{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Main where import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Exit import System.IO import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Data.Text as Text import SourceSyntax.Helpers (isSymbol) import SourceSyntax.Type (Type(..)) import qualified SourceSyntax.Expression as E import qualified SourceSyntax.Declaration as D import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces) import Parse.Declaration (alias,datatype,infixDecl) import Parse.Expression (typeAnnotation) import Parse.Helpers import Parse.Module (moduleDef) data Flags = Flags { files :: [FilePath] } deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq) defaultFlags = Flags { files = def &= args &= typ "FILES" } &= help "Generate documentation for Elm" &= summary ("Generate documentation for Elm, (c) Evan Czaplicki") main = do flags <- cmdArgs defaultFlags mapM parseFile (files flags) config = Config { confIndent = 2, confCompare = keyOrder keys } where keys = ["name","document","comment","raw","aliases","datatypes" ,"values","typeVariables","type","constructors"] parseFile path = do source <- readFile path case iParse docs source of Right json -> do putStrLn $ "Documenting " ++ path let docPath = "docs" replaceExtension path ".json" createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName docPath) BS.writeFile docPath (encodePretty' config json) Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Parse error in " ++ path ++ " at " ++ show err exitFailure docs :: IParser Value docs = do (name, exports, structure) <- moduleDocs things <- document return $ documentToJson name exports structure things docComment :: IParser String docComment = do try (string "{-|") contents <- closeComment let reversed = dropWhile (`elem` " \n\r") . drop 2 $ reverse contents return $ dropWhile (==' ') (reverse reversed) moduleDocs = do optional freshLine (names,exports) <- moduleDef manyTill (string " " <|> newline "more whitespace") (lookAhead (string "{-|") "module documentation comment") structure <- docComment return (List.intercalate "." names, exports, structure) document :: IParser [(String, D.ParseDeclaration, String)] document = onFreshLines (\t ts -> ts ++ [t]) [] docThing docThing :: IParser (String, D.ParseDeclaration, String) docThing = uncommentable <|> commented <|> uncommented "" where uncommentable = do ifx <- infixDecl return ("", ifx, "") commented = do comment <- docComment freshLine uncommented comment uncommented comment = do (src,def) <- withSource $ choice [ alias, datatype, D.Definition <$> typeAnnotation ] return (comment, def, src) documentToJson name exports structure things = object $ [ "name" .= name , "document" .= structure , "values" .= toList values , "aliases" .= toList aliases , "datatypes" .= toList adts ] where (values, aliases, adts) = collect Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty things toList dict = map object . Map.elems $ filterPublics dict exportMap = Map.fromList (zip exports exports) filterPublics dict = case Map.null exportMap of True -> dict False -> Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Map.member k exportMap) dict collect infixes types aliases adts things = case things of [] -> (Map.union customOps nonCustomOps, aliases, adts) where nonCustomOps = Map.mapWithKey addDefaultInfix $ Map.difference types infixes addDefaultInfix name pairs | all isSymbol name = addInfix (D.L, 9 :: Int) pairs | otherwise = pairs customOps = Map.intersectionWith addInfix infixes types addInfix (assoc,prec) pairs = [ "associativity" .= show assoc, "precedence" .= prec ] ++ pairs (comment, decl, source) : rest -> case decl of D.Fixity assoc prec name -> collect (Map.insert name (assoc,prec) infixes) types aliases adts rest D.Definition (E.TypeAnnotation name tipe) -> collect infixes (insert name [ "type" .= tipe ] types) aliases adts rest D.TypeAlias name vars tipe -> let fields = ["typeVariables" .= vars, "type" .= tipe ] in collect infixes types (insert name fields aliases) adts rest D.Datatype name vars ctors -> let tipe = Data name (map Var vars) fields = ["typeVariables" .= vars , "constructors" .= map (ctorToJson tipe) ctors ] in collect infixes types aliases (insert name fields adts) rest where insert name fields dict = Map.insert name (obj name fields) dict obj name fields = [ "name" .= name, "raw" .= source, "comment" .= comment ] ++ fields instance ToJSON Type where toJSON tipe = case tipe of Lambda t1 t2 -> toJSON [ "->", toJSON t1, toJSON t2 ] Var x -> toJSON x Data name ts -> toJSON (toJSON name : map toJSON ts) Record fields ext -> object $ map (\(n,t) -> Text.pack n .= toJSON t) fields' where fields' = case ext of Nothing -> fields Just x -> ("_", Var x) : fields ctorToJson tipe (ctor, tipes) = object [ "name" .= ctor , "type" .= foldr Lambda tipe tipes ]