
133 lines
4.9 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Build.Dependencies (getSortedDependencies, readDeps) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Aeson as Json
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath as FP
import Build.Print (failure)
import qualified SourceSyntax.Module as Module
import qualified Parse.Parse as Parse
import qualified Elm.Internal.Paths as Path
import qualified Elm.Internal.Name as N
import qualified Elm.Internal.Dependencies as Deps
getSortedDependencies :: [FilePath] -> Module.Interfaces -> FilePath -> IO [String]
getSortedDependencies srcDirs builtIns root =
do extras <- extraDependencies
let allSrcDirs = srcDirs ++ Maybe.fromMaybe [] extras
result <- runErrorT $ readAllDeps allSrcDirs builtIns root
case result of
Right deps -> sortDeps deps
Left err -> failure err
extraDependencies :: IO (Maybe [FilePath])
extraDependencies =
do exists <- doesFileExist Path.dependencyFile
if not exists then return Nothing else Just <$> getPaths
getPaths = do
raw <- BSC.readFile Path.dependencyFile
case Json.eitherDecode raw of
Right (Deps.Mini deps) -> mapM validate deps
Left err ->
failure $ "Error reading the " ++ Path.dependencyFile ++ " file:\n" ++ err
validate (name,version) = do
let path = Path.dependencyDirectory </> toPath name version
exists <- doesDirectoryExist path
if exists then return path else failure (notFound name version)
toPath name version = N.toFilePath name </> show version
notFound name version =
[ "Your " ++ Path.dependencyFile ++ " file says you depend on library"
, show name ++ " " ++ show version ++ " but it was not found."
, "You may need to install it with:"
, ""
, " elm-get install " ++ show name ++ " " ++ show version ]
type Deps = (FilePath, String, [String])
sortDeps :: [Deps] -> IO [String]
sortDeps depends =
if null mistakes
then return (concat sccs)
else failure $ msg ++ unlines (map show mistakes)
sccs = map Graph.flattenSCC $ Graph.stronglyConnComp depends
mistakes = filter (\scc -> length scc > 1) sccs
msg = "A cyclical module dependency or was detected in:\n"
readAllDeps :: [FilePath] -> Module.Interfaces -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO [Deps]
readAllDeps srcDirs rawBuiltIns filePath =
State.evalStateT (go Nothing filePath) Set.empty
builtIns :: Set.Set String
builtIns = Set.fromList $ Map.keys rawBuiltIns
go :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> State.StateT (Set.Set String) (ErrorT String IO) [Deps]
go parentModuleName filePath = do
filePath' <- lift $ findSrcFile parentModuleName srcDirs filePath
(moduleName, deps) <- lift $ readDeps filePath'
seen <- State.get
let realDeps = Set.difference (Set.fromList deps) builtIns
newDeps = Set.difference (Set.filter (not . isNative) realDeps) seen
State.put (Set.insert moduleName (Set.union newDeps seen))
rest <- mapM (go (Just moduleName) . toFilePath) (Set.toList newDeps)
return ((makeRelative "." filePath', moduleName, Set.toList realDeps) : concat rest)
readDeps :: FilePath -> ErrorT String IO (String, [String])
readDeps path = do
txt <- lift $ readFile path
case Parse.dependencies txt of
Left err -> throwError $ msg ++ show err
where msg = "Error resolving dependencies in " ++ path ++ ":\n"
Right o -> return o
findSrcFile :: Maybe String -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO FilePath
findSrcFile parentModuleName dirs path =
foldr tryDir notFound dirs
tryDir dir next = do
let path' = dir </> path
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist path'
if exists
then return path'
else next
parentModuleName' =
case parentModuleName of
Just name -> "module '" ++ name ++ "'"
Nothing -> "the main module"
notFound = throwError $ unlines
[ "When finding the imports declared in " ++ parentModuleName' ++ ", could not find file: " ++ path
, " If you created this module, but it is in a subdirectory that does not"
, " exactly match the module name, you may need to use the --src-dir flag."
, ""
, " If it is part of a 3rd party library, it needs to be declared"
, " as a dependency in your project's " ++ Path.dependencyFile ++ " file."
isNative :: String -> Bool
isNative name = List.isPrefixOf "Native." name
toFilePath :: String -> FilePath
toFilePath name = map swapDots name ++ ext
swapDots '.' = '/'
swapDots c = c
ext = if isNative name then ".js" else ".elm"