module Parse.Helpers where import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isUpper) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help import SourceSyntax.Location as Location import SourceSyntax.Expression import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Assoc) import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces,State) import Text.Parsec.Indent reserveds = [ "if", "then", "else" , "case", "of" , "let", "in" , "data", "type" , "module", "where" , "import", "as", "hiding", "open" , "export", "foreign" ] jsReserveds :: Set.Set String jsReserveds = Set.fromList [ "null", "undefined", "Nan", "Infinity", "true", "false", "eval" , "arguments", "int", "byte", "char", "goto", "long", "final", "float" , "short", "double", "native", "throws", "boolean", "abstract", "volatile" , "transient", "synchronized", "function", "break", "case", "catch" , "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "finally" , "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof", "new", "return", "switch" , "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "class" , "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super", "implements" , "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public" , "static", "yield" ] expecting = flip () type OpTable = Map.Map String (Int, Assoc) type IParser a = ParsecT String OpTable (State SourcePos) a iParse :: IParser a -> String -> Either ParseError a iParse = iParseWithTable "" Map.empty iParseWithTable :: SourceName -> OpTable -> IParser a -> String -> Either ParseError a iParseWithTable sourceName table aParser input = runIndent sourceName $ runParserT aParser table sourceName input backslashed :: IParser Char backslashed = do { char '\\'; c <- anyChar ; return . read $ ['\'','\\',c,'\''] } var :: IParser String var = makeVar (letter <|> char '_' "variable") lowVar :: IParser String lowVar = makeVar (lower "lower case variable") capVar :: IParser String capVar = makeVar (upper "upper case variable") qualifiedVar :: IParser String qualifiedVar = do vars <- many ((++) <$> capVar <*> string ".") (++) (concat vars) <$> lowVar rLabel :: IParser String rLabel = lowVar innerVarChar :: IParser Char innerVarChar = alphaNum <|> char '_' <|> char '\'' "" makeVar :: IParser Char -> IParser String makeVar p = do v <- (:) <$> p <*> many innerVarChar guard (v `notElem` reserveds) return v reserved :: String -> IParser String reserved word = try (string word >> notFollowedBy innerVarChar) >> return word "reserved word '" ++ word ++ "'" anyOp :: IParser String anyOp = betwixt '`' '`' qualifiedVar <|> symOp "infix operator (e.g. +, *, ||)" symOp :: IParser String symOp = do op <- many1 (satisfy Help.isSymbol) guard (op `notElem` [ "=", "..", "->", "--", "|", "\8594", ":" ]) case op of "." -> notFollowedBy lower >> return op "\8728" -> return "." _ -> return op arrow :: IParser String arrow = string "->" <|> string "\8594" "arrow (->)" hasType :: IParser String hasType = string ":" "':' (a type annotation)'" commitIf check p = commit <|> try p where commit = do (try $ lookAhead check) >> p spaceySepBy1 :: IParser b -> IParser a -> IParser [a] spaceySepBy1 sep p = do a <- p (a:) <$> many (commitIf (whitespace >> sep) (whitespace >> sep >> whitespace >> p)) commaSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] commaSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char ',' "comma ','") commaSep :: IParser a -> IParser [a] commaSep = option [] . commaSep1 semiSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] semiSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char ';' "semicolon ';'") pipeSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] pipeSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (char '|' "type divider '|'") consSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] consSep1 = spaceySepBy1 (string "::" "cons operator '::'") dotSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] dotSep1 p = (:) <$> p <*> many (try (char '.') >> p) spaceSep1 :: IParser a -> IParser [a] spaceSep1 p = (:) <$> p <*> spacePrefix p spacePrefix p = constrainedSpacePrefix p (\_ -> return ()) constrainedSpacePrefix p constraint = many $ choice [ try (spacing >> lookAhead (oneOf "[({")) >> p , try (spacing >> p) ] where spacing = do n <- whitespace constraint n indented failure msg = do inp <- getInput setInput ('x':inp) anyToken fail msg followedBy a b = do x <- a ; b ; return x betwixt a b c = do char a ; out <- c char b "closing '" ++ [b] ++ "'" ; return out surround a z name p = do char a ; whitespace ; v <- p ; whitespace char z unwords ["closing", name, show z] return v braces :: IParser a -> IParser a braces = surround '[' ']' "brace" parens :: IParser a -> IParser a parens = surround '(' ')' "paren" brackets :: IParser a -> IParser a brackets = surround '{' '}' "bracket" addLocation :: IParser (Expr t v) -> IParser (LExpr t v) addLocation expr = do start <- getPosition e <- expr end <- getPosition return ( start end e) accessible :: IParser (LExpr t v) -> IParser (LExpr t v) accessible expr = do start <- getPosition ce@(L _ e) <- expr let rest f = do let dot = char '.' >> notFollowedBy (char '.') access <- optionMaybe (try dot "field access (e.g.") case access of Nothing -> return ce Just _ -> accessible $ do v <- var "field access (e.g." end <- getPosition return ( start end (f v)) case e of Var (c:cs) | isUpper c -> rest (\v -> Var (c:cs ++ '.':v)) | otherwise -> rest (Access ce) _ -> rest (Access ce) spaces :: IParser String spaces = concat <$> many1 (multiComment <|> string " ") "spaces" forcedWS :: IParser String forcedWS = choice [ try $ (++) <$> spaces <*> (concat <$> many nl_space) , try $ concat <$> many1 nl_space ] where nl_space = try ((++) <$> (concat <$> many1 newline) <*> spaces) -- Just eats whitespace until the next meaningful character. dumbWhitespace :: IParser String dumbWhitespace = concat <$> many (spaces <|> newline) whitespace :: IParser String whitespace = option "" forcedWS "whitespace" freshLine :: IParser [[String]] freshLine = try (many1 newline >> many space_nl) <|> try (many1 space_nl) "" where space_nl = try $ spaces >> many1 newline newline :: IParser String newline = simpleNewline <|> lineComment "newline" simpleNewline :: IParser String simpleNewline = try (string "\r\n") <|> string "\n" lineComment :: IParser String lineComment = do try (string "--") comment <- anyUntil $ simpleNewline <|> (eof >> return "\n") return ("--" ++ comment) multiComment :: IParser String multiComment = (++) <$> try (string "{-") <*> closeComment closeComment :: IParser String closeComment = anyUntil . choice $ [ try (string "-}") "close comment" , concat <$> sequence [ try (string "{-"), closeComment, closeComment ] ] anyUntil :: IParser String -> IParser String anyUntil end = go where go = end <|> (:) <$> anyChar <*> go anyThen :: IParser a -> IParser a anyThen end = go where ignore p = const () <$> p go = end <|> do ignore multiComment <|> ignore anyChar go withSource :: IParser a -> IParser (String, a) withSource p = do start <- getParserState result <- p endPos <- getPosition setParserState start raw <- anyUntilPos endPos return (raw, result) anyUntilPos :: SourcePos -> IParser String anyUntilPos pos = go where go = do currentPos <- getPosition case currentPos == pos of True -> return [] False -> (:) <$> anyChar <*> go