2013-12-29 13:22:54 -08:00

73 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Elm.Internal.Version where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Binary
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Paths_Elm as This
import qualified Data.Version as Version
elmVersion :: Version
elmVersion = V ns ""
where (Version.Version ns _) = This.version
-- Data representation
data Version = V [Int] String
deriving (Typeable,Eq)
instance Ord Version where
compare (V ns tag) (V ns' tag') =
case compare ns ns' of
EQ -> compare tag' tag -- reverse comparison to favor ""
cmp -> cmp
instance Show Version where
show (V ns tag) =
List.intercalate "." (map show ns) ++ if null tag then "" else "-" ++ tag
instance Binary Version where
get = V <$> get <*> get
put (V ns tag) = do put ns
put tag
tagless :: Version -> Bool
tagless (V _ tag) = null tag
fromString :: String -> Maybe Version
fromString version = V <$> splitNumbers possibleNumbers <*> tag
(possibleNumbers, possibleTag) = break (=='-') version
tag = case possibleTag of
"" -> Just ""
'-':rest -> Just rest
_ -> Nothing
splitNumbers :: String -> Maybe [Int]
splitNumbers ns =
case span isDigit ns of
("", _) -> Nothing
(number, []) -> Just [read number]
(number, '.':rest) -> (read number :) <$> splitNumbers rest
_ -> Nothing
instance FromJSON Version where
parseJSON (String text) =
let string = T.unpack text in
case fromString string of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> fail $ unlines
[ "Dependency file has an invalid version number: " ++ string
, "Must have format 0.1.2 or 0.1.2-tag"
parseJSON _ = fail "Version number must be stored as a string."
instance ToJSON Version where
toJSON version = toJSON (show version)