module Graphics.Element where {-| Graphical elements that snap together to build complex widgets and layouts. Each Element is a rectangle with a known width and height, making them easy to combine and position. # Images @docs image, fittedImage, croppedImage, tiledImage # Styling @docs width, height, size, color, opacity, link, tag # Inspection @docs widthOf, heightOf, sizeOf # Layout @docs flow, up, down, left, right, inward, outward ## Layout Aliases There are also some convenience functions for working with `flow` in specific cases: @docs layers, above, below, beside # Positioning @docs spacer, container ## Specific Positions To create a `Position` you can use any of the built-in positions which cover nine common positions. @docs middle, midTop, midBottom, midLeft, midRight, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight If you need more precision, you can create custom positions. @docs absolute, relative, middleAt, midTopAt, midBottomAt, midLeftAt, midRightAt, topLeftAt, topRightAt, bottomLeftAt, bottomRightAt -} import open Basics import Native.Utils import JavaScript as JS import JavaScript (JSString) import List as List import open Color import Maybe (Maybe, Just, Nothing) type Properties = { id : Int, width : Int, height : Int, opacity : Float, color : Maybe Color, href : JSString, tag : JSString, hover : () } type Element = { props : Properties, element : ElementPrim } {-| Get the width of an Element -} widthOf : Element -> Int widthOf e = e.props.width {-| Get the height of an Element -} heightOf : Element -> Int heightOf e = e.props.height {-| Get the width and height of an Element -} sizeOf : Element -> (Int,Int) sizeOf e = (e.props.width, e.props.height) {-| Create an `Element` with a given width. -} width : Int -> Element -> Element width nw e = let p = e.props props = case e.element of Image _ w h _ -> {p| height <- round (toFloat h / toFloat w * toFloat nw) } RawHtml html -> {p| height <- snd (Native.Utils.htmlHeight nw html)} _ -> p in { element=e.element, props={ props | width <- nw } } {-| Create an `Element` with a given height. -} height : Int -> Element -> Element height nh e = let p = e.props props = case e.element of Image _ w h _ -> {p| width <- round (toFloat w / toFloat h * toFloat nh) } _ -> p in { element=e.element, props={ p | height <- nh} } {-| Create an `Element` with a new width and height. -} size : Int -> Int -> Element -> Element size w h e = height h (width w e) {-| Create an `Element` with a given opacity. Opacity is a number between 0 and 1 where 0 means totally clear. -} opacity : Float -> Element -> Element opacity o e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p| opacity <- o} } {-| Create an `Element` with a given background color. -} color : Color -> Element -> Element color c e = let p = e.props in { element = e.element , props = { p | color <- Just c} } {-| Create an `Element` with a tag. This lets you link directly to it. The element `(tag "all-about-badgers" thirdParagraph)` can be reached with a link lik this: `/facts-about-animals.elm#all-about-badgers` -} tag : String -> Element -> Element tag name e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p | tag <- JS.fromString name} } {-| Create an `Element` that is a hyper-link. -} link : String -> Element -> Element link href e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p | href <- JS.fromString href} } emptyStr = JS.fromString "" newElement w h e = { props = Properties (Native.Utils.guid ()) w h 1 Nothing emptyStr emptyStr (), element = e } data ElementPrim = Image ImageStyle Int Int JSString | Container Position Element | Flow Direction [Element] | Spacer | RawHtml JSString | Custom -- for custom Elements implemented in JS, see collage for example data ImageStyle = Plain | Fitted | Cropped (Int,Int) | Tiled {-| Create an image given a width, height, and image source. -} image : Int -> Int -> String -> Element image w h src = newElement w h (Image Plain w h (JS.fromString src)) {-| Create a fitted image given a width, height, and image source. This will crop the picture to best fill the given dimensions. -} fittedImage : Int -> Int -> String -> Element fittedImage w h src = newElement w h (Image Fitted w h (JS.fromString src)) {-| Create a cropped image. Take a rectangle out of the picture starting at the given top left coordinate. If you have a 140-by-140 image, the following will cut a 100-by-100 square out of the middle of it. croppedImage (20,20) 100 100 "yogi.jpg" -} croppedImage : (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> String -> Element croppedImage pos w h src = newElement w h (Image (Cropped pos) w h (JS.fromString src)) tiledImage : Int -> Int -> String -> Element tiledImage w h src = newElement w h (Image Tiled w h (JS.fromString src)) data Three = P | Z | N data Pos = Absolute Int | Relative Float type Position = { horizontal : Three, vertical : Three, x : Pos, y : Pos } {-| Put an element in a container. This lets you position the element really easily, and there are tons of ways to set the `Position`. To center `element` exactly in a 300-by-300 square you would say: container 300 300 middle element By setting the color of the container, you can create borders. -} container : Int -> Int -> Position -> Element -> Element container w h pos e = newElement w h (Container pos e) {-| Create an empty box. This is useful for getting your spacing right and for making borders. -} spacer : Int -> Int -> Element spacer w h = newElement w h Spacer data Direction = DUp | DDown | DLeft | DRight | DIn | DOut {-| Have a list of elements flow in a particular direction. The `Direction` starts from the first element in the list. flow right [a,b,c] +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ -} flow : Direction -> [Element] -> Element flow dir es = let ws = widthOf es hs = heightOf es newFlow w h = newElement w h (Flow dir es) in if es == [] then spacer 0 0 else case dir of DUp -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.sum hs) DDown -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.sum hs) DLeft -> newFlow (List.sum ws) (List.maximum hs) DRight -> newFlow (List.sum ws) (List.maximum hs) DIn -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) DOut -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) {-| Stack elements vertically. To put `a` above `b` you would say: a `above` b -} above : Element -> Element -> Element above hi lo = newElement (max (widthOf hi) (widthOf lo)) (heightOf hi + heightOf lo) (Flow DDown [hi,lo]) {-| Stack elements vertically. To put `a` below `b` you would say: a `below` b -} below : Element -> Element -> Element below lo hi = newElement (max (widthOf hi) (widthOf lo)) (heightOf hi + heightOf lo) (Flow DDown [hi,lo]) {-| Put elements beside each other horizontally. -} beside : Element -> Element -> Element beside lft rht = newElement (widthOf lft + widthOf rht) (max (heightOf lft) (heightOf rht)) (Flow right [lft,rht]) {-| Layer elements on top of each other, starting from the bottom. `(layers == flow outward)` -} layers : [Element] -> Element layers es = let ws = widthOf es hs = heightOf es in newElement (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) (Flow DOut es) -- Repetitive things -- absolute : Int -> Pos absolute = Absolute relative : Float -> Pos relative = Relative middle : Position middle = { horizontal=Z, vertical=Z, x=Relative 0.5, y=Relative 0.5 } topLeft : Position topLeft = { horizontal=N, vertical=P, x=Absolute 0, y=Absolute 0 } topRight : Position topRight = { topLeft | horizontal <- P } bottomLeft : Position bottomLeft = { topLeft | vertical <- N } bottomRight : Position bottomRight = { bottomLeft | horizontal <- P } midLeft : Position midLeft = { middle | horizontal <- N, x <- Absolute 0 } midRight : Position midRight = { midLeft | horizontal <- P } midTop : Position midTop = { middle | vertical <- P, y <- Absolute 0 } midBottom : Position midBottom = { midTop | vertical <- N } middleAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position middleAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } topLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position topLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } topRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position topRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } bottomLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position bottomLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } bottomRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position bottomRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } midLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } midRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } midTopAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midTopAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } midBottomAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midBottomAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } up : Direction up = DUp down : Direction down = DDown left : Direction left = DLeft right : Direction right = DRight inward : Direction inward = DIn outward : Direction outward = DOut