." v then return v else
case Map.lookup v env of
Just v' -> return v'
Nothing -> Left $ "Could not find " ++ variable ++ " '" ++ v ++ "'." ++ msg
matches = filter (List.isInfixOf v) (Map.keys env)
msg = if null matches then "" else
"\nClose matches include: " ++ List.intercalate ", " matches
-- TODO: Var.Raw -> Var.Canonical
rename :: Env -> Expr -> Either [Doc] Expr
rename env (A ann expr) =
let rnm = rename env
throw err = Left [ P.vcat [ P.text "Error" <+> pretty ann <> P.colon
, P.text err
format = Either.either throw return
renameType' environ = renameType (format . replace "variable" environ)
A ann <$>
case expr of
Literal _ -> return expr
Range e1 e2 -> Range <$> rnm e1 <*> rnm e2
Access e x -> Access <$> rnm e <*> return x
Remove e x -> flip Remove x <$> rnm e
Insert e x v -> flip Insert x <$> rnm e <*> rnm v
Modify e fs ->
Modify <$> rnm e <*> mapM (\(k,v) -> (,) k <$> rnm v) fs
Record fs -> Record <$> mapM (\(k,v) -> (,) k <$> rnm v) fs
Binop op e1 e2 ->
do op' <- format (replace "variable" env op)
Binop op' <$> rnm e1 <*> rnm e2
Lambda pattern e ->
let env' = extend env pattern in
Lambda <$> format (renamePattern env' pattern) <*> rename env' e
App e1 e2 -> App <$> rnm e1 <*> rnm e2
MultiIf ps -> MultiIf <$> mapM grnm ps
where grnm (b,e) = (,) <$> rnm b <*> rnm e
Let defs e -> Let <$> mapM rename' defs <*> rename env' e
env' = foldl extend env $ map (\(Definition p _ _) -> p) defs
rename' (Definition p body mtipe) =
Definition <$> format (renamePattern env' p)
<*> rename env' body
<*> T.traverse (renameType' env') mtipe
-- TODO: Raw -> Canonical
Var (Var.Raw x) -> rawVar <$> format (replace "variable" env x)
Data name es -> Data name <$> mapM rnm es
ExplicitList es -> ExplicitList <$> mapM rnm es
Case e cases -> Case <$> rnm e <*> mapM branch cases
branch (pattern,b) = (,) <$> format (renamePattern env pattern)
<*> rename (extend env pattern) b
Markdown uid md es -> Markdown uid md <$> mapM rnm es
PortIn name st -> PortIn name <$> renameType' env st
PortOut name st signal -> PortOut name <$> renameType' env st <*> rnm signal
renamePattern :: Env -> P.Pattern -> Either String P.Pattern
renamePattern env pattern =
case pattern of
P.Var _ -> return pattern
P.Literal _ -> return pattern
P.Record _ -> return pattern
P.Anything -> return pattern
P.Alias x p -> P.Alias x <$> renamePattern env p
P.Data name ps -> P.Data <$> replace "pattern" env name
<*> mapM (renamePattern env) ps