{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-} module Generate.JavaScript.Helpers where import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax split :: String -> [String] split = go [] where go vars str = case break (=='.') str of (x,_:rest) | Help.isOp x -> vars ++ [x ++ '.' : rest] | otherwise -> go (vars ++ [x]) rest (x,[]) -> vars ++ [x] var name = Id () name ref name = VarRef () (var name) prop name = PropId () (var name) f <| x = CallExpr () f [x] ret e = ReturnStmt () (Just e) args ==> e = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) [ ret e ] function args stmts = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) stmts call = CallExpr () string = StringLit () dotSep vars = case vars of x:xs -> foldl (DotRef ()) (ref x) (map var xs) [] -> error "dotSep must be called on a non-empty list of variables" obj = dotSep . split equal a b = InfixExpr () OpStrictEq a b instanceof tipe x = InfixExpr () OpInstanceof x (ref tipe) typeof tipe x = equal (PrefixExpr () PrefixTypeof x) (string tipe) member field x = InfixExpr () OpIn (string field) x