module Type.Environment where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad import qualified Control.Monad.State as State import qualified Data.Traversable as Traverse import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as Src import SourceSyntax.Module (ADT) import Type.Type type TypeDict = Map.Map String Type type VarDict = Map.Map String Variable data Environment = Environment { constructor :: Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)), aliases :: Map.Map String ([String], Src.Type), types :: TypeDict, value :: TypeDict } initialEnvironment :: [ADT] -> [(String, [String], Src.Type)] -> IO Environment initialEnvironment datatypes aliases = do types <- makeTypes datatypes let aliases' = Map.fromList $ map (\(a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))) aliases env = Environment { constructor = Map.empty, value = Map.empty, types = types, aliases = aliases' } return $ env { constructor = makeConstructors env datatypes } makeTypes :: [ADT] -> IO TypeDict makeTypes datatypes = Map.fromList <$> mapM makeCtor (builtins ++ map nameAndKind datatypes) where nameAndKind (name, tvars, _) = (name, length tvars) makeCtor (name, kind) = do ctor <- VarN <$> namedVar Constant name return (name, ctor) tuple n = ("_Tuple" ++ show n, n) kind n names = map (\name -> (name, n)) names builtins :: [(String,Int)] builtins = concat [ map tuple [0..9] , kind 1 ["_List"] , kind 0 ["Int","Float","Char","Bool"] ] makeConstructors :: Environment -> [ADT] -> Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)) makeConstructors env datatypes = Map.fromList builtins where list t = (types env Map.! "_List") <| t inst :: Int -> ([Type] -> ([Type], Type)) -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type) inst numTVars tipe = do vars <- forM [1..numTVars] $ \_ -> var Flexible let (args, result) = tipe (map VarN vars) return (length args, vars, args, result) tupleCtor n = let name = "_Tuple" ++ show n in (name, inst n $ \vs -> (vs, foldl (<|) (types env Map.! name) vs)) builtins :: [ (String, IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)) ] builtins = [ ("[]", inst 1 $ \ [t] -> ([], list t)) , ("::", inst 1 $ \ [t] -> ([t, list t], list t)) ] ++ map tupleCtor [0..9] ++ concatMap (ctorToType env) datatypes ctorToType :: Environment -> ADT -> [ (String, IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)) ] ctorToType env (name, tvars, ctors) = zip (map fst ctors) (map inst ctors) where inst :: (String, [Src.Type]) -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type) inst ctor = do ((args, tipe), (dict,_)) <- State.runStateT (go ctor) (Map.empty, Map.empty) return (length args, Map.elems dict, args, tipe) go :: (String, [Src.Type]) -> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO ([Type], Type) go (ctor, args) = do types <- mapM (instantiator env) args returnType <- instantiator env (Src.Data name (map Src.Var tvars)) return (types, returnType) get :: Environment -> (Environment -> Map.Map String a) -> String -> a get env subDict key = Map.findWithDefault err key (subDict env) where err = error $ "\nCould not find type constructor '" ++ key ++ "' while checking types." freshDataScheme :: Environment -> String -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type) freshDataScheme env name = get env constructor name instantiateType :: Environment -> Src.Type -> VarDict -> IO ([Variable], Type) instantiateType env sourceType dict = do (tipe, (dict',_)) <- State.runStateT (instantiator env sourceType) (dict, Map.empty) return (Map.elems dict', tipe) instantiator :: Environment -> Src.Type -> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO Type instantiator env sourceType = go sourceType where go :: Src.Type -> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO Type go sourceType = case sourceType of Src.Lambda t1 t2 -> (==>) <$> go t1 <*> go t2 Src.Var x -> do (dict, aliases) <- State.get case Map.lookup x dict of Just var -> return (VarN var) Nothing -> case Map.lookup x aliases of Just t -> return t Nothing -> do var <- State.liftIO $ namedVar flex x State.put (Map.insert x var dict, aliases) return (VarN var) where flex | "number" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Number | "comparable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Comparable | "appendable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Appendable | otherwise = Flexible Src.Data "String" [] -> return (get env types "_List" <| get env types "Char") Src.Data name ts -> do ts' <- mapM go ts case Map.lookup name (types env) of Just t -> return $ foldl (<|) t ts' Nothing -> case Map.lookup name (aliases env) of Nothing -> error $ "\nCould not find type constructor '" ++ name ++ "' while checking types." Just (tvars, t) -> let tvarLen = length tvars msg = "\nType alias '" ++ name ++ "' expects " ++ show tvarLen ++ " type argument" ++ (if tvarLen == 1 then "" else "s") ++ " but was given " ++ show (length ts') in if length ts' /= length tvars then error msg else do (dict, aliases) <- State.get State.put (dict, Map.union aliases . Map.fromList $ zip tvars ts') go t Src.EmptyRecord -> return (TermN EmptyRecord1) Src.Record fields ext -> TermN <$> (Record1 <$> Traverse.traverse (mapM go) (Src.fieldMap fields) <*> go ext)