Evan Czaplicki 9dd5dff279 Make AST more general and try to give its phases better names
Also change the constructors for the Pattern ADT
2014-02-10 00:17:33 +01:00

99 lines
2.8 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module SourceSyntax.Declaration where
import Data.Binary
import qualified SourceSyntax.Expression as Expr
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as T
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
data Declaration' port def
= Definition def
| Datatype String [String] [(String,[T.Type])]
| TypeAlias String [String] T.Type
| Port port
| Fixity Assoc Int String
deriving (Show)
data Assoc = L | N | R
deriving (Eq)
data ParsePort
= PPAnnotation String T.Type
| PPDef String Expr.ParseExpr
deriving (Show)
data Port
= Out String Expr.Expr T.Type
| In String T.Type
deriving (Show)
portName :: Port -> String
portName port =
case port of
Out name _ _ -> name
In name _ -> name
type ParseDeclaration = Declaration' ParsePort Expr.ParseDef
type Declaration = Declaration' Port Expr.Def
instance Show Assoc where
show assoc =
case assoc of
L -> "left"
N -> "non"
R -> "right"
instance Binary Assoc where
get = do n <- getWord8
return $ case n of
0 -> L
1 -> N
2 -> R
_ -> error "Error reading valid associativity from serialized string"
put assoc = putWord8 $ case assoc of { L -> 0 ; N -> 1 ; R -> 2 }
instance (Pretty port, Pretty def) => Pretty (Declaration' port def) where
pretty decl =
case decl of
Definition def -> pretty def
Datatype tipe tvars ctors ->
P.hang (P.text "data" <+> P.text tipe <+> P.hsep (map P.text tvars)) 4
(P.sep $ zipWith join ("=" : repeat "|") ctors)
join c ctor = P.text c <+> prettyCtor ctor
prettyCtor (name, tipes) =
P.hang (P.text name) 2 (P.sep (map T.prettyParens tipes))
TypeAlias name tvars tipe ->
P.hang (P.text "type" <+> name' <+> P.equals) 4 (pretty tipe)
name' = P.text name <+> P.hsep (map P.text tvars)
Port port -> pretty port
Fixity assoc prec op -> P.text "infix" <> assoc' <+> P.int prec <+> P.text op
assoc' = case assoc of
L -> P.text "l"
N -> P.empty
R -> P.text "r"
instance Pretty ParsePort where
pretty port =
case port of
PPAnnotation name tipe -> prettyPort name ":" tipe
PPDef name expr -> prettyPort name "=" expr
instance Pretty Port where
pretty port =
case port of
In name tipe -> prettyPort name ":" tipe
Out name expr tipe -> P.vcat [ prettyPort name ":" tipe
, prettyPort name "=" expr ]
prettyPort :: (Pretty a) => String -> String -> a -> Doc
prettyPort name op e = P.text "port" <+> P.text name <+> P.text op <+> pretty e