
74 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Parse.Type where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>),(<*))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.Parsec
import SourceSyntax.Type as T
import Parse.Helpers
tvar :: IParser T.Type
tvar = T.Var <$> lowVar <?> "type variable"
list :: IParser T.Type
list = listOf <$> braces expr
tuple :: IParser T.Type
tuple = do ts <- parens (commaSep expr)
return $ case ts of
[t] -> t
_ -> tupleOf ts
record :: IParser T.Type
record =
do char '{' ; whitespace
rcrd <- extended <|> normal
dumbWhitespace ; char '}'
return rcrd
normal = flip T.Record Nothing <$> commaSep field
-- extended record types require at least one field
extended = do
ext <- try (lowVar <* (whitespace >> string "|"))
flip T.Record (Just ext) <$> commaSep1 field
field = do
lbl <- rLabel
whitespace >> hasType >> whitespace
(,) lbl <$> expr
capTypeVar :: IParser String
capTypeVar = intercalate "." <$> dotSep1 capVar
constructor0 :: IParser T.Type
constructor0 =
do name <- capTypeVar
return (T.Data name [])
term :: IParser T.Type
term = list <|> tuple <|> record <|> tvar <|> constructor0
app :: IParser T.Type
app =
do name <- capTypeVar <|> try tupleCtor <?> "type constructor"
args <- spacePrefix term
return (T.Data name args)
tupleCtor = do
n <- length <$> parens (many (char ','))
return $ "_Tuple" ++ show (if n == 0 then 0 else n+1)
expr :: IParser T.Type
expr =
do t1 <- app <|> term
arr <- optionMaybe $ try (whitespace >> arrow)
case arr of
Just _ -> T.Lambda t1 <$> (whitespace >> expr)
Nothing -> return t1
constructor :: IParser (String, [T.Type])
constructor = (,) <$> (capTypeVar <?> "another type constructor")
<*> spacePrefix term